Daily Puja Vidhi at Home, Procedure and Mantra Japa at Home

Puja, the act of worship, is an essential practice in Hindu households. It is a way to show reverence to the divine, seek blessings, and maintain a spiritual connection.

Daily puja at home involves a series of rituals, chants, and offerings that help cleanse the mind, body, and soul, creating an atmosphere of peace and sanctity.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the daily puja vidhi (procedure) and mantra japa (chanting) at home, ensuring you can perform these rituals with devotion and proper understanding.

Importance of Daily Puja

Spiritual Discipline: Regular puja instills a sense of discipline, devotion, and spirituality in our daily lives.

Positive Atmosphere: It purifies the home environment, filling it with positive energy and vibrations.

Mental Peace: The rituals and chanting have a calming effect, promoting mental peace and emotional well-being.

Cultural Continuity: Daily puja helps preserve and pass on cultural and religious traditions to future generations.

Preparing for Daily Puja

1. Cleanliness

  • Personal Hygiene: Take a bath and wear clean clothes before starting the puja.
  • Puja Space: Ensure the puja room or altar is clean and tidy. Use water mixed with Ganga jal (holy water) to sprinkle around the area for purification.

2. Puja Items

  • Idols or Pictures: Place idols or pictures of the deities you worship.
  • Puja Thali (Plate): Include puja items like kumkum (vermillion), haldi (turmeric), chandan (sandalwood paste), flowers, incense sticks, diya (oil lamp), and naivedya (food offering).
  • Mantra Book or Script: Keep a book or script of the mantras you intend to chant.

Daily Puja Procedure (Puja Vidhi)

1. Dhyanam (Meditation)

  • Focus the Mind: Sit quietly for a few minutes, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Clear your mind of distractions.
  • Invocation: Mentally invoke the presence of the deity, visualizing their form and seeking their blessings.

2. Sankalpa (Intention)

  • Statement of Purpose: Take a small amount of water in your right hand, close your eyes, and state your intention for the puja. This could be for peace, health, prosperity, or specific blessings.

3. Aachamanam (Sipping Water)

  • Purification: Sip water thrice from the palm of your right hand, chanting the following mantras:
    • "Om Achyutaya Namaha"
    • "Om Anantaya Namaha"
    • "Om Govindaya Namaha"

4. Ganapati Puja

  • Invocation of Ganesha: Begin the puja by invoking Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles. Chant:
    • "Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha"
  • Offerings: Offer flowers, incense, and light a diya while chanting the mantra.

5. Kalasha Sthapana (Establishing the Kalash)

  • Kalash Setup: Place a copper or brass pot filled with water, mango leaves, and a coconut atop it.
  • Invocation: Chant mantras to invite the presence of the deity into the kalash.

6. Dhyana and Avahana (Meditation and Invocation)

  • Meditate: Close your eyes and meditate on the deity.
  • Invocation: Chant the deity's invocation mantra to invite them to your home and heart.

7. Offering Items (Upacharas)

  1. Asana (Seat): Offer a seat to the deity.
  2. Padya (Water for Washing Feet): Offer water to wash the deity's feet.
  3. Arghya (Water for Washing Hands): Offer water to wash the deity's hands.
  4. Achamaniya (Water for Sipping): Offer water for sipping.
  5. Snana (Bath): Offer water for a bath, symbolically bathing the deity.
  6. Vastra (Clothes): Offer clothes or a piece of cloth.
  7. Yajnopavita (Sacred Thread): Offer the sacred thread.
  8. Gandha (Sandalwood Paste): Apply sandalwood paste to the deity.
  9. Pushpa (Flowers): Offer flowers.
  10. Dhoopa (Incense): Light incense sticks and offer the fragrance.
  11. Deepa (Lamp): Light a ghee or oil lamp.
  12. Naivedya (Food Offering): Offer food, fruits, and sweets.
  13. Tambula (Betel Leaves): Offer betel leaves and nuts.
  14. Arati (Aarti): Perform aarti by waving the lamp in a circular motion in front of the deity while singing a devotional song.

8. Pradakshina and Namaskara (Circumambulation and Prostration)

  • Circumambulation: Walk around the deity's idol or picture three times, chanting the deity's name or mantra.
  • Prostration: Bow down and touch the ground with your forehead in front of the deity as a mark of respect.

9. Mantra Japa (Chanting)

  • Choose a Mantra: Select a mantra dedicated to the deity you are worshipping. Popular mantras include:
    • "Om Namah Shivaya" for Lord Shiva
    • "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya" for Lord Vishnu
    • "Om Sri Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha" for Goddess Lakshmi
  • Japa Mala (Rosary): Use a japa mala (rosary) with 108 beads to keep count of your chants.
  • Chant with Devotion: Sit comfortably, hold the mala in your right hand, and chant the mantra 108 times, using each bead to keep count. Focus on the meaning and sound of the mantra.

Detailed Explanation of Common Mantras

1. Om Namah Shivaya

  • Meaning: "I bow to Lord Shiva."
  • Benefits: This mantra is known for its power to purify the mind, body, and soul. It brings peace, protection, and blessings from Lord Shiva.

2. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

  • Meaning: "I bow to Lord Vasudeva (Krishna)."
  • Benefits: This mantra helps in attaining spiritual wisdom, divine protection, and the blessings of Lord Krishna.

3. Om Sri Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha

  • Meaning: "I bow to Goddess Maha Lakshmi."
  • Benefits: Chanting this mantra attracts prosperity, abundance, and the grace of Goddess Lakshmi.


Performing daily puja and mantra japa at home is a beautiful way to maintain a spiritual connection and invite divine blessings into your life.

It helps cultivate a sense of discipline, peace, and positivity, enhancing the overall atmosphere of your home. By following the detailed steps and understanding the significance of each ritual, you can ensure that your daily puja is performed with devotion and sincerity.

Remember, the essence of puja lies in your faith and dedication, and the divine will always respond to your heartfelt prayers.

ब्लॉग पर वापस जाएँ