Malayalam Festivals Calendar 2024

Welcome to the vibrant world of Malayalam festivals! Steeped in tradition, culture, and spirituality, the Malayalam Festivals Calendar 2024 is your gateway to a year filled with joyous celebrations, religious fervor, and community gatherings.

The land of Kerala, nestled in the lush greenery of southwestern India, beckons you to immerse yourself in its rich tapestry of festivals, each offering a glimpse into the state's colorful heritage and age-old customs.

From the dazzling lights of Onam to the solemn prayers of Vishu, from the rhythmic beats of Thiruvathira to the joyous processions of Thrissur Pooram, the Malayalam calendar is replete with occasions that unite people across generations and communities.

Whether you're a local resident, an expatriate yearning for a taste of home, or a curious traveler eager to explore Kerala's cultural mosaic, this calendar serves as your compass to navigate through a year brimming with festivities.

Join us as we embark on a journey through time, exploring the significance, rituals, and unique charm of each festival that adorns the Malayalam calendar in 2024.

Malayalam Festivals Calendar 2024

Malayalam Festivals Malayalam Festivals Date Tithi
Hanuman Jayanthi *Tamil January 11, 2024, Thursday
Margashirsha, Krishna Amavasi
Makaram Sankramam January 15, 2024, Monday
Dhanu to Makaram transit of Sun
Pongal January 15, 2024, Monday
on Makaram Sankramam day
Makaravilakku January 15, 2024, Monday
based on Solar calendar
Thai Pooyam January 25, 2024, Thursday
based on Solar calendar
Kumbham Sankramam February 13, 2024, Tuesday
Makaram to Kumbham transit of Sun
Attukal Pongal February 25, 2024, Sunday
based on Malayalam calendar
Shivarathri March 8, 2024, Friday
Magha, Krishna Chaturdasi
Meenam Sankramam March 14, 2024, Thursday
Kumbham to Meenam transit of Sun
Painkuni Uthram March 25, 2024, Monday
Uthiram Nakshatram in Panguni month
Chandra Grahan *Upachchaya March 25, 2024, Monday
occurs during Pournami
Surya Grahan *Purna April 8, 2024, Monday
occurs during Amavasi
Matsyavathara Dinam April 11, 2024, Thursday
Chaitra, Shukla Trutheeya
Metam Sankramam April 13, 2024, Saturday
Meenam to Metam transit of Sun
Solar New Year April 13, 2024, Saturday
first day of Hindu Solar calendar
Vishu April 14, 2024, Sunday
based on Solar calendar
Shree Rama Navami April 17, 2024, Wednesday
Chaitra, Shukla Navami
Thrissur Pooram April 20, 2024, Saturday
based on Malayalam calendar
Chitra Pournami April 23, 2024, Tuesday
based on Solar calendar
Parashurama Jayanthi May 10, 2024, Friday
Vaishakha, Shukla Trutheeya
Akshaya Trithiya May 10, 2024, Friday
Vaishakha, Shukla Trutheeya
Shree Shankara Jayanthi May 12, 2024, Sunday
Vaishakha, Shukla Panchami
Itavam Sankramam May 14, 2024, Tuesday
Metam to Itavam transit of Sun
Narasimha Jayanthi May 21, 2024, Tuesday
Vaishakha, Shukla Chaturdasi
Kurmavathara Dinam May 23, 2024, Thursday
Vaishakha, Shukla Pournami
Mithunam Sankramam June 15, 2024, Saturday
Itavam to Mithunam transit of Sun
Karkatakam Sankramam July 16, 2024, Tuesday
Mithunam to Karkadakam transit of Sun
Guru Poornima July 21, 2024, Sunday
Ashadha, Shukla Pournami
Chingam Sankramam August 16, 2024, Friday
Karkadakam to Chingam transit of Sun
Malayalam New Year August 17, 2024, Saturday
first day of Chingam Masam
Avani Avittam
August 19, 2024, Monday
Ashtami Rohini August 26, 2024, Monday
based on Solar calendar
Varaha Jayanthi September 6, 2024, Friday
Bhadrapada, Shukla Trutheeya
Kerala Vinayaka Chathurthi September 7, 2024, Saturday
Chingam, Shukla Chathurthi
Rishi Panchami September 8, 2024, Sunday
Bhadrapada, Shukla Panchami
Vamana Jayanthi September 15, 2024, Sunday
Bhadrapada, Shukla Dwadasi
Onam September 15, 2024, Sunday
Sun in Chingam & Shravana Nakshatra
Vishwakarma Puja September 16, 2024, Monday
on Kanni Sankramam day
Kanni Sankramam September 16, 2024, Monday
Chingam to Kanni transit of Sun
Chandra Grahan *Anshika September 18, 2024, Wednesday
occurs during Pournami
Surya Grahan *Valayakara October 2, 2024, Wednesday
occurs during Amavasi
Navarathri October 3, 2024, Thursday
Ashwina, Shukla Pradhama
Durgashtami October 11, 2024, Friday
Ashwina, Shukla Ashtami
Maha Navami October 12, 2024, Saturday
Ashwina, Shukla Navami
Vijayadashami October 13, 2024, Sunday
Ashwina, Shukla Dasami
Vidyarambham Day October 13, 2024, Sunday
Ashwina, Shukla Dasami
Thulam Sankramam October 17, 2024, Thursday
Kanni to Thulam transit of Sun
Diwali November 1, 2024, Friday
Ashwina, Krishna Amavasi
Vrischikam Sankramam November 16, 2024, Saturday
Thulam to Vrishchikam transit of Sun
Mandalakala Begins November 16, 2024, Saturday
based on Malayalam calendar
Geeta Dinam December 11, 2024, Wednesday
Margashirsha, Shukla Ekadasi
Guruvayur Ekadasi December 11, 2024, Wednesday
based on Solar calendar
Karthigai Deepam December 13, 2024, Friday
based on Solar calendar
Dhanu Sankramam December 15, 2024, Sunday
Vrishchikam to Dhanu transit of Sun
Mandalakala Pooja December 26, 2024, Thursday
based on Malayalam calendar
Hanuman Jayanthi *Tamil December 30, 2024, Monday
Margashirsha, Krishna Amavasi



As the year draws to a close, we bid adieu to another chapter in the kaleidoscope of Malayalam festivals. Each celebration, with its own set of rituals and traditions, has woven its magic, fostering bonds of camaraderie, spirituality, and cultural pride.

From the vibrant colors of Pongala to the mesmerizing rhythms of Theyyam, from the solemn prayers of Ramadan to the jubilant processions of Christmas, the festivals of Kerala have once again showcased the state's rich tapestry of diversity and unity.

As we look forward to the dawn of a new year, let us carry with us the memories of these joyous occasions, cherishing the moments of togetherness and reflection they have bestowed upon us. May the spirit of camaraderie and celebration continue to illuminate our lives, transcending barriers and fostering harmony in the years to come.

Until we meet again to herald the arrival of another festive season, let us cherish the cultural treasures that adorn the Malayalam calendar, keeping alive the timeless traditions that define the soul of Kerala. Shubham Bhavatu, May all be auspicious!

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