Pooja For Good Health: Cost, Vidhi, And Benefits

In Hinduism, health is considered a vital aspect of overall well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.

The practice of performing poojas (rituals) to invoke divine blessings for good health has been an integral part of Hindu tradition for centuries.

These poojas are not only acts of devotion but also powerful spiritual practices that aim to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit.

This blog explores the most effective poojas for good health, detailing their procedures (vidhi), costs, and benefits, offering a comprehensive guide for those seeking divine intervention for better health.

Best Poojas For Good Health

There are several poojas specifically performed to ensure good health and well-being. Here, we will discuss six of the most significant ones:

  1. Dhanvantari Puja
  2. Mahamrityunjaya Puja
  3. Navagraha Puja
  4. Ayushya Homam
  5. Sudarshana Homam
  6. Lakshmi Narayana Hrudaya Homam

Each of these poojas has its unique significance, procedure, and set of benefits.

Explain Each Pooja Vidhi

1. Dhanvantari Puja

Lord Dhanvantari, regarded as the divine physician in Hindu mythology, is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He emerged from the ocean during the Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean) holding a pot of Amrita (nectar of immortality). He is worshipped for good health, healing, and the removal of diseases.

Vidhi (Procedure):

  • Preparation of the Altar: Clean the altar and decorate it with fresh flowers and lamps. Place an image or idol of Lord Dhanvantari in the center.
  • Invocation of Lord Dhanvantari: Begin by invoking Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles. Chant the Dhanvantari Mantra: "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Dhanvantaraye Amrita-kalasha Hastaya Sarva Bhaya Vinashaya Trailokya Nathaya Shri Maha Vishnave Namaha."
  • Offering of Materials: Offer fresh flowers, fruits, tulsi leaves, and specific herbs like neem and tulsi to Lord Dhanvantari.
  • Chanting of Dhanvantari Mantras: Recite the Dhanvantari Stotram and other health-related mantras.
  • Concluding Rituals: Perform aarti, waving the lamp in a circular motion, and distribute prasad (blessed food) among the devotees.

2. Mahamrityunjaya Puja

The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is one of the most powerful mantras for health and longevity. It is believed to have the power to heal, protect from untimely death, and remove the fear of death.

Vidhi (Procedure):

  • Preparation and Purification Rituals: Clean the altar and yourself before beginning the puja. Light a lamp and incense sticks.
  • Invocation of Lord Shiva: Place an image or Shiva Linga on the altar. Recite the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: "Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat."
  • Offering of Water, Milk, and Bilva Leaves: Offerings include water, milk, honey, and bilva leaves. These symbolize purification and devotion.
  • Recitation of Mantras: Recite the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra 108 times. You can also chant other Shiva mantras for additional blessings.
  • Concluding Prayers and Distribution of Prasad: Perform aarti and distribute the prasad to all present.

3. Navagraha Puja

Navagraha Puja is dedicated to the nine planetary deities (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu). Each planet is believed to have a significant influence on human health and well-being.

Vidhi (Procedure):

  • Setting Up the Navagraha Altar: Arrange nine small idols or representations of the nine planets on the altar.
  • Invocation of the Nine Planets: Begin by invoking Lord Ganesha. Then, chant the respective mantras for each planet to invite their blessings.
  • Offerings of Colored Flowers, Grains, and Fruits: Offer specific colored flowers, grains, and fruits associated with each planet. For instance, red flowers and red fruits are offered to the Sun.
  • Chanting of Navagraha Mantras: Recite the Navagraha Mantras, focusing on the specific health benefits each planet provides.
  • Final Prayers and Aarti: Conclude the puja with aarti and distribute prasad.

4. Ayushya Homam

Ayushya Homam is a fire ritual performed to promote longevity and health. It is especially conducted for children on their birthdays and for individuals recovering from illnesses.

Vidhi (Procedure):

  • Preparation of the Homam Pit: Set up a homam (sacred fire) pit and arrange all the necessary materials like ghee, herbs, and grains.
  • Invocation of the Deity Ayushya: Begin by invoking Lord Ganesha and then invite the presence of the deity Ayushya with specific mantras.
  • Offering of Ghee, Herbs, and Specific Items: Offer ghee, herbs, and items like rice and sesame seeds into the fire while chanting the Ayushya Suktam.
  • Recitation of Health-Related Hymns: Recite the Ayushya Suktam and other relevant Vedic hymns for health and longevity.
  • Concluding Rituals and Blessings: Perform the concluding rituals, seek blessings, and distribute prasad.

5. Sudarshana Homam

Sudarshana Homam is dedicated to Lord Vishnu's Sudarshana Chakra, which is believed to possess the power to destroy negativity and health issues.

Vidhi (Procedure):

  • Setting Up the Homam Altar and Fire Pit: Prepare the homam altar with an image of Lord Sudarshana and the fire pit.
  • Invocation of Lord Sudarshana: Invoke Lord Ganesha followed by Lord Sudarshana by chanting appropriate mantras.
  • Offerings of Ghee, Turmeric, and Sacred Herbs: Offer ghee, turmeric, and sacred herbs into the fire while chanting the Sudarshana Mantras.
  • Chanting of Sudarshana Mantras: Recite the Sudarshana Ashtakam and other mantras dedicated to Lord Sudarshana.
  • Concluding Rituals and Aarti: Conclude the homam with aarti and distribute prasad to all attendees.

6. Lakshmi Narayana Hrudaya Homam

This homam is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi, seeking their blessings for health, prosperity, and overall well-being.

Vidhi (Procedure):

  • Preparation of the Homam Altar: Decorate the altar with images of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. Set up the homam pit.
  • Invocation of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi: Start with Lord Ganesha's invocation and then invite Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi with mantras.
  • Offering of Ghee, Grains, and Sweets: Offer ghee, grains, and sweets into the fire while chanting the Lakshmi Narayana Hrudaya Stotram.
  • Recitation of Hymns: Recite hymns dedicated to Lakshmi and Narayana, focusing on health and prosperity.
  • Concluding Rituals and Prasad Distribution: Perform the final rituals, seek blessings, and distribute the prasad.

Costs of Pooja For Good Health

The cost of performing poojas for good health varies based on several factors. These include the complexity of the ritual, the number of priests involved, the materials required, and the location and duration of the pooja. Below are estimated costs for each pooja:

  • Dhanvantari Puja: Approximately $100 - $300
  • Mahamrityunjaya Puja: Approximately $150 - $400
  • Navagraha Puja: Approximately $100 - $250
  • Ayushya Homam: Approximately $200 - $500
  • Sudarshana Homam: Approximately $250 - $600
  • Lakshmi Narayana Hrudaya Homam: Approximately $200 - $500

Benefits of Pooja For Good Health

Performing poojas for good health offers a range of benefits across spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional dimensions.

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Divine Blessings for Health and Longevity: Poojas invoke the grace of deities, ensuring protection and blessings for a long and healthy life.
  • Purification of Mind and Body: The rituals cleanse negative energies and purify the devotee’s mind and body.
  • Reduction of Negative Planetary Influences: Navagraha Puja, in particular, mitigates adverse effects of planetary positions on health.

Physical Benefits:

  • Alleviation of Chronic Health Issues: Devotees often experience relief from persistent health problems.
  • Strengthening of the Immune System: Regular poojas boost overall immunity and vitality.
  • Promotion of Overall Well-being: The holistic approach of these rituals fosters a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Mental and Emotional Benefits:

  • Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity: The meditative aspects of pooja calm the mind and reduce stress.
  • Emotional Stability and Peace of Mind: Devotees find emotional balance and peace through regular rituals.
  • Enhanced Positive Energy and Outlook on Life: The positive vibrations generated during poojas uplift the spirit and enhance optimism.


Incorporating poojas for good health into your spiritual practice can significantly enhance your overall well-being.

These rituals, deeply rooted in Hindu tradition, offer comprehensive benefits that transcend the physical realm, touching upon spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of life.

Whether you are seeking relief from health issues, protection from negative influences, or a means to foster a positive and balanced lifestyle, these poojas provide a powerful and effective solution.

Embrace the sacred practice of performing poojas to invite divine blessings, promote health, and achieve a harmonious existence.

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