Tulsi Mangalashtak(तुलसी विवाह मंगलाष्टक)

The Tulsi Mangalashtak is a devotional hymn chanted during the sacred ritual of Tulsi Vivah, the ceremonial marriage of the Tulsi plant (holy basil) to Lord Vishnu or Krishna.

This auspicious occasion typically takes place on the eleventh day (Ekadashi) of the Hindu month of Kartik, marking the beginning of the wedding season in Hindu culture.

The Mangalashtak, consisting of eight verses, is sung with deep reverence to seek divine blessings and ensure a prosperous, harmonious life.

तुलसी विवाह मंगलाष्टक

॥ अथ मंगलाष्टक मंत्र ॥
ॐ श्री मत्पंकजविष्टरो हरिहरौ, वायुमर्हेन्द्रोऽनलः।
चन्द्रो भास्कर वित्तपाल वरुण, प्रताधिपादिग्रहाः ।
प्रद्यम्नो नलकूबरौ सुरगजः, चिन्तामणिः कौस्तुभः,
स्वामी शक्तिधरश्च लांगलधरः, कुवर्न्तु वो मंगलम् ॥1

गंगा गोमतिगोपतिगर्णपतिः, गोविन्दगोवधर्नौ,
गीता गोमयगोरजौ गिरिसुता, गंगाधरो गौतमः ।
गायत्री गरुडो गदाधरगया, गम्भीरगोदावरी,
गन्धवर्ग्रहगोपगोकुलधराः, कुवर्न्तु वो मंगलम् ॥2

नेत्राणां त्रितयं महत्पशुपतेः अग्नेस्तु पादत्रयं,
तत्तद्विष्णुपदत्रयं त्रिभुवने, ख्यातं च रामत्रयम् ।
गंगावाहपथत्रयं सुविमलं, वेदत्रयं ब्राह्मणम्,
संध्यानां त्रितयं द्विजैरभिमतं, कुवर्न्तु वो मंगलम् ॥3

बाल्मीकिः सनकः सनन्दनमुनिः, व्यासोवसिष्ठो भृगुः,
जाबालिजर्मदग्निरत्रिजनकौ, गर्गोऽ गिरा गौतमः ।
मान्धाता भरतो नृपश्च सगरो, धन्यो दिलीपो नलः,
पुण्यो धमर्सुतो ययातिनहुषौ, कुवर्न्तु वो मंगलम् ॥4

गौरी श्रीकुलदेवता च सुभगा, कद्रूसुपणार्शिवाः,
सावित्री च सरस्वती च सुरभिः, सत्यव्रतारुन्धती ।
स्वाहा जाम्बवती च रुक्मभगिनी, दुःस्वप्नविध्वंसिनी,
वेला चाम्बुनिधेः समीनमकरा, कुवर्न्तु वो मंगलम् ॥5

गंगा सिन्धु सरस्वती च यमुना, गोदावरी नमर्दा,
कावेरी सरयू महेन्द्रतनया, चमर्ण्वती वेदिका ।
शिप्रा वेत्रवती महासुरनदी, ख्याता च या गण्डकी,
पूर्णाः पुण्यजलैः समुद्रसहिताः, कुवर्न्तु वो मंगलम् ॥6

लक्ष्मीः कौस्तुभपारिजातकसुरा, धन्वन्तरिश्चन्द्रमा,
गावः कामदुघाः सुरेश्वरगजो, रम्भादिदेवांगनाः ।
अश्वः सप्तमुखः सुधा हरिधनुः, शंखो विषं चाम्बुधे,
रतनानीति चतुदर्श प्रतिदिनं, कुवर्न्तु वो मंगलम् ॥7

ब्रह्मा वेदपतिः शिवः पशुपतिः, सूयोर् ग्रहाणां पतिः,
शुक्रो देवपतिनर्लो नरपतिः, स्कन्दश्च सेनापतिः ।
विष्णुयर्ज्ञपतियर्मः पितृपतिः, तारापतिश्चन्द्रमा,
इत्येते पतयस्सुपणर्सहिताः, कुवर्न्तु वो मंगलम् ॥8
॥ इति मंगलाष्टक समाप्त ॥

Benefits of Chanting Tulsi Mangalashtak

Divine Blessings: Reciting the Tulsi Mangalashtak invokes the blessings of Goddess Tulsi and Lord Vishnu, ensuring divine protection and grace in all endeavors.

Spiritual Upliftment: Chanting these sacred verses fosters spiritual growth and a deeper connection with the divine, enhancing one's devotion and faith.

Purification of Mind and Soul: The holy vibrations of the Mangalashtak purify the mind and soul, promoting mental clarity, emotional balance, and inner peace.

Prosperity and Abundance: The ritual of Tulsi Vivah, accompanied by the chanting of the Mangalashtak, is believed to bring prosperity, success, and abundance into one's life.

Health and Well-being: Tulsi is revered for its medicinal properties. The spiritual act of honoring Tulsi through this hymn can contribute to overall health and well-being.

Harmonious Relationships: The blessings of Tulsi and Lord Vishnu help in nurturing loving and harmonious relationships, fostering understanding and unity among family members.

Removal of Obstacles: Chanting the Mangalashtak is said to remove obstacles and difficulties, paving the way for a smoother and more fulfilling life journey.

Environmental Harmony: Honoring the Tulsi plant emphasizes the importance of nature and environmental harmony, promoting respect and care for the natural world.


The Tulsi Mangalashtak, a vital part of the Tulsi Vivah ceremony, is a powerful hymn that brings the blessings of Goddess Tulsi and Lord Vishnu into devotees' lives.

By chanting these sacred verses with devotion and sincerity, one can experience spiritual upliftment, prosperity, and harmony in various aspects of life.

Celebrating the Tulsi Vivah and reciting the Mangalashtak underscores the deep connection between devotion, nature, and divine grace, enriching both individual and community life.

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