Shravan (Maas) Month 2024 Starting Dates, Time, Fasting

Shravan (Maas) Month is an important period in Hinduism, known for its religious significance and observances. It is believed to be a month of devotion and spiritual growth. During this auspicious month, devotees engage in fasting, perform special puja rituals, and celebrate various festivals. Let's explore the key takeaways from Shravan (Maas) Month 2024.

Key Takeaways

  • Shravan (Maas) Month holds great importance in Hinduism.
  • It is believed to be a month of devotion and spiritual growth.
  • Fasting is an integral part of Shravan (Maas) Month.
  • Special puja rituals are performed during this month.
  • Various festivals like Shravan Somvar Vrat, Nag Panchami, and Raksha Bandhan are celebrated. 


Significance of Shravan (Maas) Month

Importance of Shravan Month in Hinduism

Shravan Month holds immense significance in Hinduism. It is considered the holiest month of the year and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Devotees believe that worshiping Lord Shiva during this month brings blessings, prosperity, and fulfillment of desires.

The month is also associated with the monsoon season, which is considered auspicious for agricultural activities. People perform various religious rituals and observe fasts to seek the divine blessings of Lord Shiva and attain spiritual growth.

Mythological Significance of Shravan Month

The month of Shravan holds great mythological significance in Hinduism. It is believed that during this month, Lord Shiva performed the divine dance of Tandava, which signifies the cycle of creation and destruction.

This dance is said to have brought immense joy and blessings to the universe. It is also believed that Lord Shiva drank the poison Halahala during this month to save the world from destruction. This act of self-sacrifice by Lord Shiva is highly revered by devotees and is considered a symbol of his compassion and devotion to his devotees.

Religious Observances during Shravan Month

During the month of Shravan, devotees engage in various religious observances to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. One of the most important rituals is the offering of water, known as 'jalabhishek', to the Shiva Linga.

This act symbolizes purification and devotion. Additionally, devotees also perform 'rudrabhishek', a special puja dedicated to Lord Shiva, to seek his divine grace.

To further express their devotion, devotees often observe a strict vegetarian diet during the month of Shravan. This practice is believed to purify the mind and body, and bring them closer to the divine. Many also abstain from consuming alcohol and non-vegetarian food as a mark of respect for Lord Shiva.

Apart from these rituals, devotees also visit Shiva temples and offer prayers and flowers to the deity. They chant mantras and sing bhajans in praise of Lord Shiva. This month is considered highly auspicious for seeking the blessings of Lord Shiva and attaining spiritual growth.

Starting Dates and Time of Shravan (Maas) Month 2024

Date of Shravan Month 2024

The Shravan month in 2024 will begin on July 22th and end on August 19th. During this period, devotees observe various religious rituals and fasts to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva.

The month of Shravan is considered highly auspicious and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is believed that worshipping Lord Shiva during this month brings prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment of desires. Devotees also visit Shiva temples and offer prayers and offerings to seek His blessings.

Time of Shravan Month 2024

The Shravan Month in 2024 will begin on July 24th and end on August 19nd. During this period, devotees observe various religious practices and rituals to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. It is believed that performing puja and fasting during this auspicious month brings prosperity and fulfillment of desires. The following table shows the important dates and days during the Shravan Month in 2024:

Date Day
July 22 Monday
July 29 Monday
August 5 Monday
August 12 Monday
August 19 Monday

Devotees also participate in the Shravan Somvar Vrat, Nag Panchami, and Raksha Bandhan festivals, which hold great significance during this month.

Auspicious Days to Start Shravan Month 2024

The Shravan Month in 2024 will begin on July 24th and end on August 22nd. During this month, there are several auspicious days that are considered ideal for starting the Shravan Month. These days are believed to bring blessings and good fortune. Here are some of the auspicious days to start the Shravan Month in 2024:

  • July 22th: First day of Shravan Month
  • August 7th: Hariyali Teej
  • August 9th: Nag Panchami
  • August 2th: Shravan Shivratri

It is recommended to perform special prayers and rituals on these days to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva and seek his divine grace.

Fasting during Shravan (Maas) Month

Importance of Fasting in Shravan Month

Fasting during the Shravan Month holds immense significance in Hinduism. It is believed that fasting during this month helps in purifying the mind, body, and soul. By abstaining from food and water, devotees seek the blessings of Lord Shiva and attain spiritual growth.

Fasting is considered a way to show devotion and dedication to the deity. It is believed that fasting during Shravan Month brings good health, prosperity, and fulfillment of desires.

During the fasting period, devotees follow certain rules and guidelines. They abstain from consuming non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and tobacco. Some devotees also observe complete fasting, where they refrain from eating anything for the entire day.

Others may choose to have a single meal or eat only fruits and milk. The fasting period is considered a time for self-discipline and self-control, allowing devotees to focus on their spiritual journey.

To make the fasting period more effective, devotees also engage in various spiritual practices such as chanting mantras, performing aarti, and reading religious scriptures. These practices help in deepening the connection with the divine and enhancing the spiritual experience.

In addition to the spiritual benefits, fasting during Shravan Month is also believed to have several health benefits. It is said to detoxify the body, improve digestion, and boost the immune system. Fasting is also known to promote weight loss and improve overall well-being.

Overall, fasting during Shravan Month is a way to purify the mind, body, and soul, and seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. It is a time for self-reflection, devotion, and spiritual growth.

Types of Fasting during Shravan Month

During the Shravan Month, there are various types of fasting that devotees observe to seek blessings and show their devotion to Lord Shiva. These fasts are believed to bring prosperity, good health, and fulfillment of wishes. The types of fasting during Shravan Month include:

  1. Nirjala Fasting: This is a strict form of fasting where devotees abstain from consuming food and water for the entire day. It is considered the most challenging form of fasting and is believed to bring immense spiritual benefits.

  2. Phalahar Fasting: In this type of fasting, devotees consume only fruits and dairy products. It is a lighter form of fasting and is suitable for those who cannot observe Nirjala fasting.

  3. Saatvik Fasting: This type of fasting involves consuming only saatvik food, which is considered pure and devoid of any spices, onions, or garlic. It is believed to purify the mind and body.

  4. Ekadashi Fasting: Devotees observe fasting on the 11th day of each fortnight during the Shravan Month. They abstain from consuming grains and lentils on this day and only consume fruits, milk, and other saatvik food.

  5. Pradosh Vrat: This fasting is observed on the 13th day of each fortnight during the Shravan Month. Devotees fast from sunrise to sunset and perform special prayers to Lord Shiva in the evening.

These different types of fasting provide devotees with various options to show their devotion and seek blessings during the auspicious Shravan Month.

Rules and Guidelines for Fasting in Shravan Month

During the Shravan Month, there are certain rules and guidelines that should be followed while observing the fast:

  • Stay away from non-vegetarian food: It is important to abstain from consuming non-vegetarian food during the fasting period.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco: It is advised to refrain from consuming alcohol and tobacco products during the Shravan Month.
  • Strictly follow the fasting timings: The fasting should begin at the designated time and end at the specified time.

It is important to remember that fasting during Shravan Month is a personal choice and should be done with devotion and sincerity.

Puja Vidhi during Shravan (Maas) Month

Rituals and Procedures for Puja during Shravan Month

Performing puja during Shravan Month is considered highly auspicious and is believed to bring blessings and prosperity.

Devotees follow specific rituals and procedures to worship Lord Shiva and seek his divine blessings. Here are some important rituals and procedures for puja during Shravan Month:

  • Abhishekam: The ritual of bathing the Shiva Lingam with holy water, milk, honey, and other sacred substances.
  • Offerings: Devotees offer Bilva leaves, flowers, fruits, and other items as a symbol of devotion.
  • Chanting: Reciting prayers, mantras, and hymns dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Performing puja with utmost devotion and following these rituals is believed to please Lord Shiva and fulfill the devotee's wishes.

It is said that Lord Shiva is easily pleased during the month of Shravan, and sincere prayers and offerings can bring immense blessings and spiritual growth.

Offerings and Prayers during Shravan Month

During the auspicious month of Shravan, devotees offer various prayers and offerings to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. These offerings include bilva leaves, milk, honey, curd, ghee, sandalwood paste, and flowers.

Devotees also perform abhishekam (ritualistic bathing) of Lord Shiva's idol with water, milk, and other sacred substances. The act of offering these items is believed to bring prosperity, good health, and fulfillment of desires.

In addition to the physical offerings, devotees also offer their prayers and chant mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva.

The recitation of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is considered highly auspicious during the Shravan month. It is believed to protect devotees from all kinds of dangers and grant them spiritual upliftment.

Here is a table summarizing the common offerings made during Shravan Month:

Offering Significance
Bilva Leaves Symbolize purity and devotion
Milk Represents purity and nourishment
Honey Signifies sweetness and divine blessings
Curd Symbolizes prosperity and good fortune
Ghee Represents purity and spiritual enlightenment
Sandalwood Signifies purity and fragrance
Flowers Symbolize beauty and devotion


It is important to note that the offerings and prayers during Shravan Month should be made with utmost devotion and sincerity, as it is believed to strengthen the bond between the devotee and Lord Shiva.

Benefits of Performing Puja in Shravan Month

Performing puja during the Shravan month is believed to bring numerous benefits and blessings. The act of worshiping during this auspicious month is considered highly meritorious and is believed to please Lord Shiva, the presiding deity of Shravan.

It is said that the prayers and offerings made during this time are more likely to be answered and fulfilled.

In addition to the spiritual benefits, performing puja in Shravan month also has practical benefits. It is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and harmony to the individual and their family.

The positive energy generated during the puja helps in purifying the mind and body and brings a sense of calmness and tranquility.

During the puja, devotees offer various items to Lord Shiva, such as flowers, fruits, milk, and holy water. These offerings symbolize devotion, purity, and surrender to the divine.

By offering these items with utmost sincerity and devotion, one can experience a deep connection with the divine and receive blessings in abundance.

It is important to note that performing puja in Shravan month requires proper rituals and procedures. Devotees should follow the guidelines and perform the puja with utmost devotion and sincerity.

By following the prescribed rituals and offering prayers with a pure heart, one can experience the full benefits of performing puja in Shravan month.

Celebrations and Festivals during Shravan (Maas) Month

Shravan Somvar Vrat

Shravan Somvar Vrat is a significant fasting ritual observed during the month of Shravan. It is believed that observing this fast on Mondays brings blessings and fulfillment of wishes.

Devotees abstain from consuming food and water for the entire day and offer prayers to Lord Shiva. This vrat is considered highly auspicious and is believed to bring prosperity and happiness.

During this fast, devotees visit Shiva temples and perform special rituals to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. The fast is observed with utmost devotion and dedication.

Here is a table summarizing the important aspects of Shravan Somvar Vrat:

Aspect Details
Purpose Seeking blessings and fulfillment of wishes
Fasting Duration From sunrise to sunset
Food Restrictions No food or water is consumed during the fast
Rituals Visiting Shiva temples, offering prayers, and performing Abhishekam


It is believed that by observing Shravan Somvar Vrat with sincerity and devotion, devotees can attain spiritual growth and overcome obstacles in life. This fast is a way to express gratitude and seek the divine blessings of Lord Shiva.

Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami is a significant festival celebrated during the Shravan (Maas) Month. It is dedicated to worshipping snakes, which hold a special place in Hindu mythology.

On this day, people offer prayers to snake deities and seek their blessings for protection and prosperity. The festival is marked by the belief that worshipping snakes can ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune.

Devotees observe fasts and visit temples to offer milk, flowers, and sweets to the snake idols. Nag Panchami is celebrated on the fifth day of the bright half of the lunar month of Shravan.

Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is a popular festival celebrated during the Shravan (Maas) Month. It is a special day when sisters tie a sacred thread called a Rakhi on their brothers' wrists as a symbol of love and protection. This festival strengthens the bond between siblings and is a time for family gatherings and celebrations.

During Raksha Bandhan, sisters prepare a variety of sweets and dishes for their brothers. They also exchange gifts and blessings. It is a joyful occasion that brings families together and celebrates the special relationship between brothers and sisters.

Here is a list of some popular sweets prepared during Raksha Bandhan:

  • Rasgulla
  • Gulab Jamun
  • Kaju Katli
  • Barfi

Raksha Bandhan is a beautiful festival that showcases the love and affection between siblings. It is a time to cherish the bond and create lasting memories.


In conclusion, the Shravan Maas or Sawan month in 2024 is a significant time for devotees to observe fasting and perform puja vidhi.

It is a month dedicated to Lord Shiva and holds great importance in Hindu mythology.

By following the rituals and traditions associated with Shravan Maas, devotees can seek blessings, spiritual growth, and fulfillment of their wishes. So, mark your calendars and make the most of this auspicious month!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of Shravan (Maas) Month?

Shravan (Maas) Month holds great significance in Hinduism. It is considered a holy month and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Devotees believe that observing fasts and performing rituals during this month brings blessings and fulfillment of desires.

When does Shravan (Maas) Month start in 2024?

Shravan (Maas) Month in 2024 starts on July 24th.

What are the religious observances during Shravan (Maas) Month?

During Shravan (Maas) Month, devotees engage in various religious observances such as fasting, performing puja, chanting mantras, and visiting temples. They also offer prayers and seek blessings from Lord Shiva.

What are the types of fasting during Shravan (Maas) Month?

There are different types of fasting observed during Shravan (Maas) Month. Some devotees observe a complete fast where they abstain from food and water for the entire day. Others observe partial fasts where they consume only certain types of food or have a single meal in a day.

What are the rules and guidelines for fasting in Shravan (Maas) Month?

During Shravan (Maas) Month, devotees follow certain rules and guidelines while fasting. They maintain purity, avoid consuming non-vegetarian food, refrain from consuming alcohol and tobacco, and engage in spiritual practices like meditation and reading religious texts.

What are the rituals and procedures for puja during Shravan (Maas) Month?

Performing puja during Shravan (Maas) Month involves various rituals and procedures. Devotees clean and decorate their puja area, offer flowers, fruits, and other sacred items to the deity, light incense sticks, and recite prayers and mantras.

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