Top 5 Remedies of Using Gomti Chakras

Gomti Chakras are mystical shells found in the Gomti River, which flows through the city of Dwarka in India. These small, circular shells have a natural spiral on one side and are revered for their spiritual and healing properties.

They are considered a sacred symbol of the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi and are used extensively in rituals and remedies to attract prosperity, protection, and positive energy.

This blog will delve into the top five remedies of using Gomti Chakras, exploring their unique benefits and the ways in which they can enhance your life.

1. Attracting Wealth and Prosperity

One of the most popular uses of Gomti Chakras is to attract wealth and prosperity. This belief is rooted in Hindu mythology, where the Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth, is associated with these shells.

Remedy and Procedure:

  • Collect Eleven Gomti Chakras: The number eleven is considered auspicious in Hinduism. Collect eleven Gomti Chakras and clean them thoroughly with clean water and milk to purify them.
  • Perform a Lakshmi Puja: On a Friday, which is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, perform a small puja (worship) at home. Light a diya (lamp) with ghee, offer flowers, and chant Lakshmi mantras.
  • Place the Chakras in Your Wallet or Cash Box: After the puja, place the Gomti Chakras in your wallet, cash box, or wherever you keep your money. This is believed to attract financial abundance and prevent financial losses.

Scientific Perspective:

While the spiritual aspect is prominent, the psychological impact of this remedy should not be overlooked. The act of performing a ritual can instill a sense of discipline and positive thinking, which in turn can lead to better financial decisions and a prosperous mindset.

2. Ensuring Protection and Removing Negative Energies

Gomti Chakras are also known for their protective properties. They are believed to ward off negative energies, evil eyes, and harmful influences, creating a shield of positive energy around the user.

Remedy and Procedure:

  • Tie Gomti Chakras in Red Cloth: Take seven Gomti Chakras and tie them in a piece of red cloth. Red is a color often associated with protection and strength in Hindu rituals.
  • Hang at the Entrance: Hang this cloth bundle at the entrance of your home or workplace. This is believed to block negative energies from entering your space.
  • Carry as a Protective Talisman: Alternatively, you can carry a single Gomti Chakra in your pocket or purse as a protective talisman.

Scientific Perspective:

The use of talismans and amulets for protection is a common practice in many cultures. The belief in their protective power can have a placebo effect, providing psychological comfort and confidence in the face of adversity.

3. Enhancing Marital Harmony

Gomti Chakras are often used in remedies aimed at enhancing marital harmony and resolving conflicts between couples. Their calming and balancing properties are believed to foster love, understanding, and mutual respect.

Remedy and Procedure:

  • Place Under Pillow: Place a pair of Gomti Chakras under the pillow of both partners. This is believed to foster positive energy and understanding between the couple.
  • Perform a Joint Ritual: On a full moon night, both partners can perform a small ritual together. Light a candle, offer flowers to the Gomti Chakras, and recite a prayer for harmony and love.
  • Keep in the Bedroom: Keep a pair of Gomti Chakras in the bedroom, preferably in a small bowl with rose petals. This is believed to attract love and strengthen the marital bond.

Scientific Perspective:

These rituals can help couples by creating a shared activity that fosters communication and mutual respect. The symbolic act of placing Gomti Chakras under the pillow can serve as a daily reminder of their commitment to maintaining harmony in their relationship.

4. Boosting Career and Academic Success

Gomti Chakras are also used to boost career and academic success. They are believed to enhance concentration, remove obstacles, and attract opportunities.

Remedy and Procedure:

  • Place on Study or Work Desk: Place a Gomti Chakra on your study or work desk. This is believed to enhance focus and remove obstacles to success.
  • Carry in Bag or Pocket: Carry a Gomti Chakra in your school bag, briefcase, or pocket. This is believed to bring good luck and open up opportunities for growth and success.
  • Perform a Concentration Ritual: Before starting your study or work session, hold the Gomti Chakra in your hand, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Visualize your goals and imagine the Gomti Chakra helping you achieve them.

Scientific Perspective:

The use of Gomti Chakras in this context can be seen as a motivational tool. The act of setting intentions and visualizing success can enhance focus and determination, leading to better performance in academic and professional endeavors.

5. Promoting Health and Well-Being

Gomti Chakras are also believed to have healing properties that promote health and well-being. They are used in remedies to alleviate physical ailments and enhance overall vitality.

Remedy and Procedure:

  • Use in Bath: Add a few Gomti Chakras to your bathwater. This is believed to cleanse the body of negative energies and promote physical healing.
  • Place Under Pillow: Place a Gomti Chakra under your pillow to ensure a restful sleep and protection from nightmares.
  • Create a Healing Amulet: Create a small amulet by tying a Gomti Chakra in a piece of white cloth. Wear this amulet around your neck or keep it in your pocket for ongoing health benefits.

Scientific Perspective:

The belief in the healing properties of Gomti Chakras can have a positive placebo effect. The rituals and practices associated with their use can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being, contributing to better health outcomes.

Integrating Gomti Chakras in Modern Life

While the traditional remedies involving Gomti Chakras are deeply rooted in spiritual practices, they can be seamlessly integrated into modern life. Here are some practical tips for incorporating Gomti Chakras into your daily routine:

1. Home Decor: Incorporate Gomti Chakras into your home decor. Place them in decorative bowls, use them as part of your meditation altar, or include them in your feng shui arrangements to attract positive energy.

2. Personal Accessories: Wear Gomti Chakras as jewelry. You can find bracelets, necklaces, and rings made with Gomti Chakras, allowing you to carry their protective and prosperous energy with you wherever you go.

3. Office Environment: Place Gomti Chakras on your office desk or workspace. This not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your workspace but also brings the benefits of focus, protection, and success.

4. Meditation Practices: Incorporate Gomti Chakras into your meditation practices. Hold a Gomti Chakra in your hand during meditation to enhance your connection with positive energy and spiritual guidance.

Historical and Mythological Significance

To fully appreciate the significance of Gomti Chakras, it is essential to understand their historical and mythological background.

In Hindu mythology, the Gomti River holds a special place as it is believed to be a manifestation of the Goddess Gomti, a form of the sacred river Ganga.

The Chakras found in this river are considered to be her blessings, imbued with divine energy and protective qualities.

Ancient Texts and Scriptures:

Ancient Hindu texts and scriptures mention the use of Gomti Chakras in various rituals and ceremonies.

These texts highlight their significance in attracting prosperity, ensuring protection, and promoting overall well-being.

Mythological Stories:

Several mythological stories emphasize the power of Gomti Chakras. For instance, one story narrates how a sage used Gomti Chakras to protect his ashram from negative energies and ensure the prosperity of his disciples.

Scientific Research and Validation

While the spiritual and mythological significance of Gomti Chakras is well-documented, there has been limited scientific research on their properties.

However, some studies suggest that the belief in their positive effects can have psychological benefits, such as reduced stress and improved mental well-being.

Placebo Effect:

The placebo effect is a well-recognized phenomenon in both medical and psychological research. Believing in the positive effects of Gomti Chakras can lead to actual improvements in mental and physical health.

This is because the mind and body are closely connected, and positive beliefs can enhance well-being.

Cultural Anthropology:

From a cultural anthropology perspective, the use of Gomti Chakras can be seen as part of a broader set of cultural practices that help communities cope with life's challenges.

These practices often involve rituals that foster a sense of community, continuity, and control over one's environment.

Modern-Day Applications and Innovations

With the growing interest in holistic and alternative healing practices, Gomti Chakras are finding new applications in modern-day life. Here are some innovative ways people are using Gomti Chakras today:

1. Energy Healing:

Practitioners of energy healing, such as Reiki, often use Gomti Chakras as tools to enhance the flow of positive energy. They place these shells on specific energy points (chakras) of the body to balance and align the body's energy fields.

2. Crystal Therapy:

Gomti Chakras are being incorporated into crystal therapy sessions. They are used alongside other crystals to amplify healing vibrations and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

3. Personal Development Workshops:

Personal development and self-help workshops sometimes use Gomti Chakras as symbols of transformation and growth. Participants may be given a Gomti Chakra to meditate with, helping them focus on their goals and manifest positive changes in their lives.

4. Online Spiritual Communities:

In the digital age, online spiritual communities have emerged where people share their experiences and remedies involving Gomti Chakras. These platforms provide a space for individuals to connect, share insights, and support each other in their spiritual journeys.




Gomti Chakras, with their rich spiritual and cultural heritage, offer a unique blend of mystical and practical benefits.

From attracting wealth and prosperity to ensuring protection, enhancing marital harmony, boosting career success, and promoting health and well-being, these sacred shells have a profound impact on various aspects of life.

Their integration into modern practices, coupled with ethical and sustainable sourcing, ensures that the tradition of using Gomti Chakras continues to thrive in contemporary times.

By embracing the remedies and rituals associated with Gomti Chakras, individuals can tap into their positive energy and transformative power.

Whether used in traditional ceremonies or modern spiritual practices, Gomti Chakras remain a cherished symbol of divine blessings, protection, and prosperity.

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