When and How to Offer Chola to Hanuman ji

Offering chola to Hanuman Ji is a revered practice in Hinduism, known for its spiritual significance and the blessings it brings to devotees.

This ritual involves applying a paste made of sindoor (vermilion) and other sacred materials to the idol of Hanuman Ji, especially on auspicious occasions.

Understanding the proper methods and timings for this offering can enhance the worship experience and please the deity, leading to the fulfillment of wishes and the removal of obstacles.

Key Takeaways

  • Chola should be offered to Hanuman Ji on auspicious days such as Tuesdays and Hanuman Jayanti, with special importance given to the method of offering.
  • The ritual begins with cleansing the idol with holy waters, preferably Ganga Jal, followed by applying the chola paste made from sindoor and ghee or jasmine oil.
  • The offering of chola should be done with the right sequence, starting from the feet to the head (Srishti Kram) for benevolence, and head to feet (Sanhar Kram) for specific wishes.
  • After offering chola, devotees should perform Aarti, offer prayers and bhog, typically laddus, and seek forgiveness for any mistakes during the ritual.
  • Certain precautions must be observed, such as not allowing women to apply chola or be present during the offering, and ensuring the breath does not touch the idol while applying the paste.

Understanding the Significance of Offering Chola to Hanuman Ji

The Auspicious Occasions for Chola Offering

Offering chola to Hanuman Ji is considered particularly auspicious on certain days. Devotees believe that performing this ritual on specific occasions can yield immense spiritual benefits and bring them closer to the divine. Tuesday and Saturdays are traditionally seen as the most favorable days, as well as Hanuman Jayanti, the birthday of Lord Hanuman.

Benefits of Offering Chola to Hanuman Ji

Devotees offer chola to Hanuman Ji to receive his blessings and protection. It is said that this offering can alleviate the adverse effects of Saturn, including the intense period known as Sade Sati, and remove obstacles and illnesses. The act of offering chola is also associated with longevity and the grace of Lord Rama.

The Symbolism of Sindoor in Hanuman Worship

Sindoor, a red vermilion powder, holds great significance in the worship of Hanuman Ji. It symbolizes the immense devotion Hanuman has for Lord Rama.

Applying sindoor to Hanuman Ji is believed to be a powerful act that can invoke his presence and blessings, leading to the fulfillment of wishes and the resolution of problems.

Preparatory Steps for Offering Chola to Hanuman Ji

Cleansing the Idol with Holy Waters

Before commencing the Chola offering, it is essential to purify the idol of Hanuman Ji. This is done by bathing the idol with Gangajal (holy water from the Ganges). After the bath, the idol should be gently wiped with a clean cloth to prepare it for the sacred adornment.

Assembling the Required Materials for Chola Offering

To perform the Chola offering, various items are needed. These include Sindoor (vermilion), Ghee or Jasmine oil, a sheet of silver or gold foil, new clothes, and a sacred thread (Janeyu). Ensure that all materials are pure and have not been used for any other purpose.

Setting the Intention for Worship

The Chola Sanskar Puja is a devotional act that requires a clear and pure intention. It is important to focus on devotion and purity for the spiritual significance of the ritual. The worshipper should meditate on their purpose and seek the blessings of Hanuman Ji for the fulfillment of their desires and the removal of obstacles.

The Ritual of Offering Chola to Hanuman Ji

The Correct Sequence of Offering Chola

Offering Chola to Hanuman Ji is a sacred practice that should be performed with reverence and devotion. The correct sequence, as prescribed in the scriptures, is to apply the Chola from the feet up to the head, known as the Srishti Kram.

This method is believed to keep the deity in a calm disposition. Conversely, the Samhar Kram, which is from the head down to the feet, is said to invoke a more fierce aspect of the deity. It is recommended to start with the Ugra Kram for fulfilling specific desires and switch to the Srishti Kram once the wishes are granted.

Chanting the Mantras During the Offering

Chanting specific mantras during the Chola offering is crucial for invoking Hanuman Ji's presence and blessings.

Devotees often recite the 'Sindooram Raktavarnam' mantra, which is a prayer to accept the Sindoor offering. Additionally, the Hanuman Chalisa and Sundarkand are recited for divine grace and the fulfillment of wishes.

The Importance of Applying the Paste Mindfully

Applying the Sindoor paste to Hanuman Ji's idol requires mindfulness and concentration.

The paste, made from Sindoor and ghee or jasmine oil, symbolizes the devotee's pure devotion and commitment. It is essential to ensure that the paste is applied evenly and respectfully, covering the entire idol.

This act of anointing is not just a physical application but a meditative process that connects the devotee with the divine.

Post-Chola Offering Practices

After the sacred ritual of offering chola to Hanuman Ji, devotees engage in several practices to complete the worship and receive blessings. These practices are crucial for expressing gratitude and seeking the divine grace of Hanuman Ji.

Offering Prayers and Bhog to Hanuman Ji

Devotees offer prayers and bhog, typically sweets like laddus, as a token of love and devotion.

This act symbolizes the surrender of the ego and material possessions to the divine. The Hanuman Chalisa is a powerful devotional hymn with deep spiritual and astrological significance, often recited during this time.

Performing Aarti and Seeking Forgiveness

Aarti, a ceremonial light offering, is performed while singing devotional songs. It is a gesture of respect and a request for enlightenment. After the aarti, devotees seek forgiveness for any mistakes made knowingly or unknowingly during the ritual.

Distributing Prasad to Devotees

The prasad, which is the sanctified offering, is distributed among the devotees. This act fosters a sense of community and allows the blessings to be shared. It is believed that consuming prasad can bring health, prosperity, and spiritual well-being.

Precautions and Prohibitions in Chola Offering

Understanding the Do's and Don'ts

When offering chola to Hanuman Ji, it is crucial to adhere to certain do's and don'ts to ensure the ritual's sanctity. Always use fresh ingredients and avoid using anything that is stale or spoiled. It is important to maintain cleanliness and purity throughout the process, from the preparation to the actual offering.

  • Do use fresh sindoor and ghee or jasmine oil.
  • Don't offer anything that has been tasted or used by someone else.
  • Do perform the ritual with a pure heart and focused mind.
  • Don't rush through the process; take your time to perform each step with devotion.

Gender-Specific Considerations in the Ritual

Certain traditions suggest that the chola offering to Hanuman Ji may have gender-specific considerations.

While not universally followed, some believe that only men should perform the ritual, especially on Tuesdays and Saturdays. However, this varies by region and community, and many allow women to participate fully.

Ensuring the Purity of the Offering Process

To ensure the purity of the offering process, it is essential to start with a clean and consecrated space.

The idol of Hanuman Ji should be bathed with holy waters, such as Ganga Jal, and the devotee should be in a state of cleanliness, having bathed prior to the ritual. The mind should be free of negative thoughts and focused on the devotion and blessings of Hanuman Ji.

It is of utmost importance to approach the ritual with reverence and humility, seeking the grace and protection of Hanuman Ji.


Offering chola to Hanuman Ji is a revered practice that holds immense significance for devotees seeking blessings and relief from various afflictions.

Through the meticulous observance of the prescribed rituals, from the cleansing with Gangajal to the careful application of sindoor mixed with ghee or jasmine oil, the devotee expresses profound reverence and devotion.

The auspicious timing, particularly on Hanuman Jayanti and Tuesdays, further enhances the spiritual experience. It is essential to follow the correct sequence and precautions during the offering to ensure the deity's benevolence.

By adhering to the traditional methods and mantras, one can hope to gain Hanuman Ji's favor, leading to the fulfillment of wishes, alleviation of planetary afflictions, and a life blessed with health and longevity.

Ultimately, the act of offering chola is not just a ritual but a meaningful connection with the divine, promising divine grace and protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of offering chola to Hanuman Ji?

Offering chola to Hanuman Ji is a devotional practice that signifies the devotee's respect and dedication. It is believed to bring the grace of Hanuman Ji, alleviating the effects of Shani's Sade Sati, Dhaiya, Dasha, or Antar Dasha, Rahu or Ketu's Dasha or Antar Dasha. It is also associated with the removal of obstacles and diseases, and it grants longevity and the special grace of Lord Rama.

When is the most auspicious time to offer chola to Hanuman Ji?

The most auspicious time to offer chola to Hanuman Ji is on Tuesdays, which are dedicated to Hanuman Ji, and especially on Hanuman Jayanti. It is believed that performing this ritual on these days brings special blessings and fulfills wishes.

What materials are required for offering chola to Hanuman Ji?

The materials required for offering chola include sindoor (vermilion), ghee or jasmine oil, silver or gold foil, new clothes, and a sacred thread (janeyu). These items are used to anoint the idol of Hanuman Ji during the ritual.

How should the chola be applied to Hanuman Ji's idol?

The chola should be applied starting from the feet towards the head (creation order) for a peaceful demeanor of the deity, and from the head towards the feet (destruction order) for a fierce form. The paste made of sindoor and ghee or jasmine oil should be carefully applied to the entire body of the idol.

Are there any specific mantras to be chanted while offering chola to Hanuman Ji?

Yes, during the offering of chola, devotees should chant the mantra 'Sindooram Raktavarnam Cha Sindooratilakapriye. Bhaktayaam Dattam Maya Deva Sindooram Pratigrihyatam.' This mantra is recited to invoke the blessings of Hanuman Ji while offering the vermilion paste.

Are there any precautions or prohibitions to be aware of when offering chola to Hanuman Ji?

Yes, there are certain precautions and prohibitions. Women should not offer chola to Hanuman Ji or be present in the temple during the offering. The breath of the devotee should not touch the idol during the application of chola. Moreover, the ritual should be performed with utmost devotion and cleanliness to ensure the purity of the offering process.

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