Sunderkand Path Pooja Samagri List(सुन्दरकाण्ड पूजन सामग्री)

Sunderkand Path Pooja is a revered Hindu ritual that involves the recitation of a specific chapter from the Ramayana called 'Sunderkand'. This ritual is known for its ability to bestow grace and blessings upon the devotees.

An essential aspect of conducting this pooja is the careful preparation and use of various materials and items, which hold significant religious importance. In this article, we explore the essential items, rituals, and guidelines for setting up the Sunderkand Path Pooja, as well as the traditions followed post-pooja.

Key Takeaways

  • A properly arranged Puja Thali with items like kumkum, Sindoor, Akshat, Paan leaf, and other essentials is crucial for Sunderkand Path Pooja.
  • Creating clay idols of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati and offering them sixteen makeup items is an integral part of the ritual.
  • Observing the Gangaur fast and performing rituals during the Brahma Muhurta enhances the spiritual experience of the pooja.
  • Purchasing the right pooja materials from temple shops and understanding their significance is important for maintaining the sanctity of the pooja.
  • Post-pooja traditions such as distributing Prasad, reflecting on the Sunderkand Path insights, and maintaining the spiritual ambiance are key to completing the pooja.

Sunderkand Path Puja Samagri List

सामग्री मात्रा
रोली 10 ग्राम
पीला सिंदूर 10 ग्राम
पीला अष्टगंध चंदन 10 ग्राम
लाल चन्दन 10 ग्राम
सफ़ेद चन्दन 10 ग्राम
लाल सिंदूर 10 ग्राम
हल्दी (पिसी) 50 ग्राम
हल्दी (समूची) 50 ग्राम
सुपाड़ी (समूची बड़ी) 100 ग्राम
लौंग 10 ग्राम
इलायची 10 ग्राम
सर्वौषधि 1 डिब्बी
सप्तमृत्तिका 1 डिब्बी
सप्तधान्य 100 ग्राम
पीली सरसों 50 ग्राम
नवग्रह चावल 1 पैकेट
जनेऊ 5 पीस
इत्र 1 शीशी
गरी का गोला (सूखा) 2 पीस
पानी वाला नारियल 1 पीस
जटादार सूखा नारियल 1 पीस
अक्षत (चावल) 1 किलो
धूपबत्ती 1 पैकेट
रुई की बत्ती (गोल / लंबी) 1-1 पैकेट
देशी घी 500 ग्राम
कपूर 20 ग्राम
कलावा 5 पीस
गंगाजल 1 शीशी
गुलाबजल 1 शीशी
चुनरी (लाल / पीली) 1/1 पीस
बताशा 500 ग्राम
लाल वस्त्र 1 मीटर
पीला वस्त्र 1 मीटर
झंडा हनुमान जी का 1 पीस
दोना (छोटा – बड़ा) 1-1 पीस
माचिस 1 पीस
आम की लकड़ी 2 किलो
नवग्रह समिधा 1 पैकेट
हवन सामग्री 500 ग्राम
तिल 100 ग्राम
जौ 100 ग्राम
गुड़ 500 ग्राम
कमलगट्टा 100 ग्राम
गुग्गुल 100 ग्राम
धूप लकड़ी 100 ग्राम
सुगंध बाला 50 ग्राम
सुगंध कोकिला 50 ग्राम
नागरमोथा 50 ग्राम
जटामांसी 50 ग्राम
अगर-तगर 100 ग्राम
इंद्र जौ 50 ग्राम
बेलगुदा 100 ग्राम
सतावर 50 ग्राम
गुर्च 50 ग्राम
जावित्री 25 ग्राम
कस्तूरी 1 डिब्बी
केसर 1 डिब्बी
शहद 50 ग्राम
पंचमेवा 200 ग्राम
पंचरत्न व पंचधातु 1 डिब्बी
धोती (पीली/लाल) 1 पीस
अगोंछा (पीला/लाल) 1 पीस

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Samagri from home

सामग्री मात्रा
मिष्ठान 500 ग्राम
पान के पत्ते (समूचे) 21 पीस
केले के पत्ते 5 पीस
आम के पत्ते 2 डंठल
ऋतु फल 5 प्रकार के
दूब घास 50 ग्राम
फूल, हार (गुलाब) की 2 माला
फूल, हार (गेंदे) की 2 माला
गुलाब/गेंदा का खुला हुआ फूल 500 ग्राम
तुलसी का पौधा 1 पीस
तुलसी की पत्ती 5 पीस
दूध 1 लीटर
दही 1 किलो
राम दरबार की प्रतिमा 1 पीस
हनुमान जी की प्रतिमा 1 पीस
सुन्दरकाण्ड की पुस्तक 11 पीस
आटा 100 ग्राम
चीनी 500 ग्राम
अखंड दीपक (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
तांबे का कलश (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
थाली 2 पीस
लोटे 2 पीस
कटोरी 4 पीस
चम्मच 2 पीस
परात 2 पीस
कैंची /चाकू (लड़ी काटने हेतु) 1 पीस
हनुमंत ध्वजा हेतु बांस (छोटा/ बड़ा) 1 पीस
जल (पूजन हेतु)
गाय का गोबर
बिछाने का आसन
चुनरी 1 पीस
अंगोछा 1 पीस
पूजा में रखने हेतु सिंदौरा 1 पीस
पंच पात्र
लकड़ी की चौकी 1 पीस
मिट्टी का कलश (बड़ा) 1 पीस
मिट्टी का प्याला 8 पीस
मिट्टी की दियाली 8 पीस
हवन कुण्ड 1 पीस

Step For Sunderkand Puja 

Preparing the Puja Thali

The preparation of the Puja Thali is a meditative process, setting the stage for the Sunderkand Path Pooja. Ensure that each item is placed with intention and reverence, as the thali represents the entirety of your offerings to the deities.

The Puja Thali is not just a collection of items; it is the embodiment of your devotion and the vessel through which your prayers are conveyed. Take the time to arrange each element neatly and with purpose, as this is the first step in honoring the divine.

Idol Setup and Decoration

The idol setup and decoration are pivotal in creating a divine ambiance for the Sunderkand Path Pooja. The idol of Lord Hanuman, the central figure of Sunderkand, is placed with reverence on an altar adorned with flowers and fabrics.

A red cloth is commonly used to cover the stool or platform where the idol is seated, symbolizing auspiciousness and energy.

The decoration of the puja area should resonate with the themes of devotion and purity, enhancing the spiritual experience for all attendees.

In addition to the main idol, other deities associated with the Sunderkand Path, such as Lord Rama, Goddess Sita, and Lord Lakshmana, may also be placed on the altar. Each idol should be decorated with sandalwood paste, vermillion (sindoor), and sacred threads (moli) to signify honor and respect.

A list of common items used for idol decoration includes:

  • Fresh flowers, particularly marigolds and roses
  • Incense sticks (agarbatti) and camphor (kapoor)
  • Decorative cloths and chunari
  • Sacred threads (moli) and beads
  • Oil lamps (diyas) to illuminate the puja space

The meticulous arrangement of these items not only beautifies the puja space but also sets the stage for a profound spiritual journey during the Sunderkand Path.

Offerings to Deities

The offerings to the deities during Sunderkand Path Pooja are a vital aspect of the ritual. Sandalwood, roli, and akshat are offered to Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, symbolizing respect and devotion.

Additionally, Goddess Parvati is adorned with sixteen makeup items, each signifying a different aspect of her divine beauty.

The lighting of the lamp and the performance of Aarti for Gangaur Mata mark the culmination of the offerings. Devotees take a pledge to fast, reflecting their commitment and reverence.

The offerings are not just limited to the deities but extend to the attendees as well. Prasad, which is a sacred food offering, is distributed among the people, creating a sense of community and shared blessings.

Concluding the Pooja with Aarti

The culmination of the Sunderkand Path Pooja is marked by the Aarti, an act of devotion and reverence.

Light the lamp and gently wave it in front of the deities to honor them and receive their blessings. This ritual symbolizes the removal of darkness and ignorance, ushering in a divine light of knowledge and purity.

The Aarti is accompanied by the singing of hymns and clapping, creating a resonant and uplifting atmosphere that encapsulates the essence of the Pooja.

Following the Aarti, it is customary to offer sandalwood, roli, and akshat to Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati.

For Goddess Parvati, present sixteen makeup items, signifying the solah shringar, which represents the sixteen ways of beautifying oneself. Conclude the ceremony by taking a pledge to fast, if one is observing the Gangaur fast.

Finally, distribute the Prasad among the attendees as a gesture of sharing the divine grace. The Prasad typically includes:

  • Sweet dishes
  • Fruits
  • Dry fruits
  • Other special items prepared for the occasion

This act of distribution not only shares the sanctity of the Pooja but also fosters a sense of community and togetherness among the participants.

Sunderkand Path Pooja Rituals

Sunderkand Path Pooja Rituals

Initiating the Pooja with Meditation

The Sunderkand Path Pooja begins with a serene meditation session, setting a tranquil tone for the rituals ahead. Meditation is crucial as it helps in centering the mind and aligning one's thoughts with the divine purpose of the pooja.

It is during this time that participants should focus on the deities, envisioning their presence and seeking their blessings for the pooja to unfold successfully.

  • Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back.
  • Close your eyes and take deep breaths to relax the body and mind.
  • Chant the chosen mantra softly or mentally to invoke the deities.
  • Visualize the forms of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, offering your respects.
The initial meditation is not just a formality but a profound practice that enhances the spiritual experience of the Sunderkand Path. It is a moment to surrender oneself to the divine will and seek guidance throughout the pooja.

Mahabhog and Prasad Distribution

Following the completion of the Sunderkand Path Pooja, the distribution of Mahabhog and Prasad marks a significant moment of communal sharing and blessings.

The Mahabhog, a grand offering of food, is prepared with devotion and is considered to be a divine part of the worship.

Pilgrims and devotees often partake in the Mahabhog within the temple premises, where it is distributed by the temple management. The cost is nominal, symbolizing the accessibility of God's grace to all. For those wishing to take a part of this sacred offering home, it can be purchased at a set price.

The act of distributing Prasad is a gesture of goodwill, symbolizing the spread of divine blessings from the deity to the devotees.

In addition to the Mahabhog, various Prasad items like peda, chura, and elaichi dana are available for purchase in the vicinity of the temple. These items not only serve as a blessed food but also as a memento of the spiritual experience.

Guidelines for Sunderkand Path Pooja Setup

Arranging the Puja Space

The sanctity of the Sunderkand Path Pooja is greatly influenced by the environment in which it is conducted. Careful arrangement of the puja space is crucial to ensure the flow of positive energy.

Begin by cleaning the area thoroughly, as cleanliness is next to godliness in Hindu tradition. The space should be quiet, well-ventilated, and free from distractions.

The puja space should be arranged in a manner that allows all participants to view the idol and partake in the rituals comfortably.

Ensure that the seating arrangement for the attendees is done in a way that everyone faces the idol or the direction advised by the scriptures. It is also important to have all the puja materials organized and within reach to avoid any interruptions during the ceremony. Below is a checklist to assist in the arrangement of the puja space:

  • Adequate seating for participants
  • Clean and decorated altar
  • Unobstructed view of the idol
  • Accessibility of puja materials
  • Proper lighting
  • Incense and flowers for ambiance

Selecting the Right Puja Materials

Selecting the appropriate materials for Sunderkand Path Pooja is crucial for the ceremony's sanctity and success. Ensure that all items are pure, unused, and obtained from a reliable source. It's advisable to prepare a checklist of items to avoid any last-minute rush and to maintain the spiritual ambiance of the pooja.

  • When selecting clothes for the pooja, opt for bright colors as they are considered auspicious in Hinduism. Avoid wearing off-color dresses, and try to complete the pooja in the morning to prevent discomfort due to the heat.

Post-Pooja Observances and Traditions

Distributing Prasad Among Attendees

Following the conclusion of the Sunderkand Path Pooja, the distribution of Prasad marks a moment of communal sharing and blessings.

The Prasad is a sanctified offering that carries the grace of the deities to all who partake in it. This act of distribution is not only a gesture of goodwill but also a means to disseminate the spiritual energy generated during the pooja.

The Prasad should be distributed evenly and respectfully, ensuring that each attendee receives a portion. It is a symbolic act that reinforces the sense of unity and devotion among the participants.

The process of distributing Prasad typically involves a systematic approach to ensure that all attendees are served. Here is a simple guideline to follow:

  • Begin with the elders and special guests.
  • Proceed to serve the rest of the attendees, moving systematically through the gathered crowd.
  • Ensure that the distribution is done with cleanliness and reverence, keeping the sanctity of the Prasad in mind.

It is important to remember that the Prasad is more than just food; it is a divine blessing that should be received with gratitude and humility.

Reflection and Sharing of Sunderkand Path Insights

The Sunderkand Path is a profound spiritual journey that leaves a lasting impact on its participants. Reflection on the teachings and insights gained during the Path is essential for personal growth and understanding. Participants often engage in discussions, sharing their experiences and the wisdom they have acquired.

  • Personal interpretations of the verses
  • Changes in spiritual or emotional well-being
  • Insights into the deeper meanings of the rituals
The collective sharing of experiences not only enriches the individual's spiritual journey but also strengthens the community's bond.

This exchange of insights fosters a deeper connection with the divine and reinforces the cultural significance of the Sunderkand Path. It is a time for attendees to internalize the lessons learned and to contemplate the transformative power of the Path in their lives.

Cultural Significance of Sunderkand Path in Hinduism

The Sunderkand Path holds a profound place in Hindu culture, embodying a rich tapestry of spiritual and traditional values.

It is a reflection of the deep-seated reverence for sacred texts and the collective aspiration for spiritual growth. The recitation of Sunderkand Path is not just a religious practice but a cultural event that brings communities together, fostering unity and shared devotion.

The Sunderkand Path, through its immersive narratives and hymns, offers a unique opportunity for devotees to connect with the divine. It serves as a medium for transmitting wisdom and ethical guidelines that have been preserved across generations.

The celebration of this path is marked by various rituals that resonate with the cultural ethos of Hinduism. These rituals, ranging from the Karma Puja to the recitation of scriptures like Soundarya Lahari and Lalitha Sahasranamam, create a divine atmosphere that is cherished by devotees.

The participation in these practices is a testament to the enduring legacy of Hindu traditions and their significance in the lives of the faithful.

Maintaining the Spiritual Ambiance Post-Pooja

The conclusion of the Sunderkand Path Pooja marks the beginning of a sustained spiritual ambiance that should permeate one's home and life.

Maintaining this serene atmosphere is crucial for extending the benefits of the pooja. To do so, regular meditation and recitation of mantras can be practiced to keep the essence of the Sunderkand Path alive.

The spiritual ambiance post-pooja is not just about the physical space but also about the mental space we nurture within ourselves.

Creating a dedicated space for daily worship can help in preserving the sanctity of the pooja experience. This space can be adorned with fresh flowers and the lighting of incense to invoke a sense of tranquility.

Additionally, engaging in post-pooja practices such as sharing insights and discussing the teachings can foster a community of like-minded individuals, further reinforcing the spiritual environment.

  • Meditation and mantra recitation
  • Daily worship in a dedicated space
  • Adorning the space with flowers and incense
  • Sharing insights and teachings


In conclusion, the Sunderkand Path Pooja is a deeply spiritual and significant ritual that requires meticulous preparation and devotion. The materials needed for this pooja range from traditional offerings like sandalwood, roli, and akshat to specific items such as the Sunder Kand Path banner poster.

Each item holds its own importance and contributes to the sanctity of the ceremony. It is essential to gather all the necessary materials, including the sixteen makeup items for Goddess Parvati, and to perform the rituals with utmost sincerity.

Whether it's the Karma Puja, Gangaur fast, or any other related ritual, adhering to the prescribed vidhi and offering prayers with a pure heart ensures the blessings of the deities.

The act of sharing Prasad and participating in communal activities like singing folk songs and performing traditional dances further enriches the spiritual experience.

As we conclude, let us remember the essence of these rituals lies in the devotion and the collective spirit of the community coming together to celebrate and uphold their cultural and religious heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the essential items needed for Sunderkand Path Pooja?

Essential items include a puja thali, kumkum, sindoor, akshat, paan leaf, prasad, moli, supari, long-elaichi, phool, chunari, milk, curd, honey, sweet, ankurit chana, pankha, fruits, deep, agarbati, and kapoor.

How do I set up the idol for Sunderkand Path Pooja?

For the idol setup, create clay idols of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, place them on a stool covered with a red cloth, and adorn them with sandalwood, roli, akshat, and sixteen makeup items for Goddess Parvati.

What offerings are made to the deities during Sunderkand Path Pooja?

Offerings include sandalwood, roli, akshat, sixteen makeup items to Goddess Parvati, and special items like fruits and sweets. At the end of the pooja, distribute Prasad among the attendees.

What is the significance of meditation and fasting in Sunderkand Path Pooja?

Meditation helps to initiate the pooja with a clear mind and spiritual focus, while fasting is a pledge of devotion, often begun in the Brahma Muhurta and observed throughout the day.

Where can I purchase materials for Sunderkand Path Pooja?

Materials can be purchased from temple shops or religious goods stores. They provide all necessary items including special items for Goddess Parvati and mahabhog for Prasad distribution.

Are there any specific traditions to follow after completing Sunderkand Path Pooja?

Post-pooja traditions include distributing Prasad, reflecting on the insights gained from the Sunderkand Path, and maintaining the spiritual ambiance. Cultural significance is reflected in the sharing of experiences and upholding Hindu traditions.

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