Shubh Muhurat to Start New Business in 2024

Are you considering taking the entrepreneurial plunge in 2024? Setting up a new business venture is not just about planning and execution; it's also about timing.

In many cultures, the auspicious timing of significant events is crucial for ensuring success and prosperity.

This tradition is particularly evident in the concept of "Shubh Muhurat," which refers to auspicious dates and times determined by Vedic astrology.

Let's delve into the auspicious Muhurat for starting a business in 2024 and unlock the secrets to a prosperous entrepreneurial journey.

Understanding Shubh Muhurat:

Shubh Muhurat, derived from Sanskrit, translates to "auspicious time." It is believed that initiating important endeavors during these favorable moments aligns with cosmic energies and increases the likelihood of success.

In the context of starting a business, selecting a Shubh Muhurat is seen as essential for laying a strong foundation and ensuring long-term growth and prosperity.

Office Opening Puja Samagri Kit

Factors Considered:

Determining the Shubh Muhurat for starting a business involves considering various astrological factors, including planetary positions, lunar phases, and auspicious planetary transits.

Astrologers analyze these elements to identify periods when the cosmic energies are most conducive to success and prosperity in business endeavors.

Additionally, cultural and regional customs may influence the selection of Shubh Muhurat, with certain dates and times holding special significance in specific communities.

Business Muhurat in January 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
1st January (Thursday)
10:25 AM - 01:18 PM
5th January (Friday)
09:30 AM - 10:58 PM
20th January (Saturday)
09:11 AM - 13:38 PM
27th January (Saturday)
07:43 AM - 11:35 AM


Business Muhurat in February 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
12th February (Monday)
07:40 AM - 09:08 AM
16th February (Friday)
07:30 AM - 10:17 AM
25th February (Sunday)
07:22 AM - 11:17 AM


Business Muhurat in March 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
3th March (Sunday)
06: 48 AM - 03:58 PM
6th March (Wednesday)
02:54 PM - 06:31 PM
7th March (Thursday)
06:44 AM - 08:23 AM
11th March (Monday)
06:41 AM - 06:33 PM


Business Muhurat in April 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
10th April (Wednesday)
07:28 AM - 08:20 AM and 10:15 AM -12:30 PM
11th April (Thursday)
06:41 AM - 08:16 AM
18th April (Thursday)
07:48 AM - 09:44 AM
25th April (Thursday)
07:21 AM - 11:31 AM


Business Muhurat in May 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
4th May (Saturday)
06:45 AM -10:56 AM
8th May (Wednesday)
10:40 AM -01:00 PM
9th May (Thursday)
06:51 AM - 08:21 AM and 10:36 AM -12:25 PM
17th May (Friday)
10:04 AM -12:25 PM
23rd May (Thursday)
07:39 AM -12:01 PM


Business Muhurat in June 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
13th June (Thursday)
06:08 AM -12:56 PM
19th June (Wednesday)
10:15 AM -12:32 PM
28th June (Friday)
07:19 AM -09:40 AM


Business Muhurat in July 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
8th July (Monday)
06:40 AM -09:00 AM and 11:18 AM - 01:34 AM
11th July (Thursday)
06:28 AM -11:06 AM
25th July (Thursday)
07:54 AM - 12:27 PM


Business Muhurat in August 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
5th August (Monday)
09:28 AM - 02:03 PM
7th August (Wednesday)
07:02 AM - 09:20 AM and 11:36 AM -12:11 PM
17th August (Saturday)
10:57 AM -12:18 PM
21th August (Wednesday)
07:19 AM - 01:00 PM


Business Muhurat in September 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
13th September (Friday)
09:11 AM - 01:49 PM


Business Muhurat in October 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
6th September (Sunday) 07:40-10:00
10th September (Thursday) 07:24-13:01
19th September (Saturday) 06:56-13:31
26th September (Saturday) 07:00-11:00
28th September (Monday) 07:16-08:33


Business Muhurat in November 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
2nd November (Saturday)
07:05 AM - 08:13 AM and 10:32 AM 12:36 PM
11th November (Monday)
12:01 PM 01:43 PM
16th November (Saturday)
07:18 AM - 01:23 PM
22nd November (Friday)
07:21 AM - 09:13 AM and 11:17 AM - 01:00 AM

Business Muhurat in December 2024

Date and Day
Auspicious Timings
13th December (Friday)
07:36 AM - 09:55 AM and 11:37 AM - 12:23 AM
19th December (Thursday)
11:14 AM - 12:41 PM


Shubh Muhurat to Start Business in 2024:

While specific Shubh Muhurat for starting a business in 2024 may vary based on individual astrological consultations and regional customs, there are general guidelines and auspicious periods recommended by Vedic astrologers. Here are some key dates and times to consider:

  • Akshaya Tritiya: Celebrated on the third day of the bright half of the Hindu lunar month of Vaishakha, Akshaya Tritiya is considered highly auspicious for new beginnings and investments. Starting a business on this day is believed to bring eternal prosperity and success.
  • Navratri: The nine-day festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga, Navratri is another auspicious time for starting a business. Initiating business endeavors during Navratri, especially on the ninth day (Navami), is believed to attract blessings and ensure growth and prosperity.
  • Diwali: The festival of lights, Diwali, symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and is celebrated with great enthusiasm across India. Starting a business around Diwali, particularly during the waxing phase of the moon, is considered auspicious for attracting abundance and prosperity.
  • Gudi Padwa: Celebrated as the Hindu New Year in the state of Maharashtra and other parts of India, Gudi Padwa marks the beginning of a new lunar year. Initiating a business venture on Gudi Padwa is believed to bring good luck and success in the year ahead.


As you contemplate embarking on the entrepreneurial journey in 2024, consider the auspicious timing of starting your business.

While the decision ultimately depends on various factors such as market research, business planning, and financial considerations, incorporating the insights of Shubh Muhurat can add an extra layer of auspiciousness and positivity to your entrepreneurial endeavors.

May the auspicious Muhurat guide you towards a path of success, prosperity, and fulfillment in your business ventures in 2024 and beyond.


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