
श्री लक्ष्मी नारायण स्तोत्रम्

श्री लक्ष्मी नारायण स्तोत्रम् श्रीनिवास जगन्नाथ श्रीहरे भक्तवत्सल । लक्ष्मीपते नमस्तुभ्यं त्राहि मां भवसागरात् ॥१॥ राधारमण गोविंद भक्तकामप्रपूरक । नारायण नमस्तुभ्यं त्राहि मां भवसागरात् ॥२॥ दामोदर महोदर सर्वापत्तिनिवारण । ऋषिकेश...

श्री लक्ष्मी नारायण स्तोत्रम्

श्री लक्ष्मी नारायण स्तोत्रम् श्रीनिवास जगन्नाथ श्रीहरे भक्तवत्सल । लक्ष्मीपते नमस्तुभ्यं त्राहि मां भवसागरात् ॥१॥ राधारमण गोविंद भक्तकामप्रपूरक । नारायण नमस्तुभ्यं त्राहि मां भवसागरात् ॥२॥ दामोदर महोदर सर्वापत्तिनिवारण । ऋषिकेश...

विंध्येश्वरी स्तोत्रम्(श्री विंध्येश्वरी स्तोत्...

श्री विंध्येश्वरी स्तोत्रम् निशुम्भ शुम्भ गर्जनी, प्रचण्ड मुण्ड खण्डिनी । बनेरने प्रकाशिनी, भजामि विन्ध्यवासिनी ॥ त्रिशूल मुण्ड धारिणी, धरा विघात हरिणी । गृहे-गृहे निवासिनी, भजामि विन्ध्यवासिनी ॥ दरिद्र दुःख हरिणी,...

विंध्येश्वरी स्तोत्रम्(श्री विंध्येश्वरी स्तोत्...

श्री विंध्येश्वरी स्तोत्रम् निशुम्भ शुम्भ गर्जनी, प्रचण्ड मुण्ड खण्डिनी । बनेरने प्रकाशिनी, भजामि विन्ध्यवासिनी ॥ त्रिशूल मुण्ड धारिणी, धरा विघात हरिणी । गृहे-गृहे निवासिनी, भजामि विन्ध्यवासिनी ॥ दरिद्र दुःख हरिणी,...

Brass Vastu Aura Booster: What It Is and How to...

In the world of holistic health and spiritual well-being, the concept of the aura—an energy field surrounding the body—is gaining attention. Just as physical health requires proper care and nourishment,...

Brass Vastu Aura Booster: What It Is and How to...

In the world of holistic health and spiritual well-being, the concept of the aura—an energy field surrounding the body—is gaining attention. Just as physical health requires proper care and nourishment,...

Why is Burning Camphor Associated with a Peacef...

Burning camphor has been a significant part of various cultural and religious practices for centuries. Its association with peace, purification, and spiritual well-being is profound and widespread, spanning across different...

Why is Burning Camphor Associated with a Peacef...

Burning camphor has been a significant part of various cultural and religious practices for centuries. Its association with peace, purification, and spiritual well-being is profound and widespread, spanning across different...

Significance of Betel Nut in Hinduism

Betel nut, known scientifically as Areca catechu, is a small, nut-like seed that grows on the Areca palm tree. It has been an integral part of various cultures, especially in...

Significance of Betel Nut in Hinduism

Betel nut, known scientifically as Areca catechu, is a small, nut-like seed that grows on the Areca palm tree. It has been an integral part of various cultures, especially in...

When Should I Take Laddu Gopal at Home?

Laddu Gopal, also known as Bal Gopal, is the child form of Lord Krishna, and keeping his idol at home is a cherished practice among many Hindu devotees. Bringing Laddu...

When Should I Take Laddu Gopal at Home?

Laddu Gopal, also known as Bal Gopal, is the child form of Lord Krishna, and keeping his idol at home is a cherished practice among many Hindu devotees. Bringing Laddu...