Celebrate Varuthini Ekadashi in 2024

Varuthini Ekadashi is a revered day in the Hindu calendar, observed with great devotion by those seeking spiritual growth and the blessings of Lord Vishnu.

Falling in the waning phase of the moon in the month of Vaishakh, this day is marked by fasting and various religious practices.

As we approach Varuthini Ekadashi in 2024, let's explore its significance, rituals, and ways to celebrate this auspicious occasion, aiming for overall happiness and the ultimate goal of Moksha.

Key Takeaways

  • Varuthini Ekadashi is a significant observance in Hinduism, promising the erasure of sins and attainment of heaven for those who fast according to tradition.
  • In 2024, Varuthini Ekadashi will be observed during the waning phase of the moon in the month of Vaishakh, which corresponds to April-May in the Gregorian calendar.
  • Devotees engage in strict fasting, abstaining from certain foods, and participate in various rituals including temple services and community events.
  • The fast of Varuthini Ekadashi is equated with the spiritual merit of performing penance for ten years, emphasizing its profound religious importance.
  • Celebrating Varuthini Ekadashi involves understanding its philosophical aspects, such as the role of karma, the path to Moksha, and the cycles of time in Hindu thought.

Understanding Varuthini Ekadashi and Its Significance

The Story of Varuthini Ekadashi

Varuthini Ekadashi is a day imbued with deep spiritual significance in the Hindu tradition, observed on the 11th day of the waning moon during the Tamil month of "Marghazhi".

It is believed that observing the Varuthini fast is equivalent to being in penance for 10 years, offering devotees a path to overall happiness and spiritual growth.

According to the sacred narratives, Lord Krishna enlightened Yudhishthira about the profound importance of this day.

Observing the Varuthini Ekadashi fast with devotion and adherence to the prescribed rituals is said to absolve one of all sins, ultimately leading to the attainment of heaven.

The origin of Ekadashi is rooted in a divine occurrence when Lord Vishnu, upon being awakened by a disturbance, encountered a lady who emerged from his eleventh sense. She revealed herself as Ekadashi, marking the beginning of the tradition where devotees honor this day with fasting and reverence.

Spiritual Benefits of Observing the Fast

Observing Varuthini Ekadashi is believed to confer immense spiritual benefits that surpass many traditional religious practices.

Fasting on this auspicious day is said to be equivalent to the merit gained from performing the Ashwamedha Yagya, a grand Vedic ritual. It is a time for purification, spiritual progress, and a step towards liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

  • Fasting detoxifies the body, aiding in better circulation, respiration, and digestion.
  • It is linked to improved health, cleansing the blood, and enhancing kidney and liver functions.
  • Devotees may choose strict fasting, abstaining even from water, to deepen their spiritual experience.
The sincere observance of Varuthini Ekadashi, coupled with acts of charity, promises a life of happiness and longevity. Donating items such as a Kalash (sacred pot) is especially auspicious on this day.

The practice of fasting on Ekadashi is not only spiritually rewarding but also offers tangible health benefits.

It is considered as beneficial as taking numerous holy baths in the Ganges or performing acts of significant charity, both of which are highly esteemed for their purifying qualities.

Varuthini Ekadashi in the Hindu Calendar

Varuthini Ekadashi is a significant observance in the Hindu lunar calendar, falling on the 11th day of the waning moon period, known as Krishna Paksha, in the month of Vaishakh.

This day is dedicated to the worship of Lord Vishnu, with devotees seeking to cleanse their sins and ultimately attain heaven.

In the Hindu calendar, Ekadashi occurs twice each month, corresponding to the two lunar phases: Shukla Paksha (the bright half) and Krishna Paksha (the dark half). Varuthini Ekadashi is specifically associated with the Krishna Paksha. The uniqueness of the Hindu calendar means that some years can have an additional Ekadashi, known as Malamaas, bringing the total to 26.

The observance of Varuthini Ekadashi is believed to be equivalent to undergoing penance for ten years, highlighting its profound spiritual importance.

As we explore the Hindu calendar 2024, we find a tapestry of colorful festivals and traditions, each with its own set of rituals and significance. Varuthini Ekadashi is one such tradition that stands out in the cycle of time, offering a path for devotees to express their devotion and seek spiritual growth.

Rituals and Practices for Varuthini Ekadashi

Preparation for the Fast

Proper preparation is crucial for those intending to observe the Varuthini Ekadashi fast. Devotees should decide the type of fast they will undertake well in advance, whether it be a strict fast without water, a more lenient fast with fruits, or any other variation that suits their health and spiritual goals.

The decision should align with one's will and body power, ensuring the fast is observed with sincerity and without undue strain.

On the eve of Varuthini Ekadashi, it is recommended to eat light and easily digestible foods to prepare the body for the upcoming fast.

This meal, known as the 'pre-fast meal', should be consumed before sunset and should exclude grains, lentils, and certain vegetables like onions and garlic, which are traditionally avoided during Ekadashi.

The essence of the fast lies in its ability to purify the soul and bring the devotee closer to spiritual liberation, echoing the belief that observing Varuthini Ekadashi is more meritorious than many other religious acts.

On the day of the fast, waking up early, bathing, and engaging in meditation and worship of Lord Vishnu set the tone for a day dedicated to spiritual elevation.

Chanting, reciting Vrat Katha, and offering prayers are integral parts of the observance, culminating in the donation of the bhog to a Brahmin before breaking the fast.

Rituals on the Day of Ekadashi

On the day of Varuthini Ekadashi, devotees engage in a series of sacred rituals to honor Lord Vishnu and seek his blessings.

Fasting is the cornerstone of the day's observances, with individuals abstaining from food and, in some cases, water, to purify the body and spirit. The fast begins at sunrise and is maintained throughout the day until the following dawn.

  • Wake up early and take a holy bath, signifying the cleansing of the mind and soul.
  • Engage in prayers and meditation, focusing on Lord Vishnu to invite spiritual growth.
  • Refrain from consuming grains and cereals, as these are traditionally avoided on Ekadashi.
  • Participate in charitable acts and offer donations, embodying the spirit of giving and detachment.

Breaking the fast requires careful attention to timing and procedure, ensuring that the spiritual benefits are fully realized. It is a day marked by devotion and reflection, offering a path to greater spiritual awareness and merit.

Breaking the Fast: Dos and Don'ts

Breaking the fast on Varuthini Ekadashi requires mindfulness and adherence to traditional practices to ensure the spiritual benefits are fully realized.

Begin by offering bhog to Lord Vishnu, which typically includes simple, satvik food that has been prepared with devotion. It's important to avoid indulgence and maintain the sanctity of the fast even while breaking it.

  • Start with light food such as fruits or milk to gently awaken the digestive system.
  • Gradually introduce other allowed foods like Sabudana Khichdi, ensuring to add a Tulsi leaf if offering as bhog.
  • Strictly avoid grains, meat, and fish as they are prohibited on Ekadashi.
  • Conclude the fast by donating a portion of the bhog to a Brahmin, symbolizing charity and humility.
While breaking the fast, it is crucial to continue observing a non-violent and truthful demeanor, as the purity of thought and action significantly enhances the spiritual experience.

Celebrating Varuthini Ekadashi in 2024

Date and Timing for Varuthini Ekadashi 2024

In 2024, Varuthini Ekadashi falls on Saturday, May 4th. The fast begins on May 3rd at sunset and ends on May 5th at sunrise. Observers should note that the exact timing of the fast may vary based on local moon sightings and regional customs.

  • Begin: 03/05/2024 at sunset
  • End: 05/05/2024 at sunrise

This period is considered highly auspicious for spiritual activities and penance. It is believed that observing the Varuthini Ekadashi fast is equivalent to being in penance for 10 years, offering overall happiness and spiritual growth.

The Varuthini Ekadashi is a time for reflection, devotion, and renewal of faith. It is a day to honor the divine and seek blessings for a path of righteousness and spiritual enlightenment.

Community Events and Temple Services

In the spirit of Varuthini Ekadashi, temples across the country orchestrate a series of events and services to facilitate communal worship and personal devotion.

March 2024 is a month of vibrant cultural celebrations, from Brahmotsavams to Holi and Maha Shivratri, reflecting India's rich tapestry of traditions and community bonding through devotion.

Temples, both large and small, are adapting to the needs of devotees by offering a variety of services.

These range from live poojas, darshans, and aartis, tailored to individual budgets and requirements. Devotees can engage with these services either in person or through temple websites, where they can find details and even interact with the performing pandit ji.

During Varuthini Ekadashi, temples often extend their hours and increase the frequency of services to accommodate the influx of worshippers seeking blessings.

Here is a snapshot of the typical services provided during this auspicious time:

  • Live pooja and aarti sessions
  • Special darshan timings
  • Annadanam (free food distribution) at select times
  • Availability of religious offerings like the Tirumala Laddu

Temple websites are the best source for up-to-date information on event schedules, service timings, and any special arrangements made for Varuthini Ekadashi.

Ideas for Personal Observance

Celebrating Varuthini Ekadashi on a personal level can be a deeply fulfilling experience. Engage in meditation and self-reflection to connect with the spiritual essence of the day.

Consider setting aside time for reading scriptures, as they are believed to bring more merit than many other religious practices.

  • Create a serene atmosphere at home with traditional oil lamps and eco-friendly rangoli designs, drawing inspiration from Diwali 2024 home decor ideas.
  • Dedicate a part of your day to helping others, embodying the spirit of giving charity, which is highly regarded on this day.
Embrace the quietude of the fast and let it guide you towards inner peace and spiritual rejuvenation.

Remember, the personal observance of Varuthini Ekadashi is not just about following rituals, but also about the introspection and the commitment to one's spiritual growth.

The Philosophical Aspect of Varuthini Ekadashi

Karma and the Path to Moksha

In Hindu philosophy, karma refers to the actions and deeds that shape one's destiny in the current life and future incarnations.

The concept of karma is intricately linked to the path of moksha, which is the liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth. Observing Varuthini Ekadashi is believed to be a significant step towards achieving moksha, as it purifies the soul and aligns one's actions with spiritual goals.

  • Observance of Ekadashi is said to bring happiness, prosperity, and good health.
  • It is a time for reflection on one's actions and their consequences.
  • Fasting on Ekadashi is a practice that helps in the purification of the soul, mind, and body.
By dedicating oneself to the fast and rituals of Varuthini Ekadashi, an individual can make progress on the path to ultimate salvation and liberation. This day is an opportunity to transcend material desires and focus on spiritual growth.

The Ekadashi fast is not just a ritual but a means to connect with the divine, offering a respite from the materialistic world. It is a day to honor ancestors and seek blessings for oneself and one's family, leading to a more joyous and spiritually enriched life.

The Role of Fasting in Spiritual Growth

Fasting during Varuthini Ekadashi is more than a mere abstention from food and water; it is a profound spiritual discipline aimed at cleansing both the body and the soul.

Fasting on Ekadashi is believed to accelerate spiritual progress and assist in achieving liberation from the cycle of birth and death. This practice, known as 'Maha Vrat,' is deeply rooted in the philosophy of sacrifice and commitment to spiritual well-being.

The physical benefits of fasting are also significant, as it aids in detoxifying the body and enhancing vital functions such as circulation, respiration, and digestion.

Devotees may choose from various fasting methods, ranging from complete abstinence to consuming only fruits, milk, and nuts. Each method is a testament to the devotee's dedication and serves as a physical manifestation of their spiritual devotion.

The essence of Ekadashi fasting lies in its ability to purify the devotee's existence, bringing them closer to the divine and imbuing their lives with a sense of purpose and sanctity.

The positive effects of fasting extend beyond the physical, impacting the mind and spirit in ways that resonate through one's daily life.

It is said that the merits of observing the Ekadashi fast are comparable to the sacred acts of bathing in the Ganges or donating cows, both of which are highly esteemed for their spiritual significance.

Ekadashi and the Cycles of Time

In the Hindu tradition, Ekadashi is more than just a day of fasting; it is deeply intertwined with the cosmic cycles of time.

Every Ekadashi is a moment to recalibrate one's spiritual compass, aligning with the divine amidst the material world. The cycle of Ekadashi is based on the lunar calendar, with two Ekadashi days occurring each month - one during the bright half (Shukla Paksha) and one during the dark half (Krishna Paksha).

The observance of Ekadashi is a conscious step towards spiritual awakening, offering a regular opportunity for self-reflection and purification.

The significance of these days is not merely ritualistic but is rooted in the physiological and spiritual well-being of individuals.

According to Sadhguru, the human body undergoes a cycle called 'Mandala', which is closely aligned with the Ekadashi cycle. Observing Ekadashi every 48 days corresponds with this natural cycle, providing rest and rejuvenation for the body and mind.

Here is a brief overview of the Ekadashi cycle:

  • Shukla Paksha Ekadashi: Celebrated during the waxing phase of the moon, it is a time for positive actions and new beginnings.
  • Krishna Paksha Ekadashi: Occurs during the waning phase of the moon, a period for introspection and letting go of negativities.


As we approach Varuthini Ekadashi in 2024, it's important to reflect on the profound spiritual significance and the promise of overall happiness that this day holds.

Observing the fast on Varuthini Ekadashi, which falls on the 11th day of the waning moon period in the Tamil month of 'Marghazhi', is believed to be equivalent to ten years of penance.

According to Lord Krishna's teachings to Yudhishthira, those who fast with devotion on this day will have their sins erased and ultimately attain heaven.

Whether you are seeking blessings, atonement, or simply wish to participate in the rich tapestry of Hindu traditions, Varuthini Ekadashi offers a sacred opportunity to connect with the divine and reaffirm one's spiritual journey.

Let us embrace this auspicious occasion with reverence and joy, as we continue to uphold the timeless rituals that enrich our lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Varuthini Ekadashi and when is it celebrated in 2024?

Varuthini Ekadashi is a Hindu fasting day dedicated to Lord Vishnu, observed on the 11th day of the waning moon period in the Hindu month of Vaishakh. In 2024, Varuthini Ekadashi will be celebrated on a date that falls in April or May, depending on the lunar calendar.

What are the benefits of observing the Varuthini Ekadashi fast?

Observing the Varuthini Ekadashi fast is believed to bring overall happiness, erase sins, and lead to attaining heaven as per the teachings of Lord Krishna. It is considered equivalent to being in penance for ten years.

How should one prepare for the Varuthini Ekadashi fast?

Preparation for the fast typically includes abstaining from certain foods the day before, maintaining a clean and spiritual mindset, and planning to perform the fasting rituals with devotion on the day of Ekadashi.

Are there any specific rituals to be performed on Varuthini Ekadashi?

Yes, specific rituals include waking up early, taking a bath, offering prayers to Lord Vishnu, reciting scriptures, and engaging in meditation and charitable acts. Temples may also hold special services on this day.

What is the proper way to break the Varuthini Ekadashi fast?

The fast should be broken during the specific time window (parana) the next day after sunrise, typically by consuming light and sattvic food. It is important to avoid breaking the fast during the prohibited time (Hari Vasara).

Can Varuthini Ekadashi fasting lead to spiritual growth?

Yes, fasting on Varuthini Ekadashi is believed to aid in spiritual growth by helping devotees focus on their inner self, practice self-discipline, and enhance their devotion towards Lord Vishnu, ultimately contributing to their path to Moksha.

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