Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja Kanchipuram: Puja Samagri, Vidhi, and Benefits

The Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja is a profound and intricate ritual rooted in the Shakta tradition of Hinduism, venerating the divine feminine energy.

This puja, performed with utmost devotion and precision, is dedicated to the Sri Chakra, a mystical diagram representing the universe and the human body.

Kanchipuram, an ancient city in Tamil Nadu, is renowned for its spiritual heritage and temples, making it an ideal location for performing this sacred ritual.

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja, detailing the required materials (puja samagri), the step-by-step procedure (vidhi), and the myriad benefits it offers to practitioners.

Historical and Spiritual Significance

Historical Background

The origins of the Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja trace back to ancient scriptures and the esoteric traditions of Tantra. The Sri Chakra, also known as the Sri Yantra, is believed to have been revealed to sages through divine vision.

It symbolizes the cosmos and the divine mother, Lalita Tripurasundari. Over centuries, this puja has been preserved and practiced by various lineages of priests and devotees.

Kanchipuram, often referred to as the "City of a Thousand Temples," holds a special place in the heart of Hindu spirituality.

It is home to some of the most revered temples, such as the Kamakshi Amman Temple, which is intrinsically linked to the worship of the divine feminine.

Performing the Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja in this holy city is believed to amplify the spiritual potency of the ritual.

Spiritual Importance

The Sri Chakra is a sacred geometric representation composed of nine interlocking triangles, encircling a central point known as the Bindu.

This diagram embodies the union of Shiva (the divine masculine) and Shakti (the divine feminine), symbolizing the totality of existence.

The Navavarana Puja involves worshipping each of the nine layers (avaranas) of the Sri Chakra, each representing a different aspect of the universe and the human experience.

Engaging in this ritualistic worship is believed to awaken the inner divine energy, purify the mind and body, and facilitate a deeper connection with the cosmic consciousness.

The meticulous process of the Navavarana Puja not only honors the divine but also serves as a meditative practice, guiding devotees towards spiritual enlightenment.

Puja Samagri (Materials Required)

List of Essential Items

The Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja necessitates a variety of sacred items, each holding symbolic significance. Below is a detailed list of the essential puja samagri:

  • Sri Chakra Yantra: The central object of worship, often made of metal or drawn on a clean surface.
  • Flowers: Fresh flowers like lotus, jasmine, and marigold are used for offering.
  • Fruits and Sweets: As offerings to the deity, representing abundance and sweetness in life.
  • Incense Sticks and Lamps: For creating a fragrant and auspicious atmosphere.
  • Kumkum, Turmeric, and Sandalwood Paste: Used for anointing the yantra and the deity.
  • Offerings (Naivedyam): Items such as rice, milk, ghee, honey, and coconut, representing the five elements.
  • Other Items: Betel leaves, nuts, coins, camphor, and sacred water (Ganga Jal).

Preparation of Samagri

The sanctity and purity of the puja samagri are paramount. Here are some guidelines for preparing the materials:

  • Selection: Choose fresh and high-quality items. Ensure that the flowers are fresh and fragrant, and the fruits are ripe.
  • Purification: Clean all items thoroughly. Wash the fruits and rinse the flowers if needed. The yantra should be purified with a mixture of water and turmeric.
  • Arrangement: Arrange the items neatly on a clean and sanctified altar or platform. Ensure that everything is easily accessible during the puja.

Puja Vidhi (Procedure)

Pre-Puja Preparations

Before beginning the Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja, certain preparations are essential to create a conducive environment for the ritual:

  • Setting Up the Altar: Place the Sri Chakra Yantra at the center of the altar. Surround it with flowers, lamps, and other offerings. Ensure that the altar is clean and decorated.
  • Purification Rituals: Perform Achamana (sipping water for purification) and take a Sankalp (vow) to perform the puja with devotion and sincerity.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Invocation of Deities:

  • Begin with the Ganapati Puja, invoking Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles.
  • Invoke the Navagrahas (nine planets) to seek their blessings for the successful completion of the puja.
2. Worship of the Sri Chakra:
  • Avahana (Invocation): Invite the divine presence into the Sri Chakra Yantra through prayers and mantras.
  • Nyasa (Placement of Mantras): Recite specific mantras while touching various parts of the yantra, consecrating it.

3. Offering of Materials (Archana):

  • Offer flowers, kumkum, turmeric, and sandalwood paste to the yantra while chanting the corresponding names and mantras of the deity.
  • Offer naivedyam (food offerings) to the yantra, symbolizing the nourishment of the divine.

4. Chanting of Specific Mantras:

  • Chant the Lalita Sahasranama (1000 names of Goddess Lalita) and other relevant mantras, invoking the blessings of the divine mother.
  • Recite the Sri Suktam, a hymn dedicated to the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

5. Concluding Rituals:

  • Perform Aarti, waving the camphor flame in front of the yantra, symbolizing the dispelling of darkness and ignorance.
  • Distribute the Prasad (blessed offerings) among the devotees, sharing the divine blessings.

    Special Instructions

    • Maintain a state of purity and focus throughout the puja. Avoid any distractions and approach the ritual with a clear and calm mind.
    • Follow the instructions meticulously and ensure that each step is performed with devotion and precision.
    • If you are unfamiliar with the mantras or procedures, consider seeking guidance from a knowledgeable priest or a well-versed practitioner.

    Benefits of Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja

    Spiritual Benefits

    The Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja offers profound spiritual benefits to practitioners:

    • Enhanced Spiritual Growth: Regular practice of this puja deepens one's connection with the divine and accelerates spiritual evolution.
    • Inner Peace: The meditative aspects of the puja foster a sense of inner tranquility and harmony.
    • Divine Connection: Worshipping the Sri Chakra aligns the devotee with the cosmic energy, facilitating a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.

    Emotional and Psychological Benefits

    Engaging in the Navavarana Puja can also yield significant emotional and psychological benefits:

    • Stress Relief: The ritualistic and rhythmic nature of the puja helps in alleviating stress and promoting mental clarity.
    • Emotional Balance: The divine energy invoked during the puja brings emotional stability and a sense of well-being.

    Material Benefits

    In addition to spiritual and emotional gains, the Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja is believed to bestow material benefits:

    • Prosperity and Success: The blessings of Goddess Lalita can lead to increased prosperity, success in endeavors, and fulfillment of desires.
    • Removal of Obstacles: The puja helps in overcoming hurdles and challenges in both personal and professional life.


      The Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja is a deeply transformative ritual that offers a unique blend of spiritual, emotional, and material benefits.

      Rooted in ancient traditions and performed with devotion, this puja connects the practitioner to the divine feminine energy, fostering inner peace and prosperity.

      Kanchipuram, with its rich spiritual heritage, provides a perfect backdrop for this sacred ritual, enhancing its potency.

      Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious seeker, participating in the Navavarana Sri Chakra Puja can be a profound and enriching experience.

      Embrace this opportunity to connect with the divine, purify your soul, and invite blessings into your life.

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