Sharad Purnima 2024 Puja Vidhi

Sharad Purnima, also known as Sharad Poonam, is a significant full moon festival celebrated with much fervor across India.

Falling on October 16, 2024, this auspicious occasion is marked by various rituals, cultural variations, and spiritual beliefs. The festival is deeply rooted in Hindu mythology and offers a unique blend of devotion, health benefits, and community festivities. In this article, we delve into the essence of Sharad Purnima 2024, exploring its significance, rituals, and the diverse ways it is observed across the country.

Key Takeaways

  • Sharad Purnima 2024 will be observed on October 16
  • The festival is associated with the moon, which is believed to possess 16 divine arts and healing properties that nourish the body and soul, especially when its rays are absorbed through the consumption of Rice-Kheer left under moonlight.
  • Rituals include Chandra Puja, preparation of Rice-Kheer, and observing the Purnimasi vrat, particularly by newlywed women starting their year-long commitment on this day.
  • Sharad Purnima is celebrated differently across regions, with Odisha's Kumar Purnima and the worship of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Krishna being notable examples, each embodying different aspects of the festival's spirit.
  • The festival is steeped in folklore, including the tale of the revived baby, which underscores the significance of the Purnima Vrat and the belief in the miraculous powers of the moon on Sharad Purnima.

Understanding Sharad Purnima and Its Significance

The Auspicious Date and Moon Timings

Sharad Purnima is a time of great spiritual and astrological importance, with rituals and festivals that are deeply embedded in Hindu culture. The full moon of Sharad Purnima in 2024 falls on Sunday, October 16th, marking a period of heightened divine energy.

The moonrise on this auspicious day is expected at 05:51 PM, providing a unique opportunity for devotees to engage in special puja and veneration.

On Sharad Purnima, the proximity of the moon to the earth is believed to endow its rays with healing properties, offering nourishment to both body and soul.

Devotees prepare for this event by readying offerings and planning their puja to coincide with the most propitious timings, ensuring they receive the full blessings of this celestial event.

The 16 Divine Arts of the Moon

Sharad Purnima, also known as Kojagiri Purnima, is a significant festival in India celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Ashwin. It marks the end of monsoon and the beginning of the harvest season, with rituals like moon gazing, fasting, and special dishes.

The 16 divine arts of the moon are believed to be at their peak on this night, symbolizing the moon's fullest and brightest appearance. These arts are often associated with the moon's influence on creativity, beauty, and wisdom.

The divine arts are not just mythological concepts but are deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of the celebration. They are said to enhance the spiritual atmosphere, making Sharad Purnima a night of divine blessings and artistic expression. The arts include various forms of creativity and knowledge, such as music, dance, and literature, which are celebrated and performed during the festivities.

On Sharad Purnima, it is customary for devotees to engage in cultural activities that honor the moon's divine arts. This engagement is not only a form of worship but also a means to imbibe the moon's qualities of calmness, serenity, and enlightenment.

Cultural Variations in Celebration

Sharad Purnima, much like other Indian festivals, is a tapestry of diverse cultural practices. Each region of India celebrates this auspicious night in its own distinctive way, reflecting the rich tapestry of Indian traditions. In some parts of the country, Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, is venerated, while in others, Lord Krishna, the embodiment of eternal love, is worshipped.

The essence of Sharad Purnima transcends the mere acts of worship; it is a celebration that binds communities with threads of shared joy and reverence.

Families often gather to bask in the moonlight, savoring dishes like kheer or Masala milk, believed to attract good fortune. However, recent times have seen celebrations adapt to circumstances, with many opting to observe the festival within the safety of their homes.

The festival's spirit echoes in various forms across the nation, from the vibrant Teej festivals, marked by social festivities and the joy of monsoon, to the grandeur of the Bundi Festival, a showcase of traditional art and cultural heritage.

Rituals and Traditions of Sharad Purnima Puja

Preparation for the Puja

The meticulous preparation for Sharad Purnima Puja mirrors the sanctity of the occasion. Devotees begin by cleansing and sanctifying their homes, creating a pure environment for the divine energies to reside. A list of essential items is compiled, ensuring that all components for the rituals are at hand. This includes items such as:

  • Fresh flowers and garlands
  • Incense sticks and lamps
  • Offerings of fruits and sweets
  • Rice and milk for preparing the special rice-kheer
The essence of preparation lies in the devotion and attention to detail, setting the stage for a night of reverence and celebration.

As the day progresses, the focus shifts to personal purification. A holy bath is taken, often at dawn, signifying the washing away of impurities and readiness to embrace the divine blessings. The preparation culminates with the setting up of the altar, where the moon will be worshipped, and the offerings will be placed.

The Process of Worshipping the Moon (Chandra Puja)

The Chandra Puja on Sharad Purnima holds a special place in the hearts of devotees. The moon is believed to possess healing properties on this night, showering nectar through its rays.

After a purifying morning bath, worshippers prepare various food offerings for the Sun God and adorn themselves with fresh garlands. The fast observed during the day is broken only after the evening's moon worship, which is marked by singing, dancing, and playing games like Puchi.

The night of Sharad Purnima is dedicated to festivities and reverence. Devotees engage in various activities to honor the goddess Lakshmi, believing that she blesses those who stay awake through the night.

The following list outlines the key steps in the Chandra Puja:

  • Perform a holy bath in the early morning.
  • Prepare food offerings for the Sun God.
  • Adorn with fresh garlands during worship.
  • Observe a day-long fast, abstaining from solid food.
  • Break the fast after the evening moon worship.
  • Engage in singing, dancing, and playing games to celebrate.

Significance of Rice-Kheer and Moonlight

On Sharad Purnima, the tradition of preparing Rice-Kheer, a sweet dish made of cow milk, rice, and sugar, embodies a unique blend of devotion and celestial blessings.

The kheer is left under the moonlight overnight, believed to be imbued with the moon's divine essence, transforming it into a sacred Prasad. Consumed the next day, this Prasad is said to bring good luck and prosperity.

  • The kheer is prepared during the day and offered to the moon at night.
  • Families gather to enjoy the kheer together, often sitting outdoors in the moonlight.
  • The practice symbolizes the absorption of the moon's healing properties.
The moon's rays on Sharad Purnima night are considered to be especially potent, capable of nourishing the body and soul. The act of consuming kheer exposed to these rays is a gesture of receiving the moon's blessings.

In addition to kheer, some prepare Masala milk, a flavored concoction, as an alternative. This festive night is also marked by staying awake, in honor of Goddess Lakshmi, with the belief that she blesses those who are vigilant with her presence and prosperity.

The Spiritual and Health Benefits of Sharad Purnima

Nourishment for Body and Soul

Sharad Purnima is not just a spiritual event but also a time for physical nourishment. The moon's proximity to the earth on this night is believed to endow its rays with healing properties, enriching both the body and the soul. The tradition of preparing and consuming special dishes under the moonlight is a testament to this belief.

The coolness of the moon is mirrored in the foods associated with Sharad Purnima, such as milk and rice-based dishes, which are thought to aid in digestion and provide a wealth of nutrients.

Here's a simple breakdown of the components of the traditional Sharad Purnima drink, often referred to as Masala Doodh:

  • Milk: Acts as a coolant and aids in digestion.
  • Dry Fruits and Nuts: Provide proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Moonlight Infusion: Believed to enhance medicinal benefits.

This concoction, when left to bask in the moon's glow, is said to be as potent as Amrit, the divine nectar. The practice of consuming this 'moon-kissed' beverage the following day is a cherished ritual, symbolizing the absorption of the moon's nourishing qualities.

The Healing Power of Moon Rays

The unique proximity of the moon to the earth during Sharad Purnima is believed to endow its rays with healing properties that are particularly nourishing for the body and soul. The lunar brilliance is not just a spectacle to behold but is also imbued with medicinal qualities that enhance well-being.

On this night, many prepare special drinks like Masala doodh, which are kept under the moonlight to absorb its essence. These concoctions, often made with milk, dry fruits, and nuts, are not only rich in nutrients but are also thought to gain additional medicinal benefits from the moon's rays.

The tradition of consuming moon-bathed preparations on Sharad Purnima is akin to partaking in Amrit, the divine nectar, symbolizing purity and immortality. This practice underscores the deep connection between celestial phenomena and holistic health in Hindu culture.

The Story of the Revived Baby and the Power of Vrat

The tale of the revived baby underscores the profound impact of the Sharad Purnima Vrat. According to the lore, a woman who had lost all her newborns sought guidance from a saint.

The saint revealed that her misfortune was due to her lack of devotion during the Purnima fasts. Realizing her error, she observed the next Sharad Purnima with full dedication.

Despite her devotion, her newborn passed away, but a miraculous event occurred when her sister, blessed by the Moon God, inadvertently touched the baby, bringing it back to life.

This incident sparked the tradition of observing the fast with sincere rituals, emphasizing the belief in the divine grace of the Moon God and the potency of the Vrat. The fast gained popularity, and its observance became widespread, with many adherents hoping for similar blessings.

The power of the Vrat is such that it is believed to bestow life itself, as seen in the story of the baby revived by the mere touch of one who had observed the fast with true piety.

Festivities Across India: Regional Observances

Kumar Purnima in Odisha

Sharad Purnima, known as Kumar Purnima in Odisha, is a day of dual celebration, honoring both the Sun and the Moon, and Goddess Lakshmi. Young girls engage in worship, seeking the blessings of Kartikeya, the God of war, for a desirable spouse. The day begins with a sacred bath and the preparation of various offerings for the Sun God.

The festivities include adorning with fresh garlands, fasting throughout the day, and culminating with the worship of the moon. The fast is broken only after the evening rituals. The celebration is marked by singing, dancing, and playing traditional games like Puchi.

In addition to personal observances, Sharad Purnima is also celebrated as the birthday of Goddess Lakshmi in Odisha. The night is filled with indoor games and activities, as devotees strive to stay awake in reverence.

The following list highlights the key activities of Kumar Purnima in Odisha:

  • Holy bath and preparation of food offerings in the morning
  • Worship of the Sun God and adorning with garlands
  • Day-long fasting followed by moon worship in the evening
  • Breaking the fast with communal feasting
  • Singing, dancing, and playing games to celebrate
  • Observing the birthday of Goddess Lakshmi with night-long vigilance and games

Lakshmi Puja and the Goddess of Wealth

Sharad Purnima is not only a night of celestial beauty but also a time for invoking the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity.

On this auspicious night, it is believed that Goddess Lakshmi descends to Earth, surveying her devotees and bestowing upon them health and affluence. Those who stay awake in devotion are said to be particularly favored by her grace.

The tradition of Kojagari Lakshmi Puja, predominantly celebrated in the eastern regions of India, encapsulates the essence of this festival. Devotees engage in elaborate rituals, offering prayers and fasting with the hope of securing prosperity for their households.

The legend of a king who regained his lost wealth through the observance of this puja underscores the deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of this veneration. The tale serves as a testament to the potential rewards of sincere worship during Sharad Purnima.

  • Eastern India Celebrations: West Bengal, Assam, Orissa
  • Deities Worshipped: Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Shiva
  • Fasting: Unmarried girls for a suitable groom
  • Belief: Staying awake brings health and wealth

Krishna's Maha-Raas and the Dance of Divine Love

The celebration of Sharad Purnima is deeply intertwined with the legend of Lord Krishna's Maha-Raas.

On this luminous night, it is said that Krishna, with his divine melody, beckoned the Gopis of Vrindavan to join him in a dance that symbolized the union of the soul with the divine.

This celestial event took place on the banks of the Yamuna River, marking a moment of pure spiritual ecstasy and divine love.

The enactment of Raas Leela, a re-creation of this mystical dance, is a common sight in various parts of North India during Sharad Purnima. Young boys and girls dress up as Krishna, Radha, and the Gopis, bringing to life the enchanting narrative through their performances.

The night resonates with the tales of Krishna creating multiple forms of himself to dance with each Gopi, a miraculous extension of the night to a divine length, allowing the dance to continue in timeless bliss.

The dance of Maha-Raas is not just a cultural festivity; it is a spiritual journey that each participant embarks upon, seeking the eternal love and grace that Krishna bestowed upon the Gopis.

In the Brij area, the festival is also known as Raas Purnima, highlighting the significance of the event in the local traditions. Devotees believe that worshipping Lord Krishna on this day brings forth blessings from the deity, as well as from Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and the moon with its 16 arts.


As we conclude our exploration of Sharad Purnima 2024, we reflect on the deep cultural and spiritual significance of this auspicious occasion. Celebrated with great fervor across India, Sharad Purnima symbolizes the fullness of the moon and the divine blessings it bestows.

The rituals and practices, from the preparation of Rice-Kheer to the worship of deities like Lord Krishna and Goddess Lakshmi, embody the rich traditions that have been passed down through generations.

This festival not only unites people in devotion and celebration but also reminds us of the timeless wisdom embedded in Hindu mythology.

Whether it's the healing properties of the moon's rays or the belief in the power of the Purnima Vrat, Sharad Purnima offers a moment to nourish both body and soul, and to seek the divine grace that fosters prosperity and well-being. Let us embrace the essence of this celestial event and carry its message of harmony and hope into our lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the date and time for Sharad Purnima in 2024?

Sharad Purnima in 2024 will occur on Sunday, October 16, 2024. 

What is the significance of worshipping the Moon on Sharad Purnima?

Worshipping the Moon on Sharad Purnima is considered very significant as it is believed that the Moon shines with all 16 Kalas, or divine arts, and its rays possess healing properties that nourish both the body and soul. It's also the day when newly wed women start their Purnimasi vrat for the year.

What is the traditional dish prepared during Sharad Purnima and why?

Rice-Kheer, a sweet dish made of cow milk, rice, and sugar, is traditionally prepared during Sharad Purnima. It is left in the moonlight overnight, as it is believed to be invigorated and fortified with the Moon's nectar-like rays. The next morning, it is consumed and distributed as Prasad.

How is Sharad Purnima celebrated in Odisha?

In Odisha, Sharad Purnima is also known as Kumar Purnima, in honor of Kartikeya, the God of war. Some communities worship the Sun and the Moon, while others worship Goddess Lakshmi. Young girls perform rituals in hopes of getting handsome husbands.

What is the story behind the revival of the baby on Sharad Purnima?

The story tells of a baby who was revived by the touch of its elder sister, who had observed the Sharad Purnima vrat, showcasing the power and grace of the Moon God. This miraculous event started the tradition of observing the fast on Sharad Purnima with full rituals.

What is the significance of Krishna's Maha-Raas on Sharad Purnima?

Sharad Purnima is also known as Raas Purnima in the Brij region, where it is believed that Lord Krishna performed the Maha-Raas, the dance of divine love. It is said that on this night, the Gopis of Vrindavan were drawn by the sound of Krishna's flute to dance with him throughout the night.

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