Solah Somwar Vrat Katha, Puja Vidhi and Samagri List

Solah Somwar Vrat is a sacred Hindu fasting ritual observed on sixteen Mondays to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. This vrat holds great significance as it is believed to bring spiritual growth, fulfillment of desires, and removal of obstacles.

To perform this vrat effectively, certain essential samagri or items are required. Here are the key takeaways from the article:

Key Takeaways

  • Ganga Jal is considered pure and is used for purification during the vrat.
  • Roli and Akshat are used for tilak and offering to the deity.
  • Moli or sacred thread is tied around the wrist as a symbol of protection.
  • Ghee is used for offering in the sacred fire during the vrat rituals.
  • Incense sticks, camphor, flowers, fruits, and sweets are offered to the deity as part of the vrat rituals.

What is Solah Somwar Vrat?

Origin and Significance

Solah Somwar Vrat is a sacred fasting ritual observed by devotees of Lord Shiva. It is believed to have originated from ancient Hindu scriptures and holds great significance in Hindu mythology.

The word 'Solah' means sixteen, and 'Somwar' refers to Mondays, which are considered auspicious for Lord Shiva. This vrat is observed for sixteen consecutive Mondays to seek blessings, spiritual growth, and fulfillment of desires. Devotees follow strict rules and rituals during this vrat to show their devotion and dedication to Lord Shiva.

Rules and Rituals

Solah Somwar Vrat follows a set of rules and rituals that devotees must adhere to. These practices are believed to enhance the spiritual significance of the vrat and bring blessings and prosperity.

Some of the key rules and rituals include fasting from sunrise to sunset, abstaining from consuming certain food items, offering prayers and mantras, and performing specific pujas.

It is important to follow these guidelines with utmost devotion and sincerity to fully experience the benefits of the Solah Somwar Vrat.

Preparing for Solah Somwar Vrat

Choosing the Right Day

When it comes to choosing the right day for observing the Solah Somwar Vrat, it is important to consider the lunar calendar. The vrat is traditionally observed on Mondays, which are considered auspicious for Lord Shiva.

However, it is believed that the vrat is most effective when observed during the month of Shravan. During this month, the energy is heightened, and the blessings of Lord Shiva are said to be more readily available. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to start the vrat on the first Monday of Shravan and continue for sixteen consecutive Mondays.

Setting Intentions

Setting intentions is a crucial step in preparing for the Solah Somwar Vrat. It is a time to reflect on your goals and aspirations for the vrat and set a clear intention for what you hope to achieve.

Whether it is seeking spiritual growth, health and well-being, fulfillment of desires, or the removal of obstacles, setting intentions helps to focus your energy and align your actions with your desired outcomes.

During this step, take a few moments to sit in a quiet space and contemplate what you truly want to manifest during the vrat. Write down your intentions on a piece of paper or in a journal, and keep them in a sacred place as a reminder throughout the vrat.

Remember, the power of intention lies in your belief and dedication to your goals. By setting clear intentions, you are taking a proactive step towards manifesting your desires.

Creating a Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space is an essential step in preparing for the Solah Somwar Vrat. This space should be clean, peaceful, and dedicated solely to your spiritual practice. It can be a corner of your home or a separate room, as long as it is a place where you can focus and connect with the divine.

Decorate the space with symbols and objects that hold significance for you, such as statues of deities, pictures of spiritual gurus, or sacred scriptures. Lighting incense sticks and candles can also help create a serene atmosphere.

Remember, this space is meant to be a sanctuary for your soul, so make it a reflection of your devotion and reverence.

Essential Samagri for Solah Somwar Vrat

Ganga Jal

Ganga Jal is an essential item for the Solah Somwar Vrat. It is considered sacred and is used for purifying the surroundings and the devotees. Ganga Jal is believed to have the power to cleanse sins and bring blessings.

It is often used in various rituals and ceremonies. During the Solah Somwar Vrat, devotees sprinkle Ganga Jal on themselves and their surroundings as a form of purification and to invoke the blessings of the divine.

Roli and Akshat

Roli and Akshat are two important items used in Solah Somwar Vrat. Roli, also known as Kumkum, is a red powder made from turmeric and other natural ingredients. It is used to make tilak marks on the forehead and other parts of the body as a symbol of auspiciousness.

Akshat, on the other hand, refers to unbroken rice grains. These grains are considered pure and are used in various rituals and ceremonies. They are often offered to deities during prayers and pujas. Both Roli and Akshat play a significant role in enhancing the spiritual experience of the vrat.

Moli (Sacred Thread)

Moli, also known as the Sacred Thread, is an important element in the Solah Somwar Vrat. It is a symbol of protection and purity. The Moli is usually tied around the wrist of the person observing the vrat. It is believed to ward off negative energies and bring blessings.

The Moli can be made of various materials such as cotton, silk, or wool. It is often adorned with beads or other decorative elements. The Moli serves as a constant reminder of the commitment to the vrat and the spiritual journey.


Ghee is an essential item for the Solah Somwar Vrat. It is used in various rituals and offerings during the vrat. Ghee symbolizes purity and is considered sacred in Hindu rituals. It is used for lighting the diya (lamp), performing aarti, and preparing prasad (offering).

Ghee adds a rich and aromatic flavor to the food prepared for the vrat. It is believed that offering ghee to the deities during the vrat brings blessings and fulfillment of desires.

Incense Sticks

Incense sticks are an important part of the Solah Somwar Vrat. They are used to create a fragrant and peaceful atmosphere during the rituals.

The aroma of the incense sticks is believed to purify the surroundings and invoke positive energies. It is recommended to use natural and high-quality incense sticks for the vrat.

Here are some other essential samagri items for the Solah Somwar Vrat:

  • Ganga Jal: Holy water from the Ganges river, used for purification
  • Roli and Akshat: Vermilion and rice grains, used for tilak
  • Moli (Sacred Thread): A sacred thread tied around the wrist
  • Ghee: Clarified butter, used for offering
  • Camphor: Used for aarti
  • Flowers: Offered to the deity
  • Fruits and Sweets: Offered as prasad

Remember to gather all the necessary samagri items before starting the vrat. It is important to perform the vrat with devotion and sincerity.


Camphor is an essential item for performing the Solah Somwar Vrat. It is used during the evening rituals to invoke positive energy and purify the surroundings. When lit, camphor produces a fragrant smoke that is believed to ward off negative energies and bring peace and prosperity.

It is often accompanied by the chanting of mantras and the ringing of bells. Camphor is usually available in small cubes or tablets and can be easily found in local stores or online.


After offering the necessary items like Ganga Jal, Roli and Akshat, Moli (Sacred Thread), Ghee, Incense Sticks, Camphor, and Flowers, it is important to also include fruits and sweets as offerings.

These offerings symbolize purity, devotion, and gratitude towards the divine. The fragrance of the flowers and the sweetness of the fruits and sweets create a pleasant atmosphere during the vrat. It is believed that offering these items with love and sincerity brings blessings and fulfillment of desires.

Fruits and Sweets

Fruits and Sweets

Fruits and sweets are an important part of the Solah Somwar Vrat. They are offered as prasad to the deity and also consumed by the devotees. Fruits symbolize purity and are considered auspicious.

They are usually offered whole or cut into pieces. Some common fruits that are offered include bananas, apples, oranges, and mangoes. Sweets, on the other hand, represent sweetness and are offered as a symbol of gratitude and devotion. Some popular sweets that are offered include laddoos, pedas, and kheer.

It is important to choose fresh and seasonal fruits for the vrat. The sweets can be homemade or bought from a trusted source. It is also recommended to offer a variety of fruits and sweets to the deity to show gratitude and abundance.

Remember to wash the fruits thoroughly before offering them and ensure that the sweets are made with pure ingredients. This will enhance the spiritual significance of the offerings and bring blessings and positivity into your life.

Performing the Solah Somwar Vrat

Morning Rituals

The morning rituals of the Solah Somwar Vrat are an important part of the fasting practice. They help set the tone for the day and create a sacred atmosphere. Upon waking up, it is customary to take a bath and wear clean clothes. This purifies the body and prepares it for the day ahead.

Afterward, devotees often light a lamp and offer prayers to Lord Shiva. This is followed by chanting mantras and performing aarti. These rituals help to invoke positive energy and create a sense of devotion and gratitude.

It is believed that by starting the day with these rituals, one can receive the blessings of Lord Shiva throughout the day.

Fasting and Abstinence

During the Solah Somwar Vrat, it is important to observe complete fasting from sunrise to sunset. This means abstaining from consuming any food or drink during this time period. Fasting is a way to purify the body and mind, and it is believed to enhance the spiritual experience of the vrat.

In addition to fasting, it is also recommended to abstain from activities that may distract from the spiritual focus of the vrat. This includes avoiding watching television, using electronic devices excessively, and engaging in gossip or negative conversations.

To make the most of the fasting and abstinence during the Solah Somwar Vrat, it is beneficial to spend this time in quiet contemplation, meditation, and reading spiritual texts. This allows for deeper introspection and connection with the divine.

Remember, the purpose of fasting and abstinence is not just to abstain from physical nourishment, but also to cultivate a state of inner stillness and devotion.

Prayers and Mantras

Prayers and mantras play a significant role in the Solah Somwar Vrat. They are a way to connect with the divine and seek blessings. Chanting the panchakshara mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" is considered highly auspicious on this day.

This powerful mantra is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Devotees also recite other prayers and mantras to express their devotion and seek divine guidance. It is important to chant these mantras with sincerity and focus to fully experience the benefits of the Solah Somwar Vrat.

Offerings and Pujas

During the Solah Somwar Vrat, devotees make various offerings and perform pujas to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. These offerings can include:

  • Bilva leaves: Considered sacred to Lord Shiva, offering Bilva leaves during the puja is believed to bring good fortune and remove obstacles.
  • Milk: Pouring milk over the Shiva lingam is a common offering, symbolizing purity and devotion.
  • Water: Offering water to Lord Shiva represents the washing away of sins and purification of the soul.

Tip: While making offerings, it is important to do so with a pure heart and sincere devotion.

Benefits of Solah Somwar Vrat

Spiritual Growth

Solah Somwar Vrat is a powerful spiritual practice that can lead to profound spiritual growth. By observing this vrat with sincerity and devotion, individuals can deepen their connection with the divine and experience a heightened sense of spirituality.

The regular fasting, prayers, and rituals performed during the vrat help purify the mind, body, and soul, allowing for a greater understanding of oneself and the universe.

During the vrat, it is important to focus on self-reflection and introspection. This can be done through meditation, chanting mantras, and reading spiritual texts. By dedicating time and energy to these practices, individuals can cultivate a sense of inner peace, clarity, and enlightenment.

To enhance the spiritual growth experienced during Solah Somwar Vrat, it is recommended to seek guidance from a spiritual teacher or guru. Their wisdom and teachings can provide valuable insights and support on the spiritual journey.

Table: Benefits of Spiritual Growth

Inner peace
Clarity of mind
Increased compassion
Greater sense of purpose

Note: The benefits mentioned in the table are just a few examples and may vary for each individual.

Tip: To fully embrace the potential for spiritual growth during Solah Somwar Vrat, create a dedicated sacred space in your home where you can perform your rituals and connect with the divine. This space should be clean, peaceful, and free from distractions.

Health and Well-being

Taking care of your health and well-being is crucial during the Solah Somwar Vrat. This vrat not only helps in spiritual growth but also has numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being.

By observing this vrat, you can experience increased energy levels, improved digestion, and a sense of inner peace. It is important to maintain a balanced diet during the vrat and consume nutritious fruits and sweets. Additionally, practicing yoga and meditation can further enhance your overall health and well-being.

Fulfillment of Desires

In Hinduism, it is believed that Lord Shiva is a powerful and benevolent god who is capable of granting blessings and fulfilling the desires of his devotees. Devotees who observe the Solah Somwar Vrat with sincerity and devotion often experience the fulfillment of their wishes.

This vrat is considered to be a powerful way to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva and manifest one's desires into reality. By following the rituals and offering prayers with utmost faith, devotees can strengthen their connection with the divine and increase the likelihood of their desires being fulfilled.

If you have a specific wish or desire that you would like to be fulfilled, you can focus your prayers and intentions towards that during the Solah Somwar Vrat. It is important to have a clear and sincere intention, and to offer your prayers with complete faith and devotion.

Lord Shiva is known to be compassionate and responsive to the prayers of his devotees, and by observing this vrat, you can create a powerful spiritual practice to manifest your desires.

Removal of Obstacles

During the Solah Somwar Vrat, one of the significant benefits is the removal of obstacles. This vrat is believed to help individuals overcome challenges and hurdles in their lives.

By observing this vrat faithfully, devotees seek the blessings of the divine to clear their path and achieve their goals. It is a time to reflect on one's struggles and offer prayers for guidance and support.

Through the power of devotion and perseverance, the Solah Somwar Vrat can bring about positive changes and remove the obstacles that hinder progress.



In conclusion, the Essential Samagri List for Solah Somwar Vrat provides a comprehensive guide for individuals observing this auspicious fast. By following this list, one can ensure that they have all the necessary items to perform the vrat with devotion and dedication.

It is important to remember that the vrat is not just about the physical items, but also about the spiritual connection and discipline. So, gather the required samagri and embark on this spiritual journey with faith and devotion. May the blessings of Lord Shiva be with you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Solah Somwar Vrat?

Solah Somwar Vrat is a fasting ritual observed on sixteen Mondays to worship Lord Shiva.

What is the significance of Solah Somwar Vrat?

Solah Somwar Vrat is believed to bring blessings, fulfill desires, and remove obstacles from one's life.

How do I choose the right day for Solah Somwar Vrat?

The Solah Somwar Vrat is observed on Mondays, so any Monday can be chosen to start the vrat.

What are the rules and rituals of Solah Somwar Vrat?

The rules include fasting from sunrise to sunset, abstaining from certain foods, and performing prayers and rituals dedicated to Lord Shiva.

What is the significance of Ganga Jal in Solah Somwar Vrat?

Ganga Jal, or water from the holy river Ganges, is considered sacred and is used for purifying the mind and body during the vrat.

What are the essential offerings and pujas in Solah Somwar Vrat?

The essential offerings include flowers, fruits, sweets, incense sticks, camphor, ghee, and sacred thread, which are used during the pujas and prayers.

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