Mangal Graha Shanti Puja Samagri List(मंगल ग्रह शांति पूजन सामग्री)

The Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is a significant ritual in Hindu astrology, aimed at appeasing the planet Mars, known as Mangal Graha, to mitigate its malefic effects and enhance its positive influences in an individual's horoscope.

This ceremony involves a series of steps and requires specific items, or 'samagri', to be performed effectively. Understanding the components and the process of this puja is essential for those seeking to undertake this ritual for astrological harmony and personal well-being.

Mangal Graha Shanti Puja Samagri List

सामग्री मात्रा
रोली 10 ग्राम
पीला अष्टगंध चंदन 10 ग्राम
लाल चन्दन 10 ग्राम
सफ़ेद चन्दन 10 ग्राम
लाल सिंदूर 10 ग्राम
हल्दी (पिसी) 50 ग्राम
हल्दी (समूची) 50 ग्राम
सुपाड़ी (समूची बड़ी) 100 ग्राम
लौंग 10 ग्राम
इलायची 10 ग्राम
सर्वौषधि 1 डिब्बी
सप्तमृत्तिका 1 डिब्बी
सप्तधान्य 100 ग्राम
पीली सरसों 50 ग्राम
जनेऊ 21 पीस
इत्र बड़ी 1 शीशी
गरी का गोला (सूखा) 11 पीस
पानी वाला नारियल 1 पीस
जटादार सूखा नारियल 2 पीस
अक्षत (चावल) 11 किलो
धूपबत्ती 2 पैकेट
रुई की बत्ती (गोल / लंबी) 1-1 पैकेट
देशी घी 1 किलो
सरसों का तेल 1 किलो
कपूर 50 ग्राम
कलावा 7 पीस
चुनरी (लाल / पीली) 1/1 पीस
बताशा 500 ग्राम
लाल रंग 5 ग्राम
पीला रंग 5 ग्राम
काला रंग 5 ग्राम
नारंगी रंग 5 ग्राम
हरा रंग 5 ग्राम
बैंगनी रंग 5 ग्राम
अबीर गुलाल (लाल, पीला, हरा, गुलाबी) अलग-अलग 10-10 ग्राम
बुक्का (अभ्रक) 10 ग्राम
गंगाजल 1 शीशी
गुलाबजल 1 शीशी
लाल वस्त्र 5 मीटर
पीला वस्त्र 5 मीटर
सफेद वस्त्र 5 मीटर
हरा वस्त्र 2 मीटर
काला वस्त्र 2 मीटर
नीला वस्त्र 2 मीटर
बंदनवार (शुभ, लाभ) 2 पीस
स्वास्तिक (स्टीकर वाला) 5 पीस
धागा (सफ़ेद, लाल, काला) त्रिसूक्ति के लिए 1-1 पीस
झंडा हनुमान जी का 1 पीस
दोना (छोटा – बड़ा) 1-1 पीस
माचिस 2 पीस
आम की लकड़ी 5 किलो
नवग्रह समिधा 1 पैकेट
हवन सामग्री 2 किलो
तिल 500 ग्राम
जौ 500 ग्राम
गुड़ 500 ग्राम
कमलगट्टा 100 ग्राम
गुग्गुल 100 ग्राम
धूप लकड़ी 100 ग्राम
सुगंध बाला 50 ग्राम
सुगंध कोकिला 50 ग्राम
नागरमोथा 50 ग्राम
जटामांसी 50 ग्राम
अगर-तगर 100 ग्राम
इंद्र जौ 50 ग्राम
बेलगुदा 100 ग्राम
सतावर 50 ग्राम
गुर्च 50 ग्राम
जावित्री 25 ग्राम
भोजपत्र 1 पैकेट
कस्तूरी 1 डिब्बी
केसर 1 डिब्बी
खैर की लकड़ी 4 पीस
काला उड़द 250 ग्राम
शहद 50 ग्राम
पंचमेवा 200 ग्राम
पंचरत्न व पंचधातु 1 डिब्बी
सुहाग सामग्री

    Order Complete Puja Samagri From Pujahome

    Samagri From Home

    सामग्री मात्रा
    मिष्ठान 500 ग्राम
    पान के पत्ते (समूचे) 21 पीस
    केले के पत्ते 5 पीस
    आम के पत्ते 2 डंठल
    ऋतु फल 5 प्रकार के
    दूब घास 100 ग्राम
    फूल, हार (गुलाब) की 5 माला
    फूल, हार (गेंदे) की 7 माला
    गुलाब/गेंदा का खुला हुआ फूल 500 ग्राम
    तुलसी का पौधा 1 पीस
    तुलसी की पत्ती 5 पीस
    दूध 1 लीटर
    दही 1 किलो
    राम दरबार की प्रतिमा 1 पीस
    कृष्ण दरबार की प्रतिमा 1 पीस
    हनुमान जी महाराज की प्रतिमा 1 पीस
    दुर्गा माता की प्रतिमा 1 पीस
    शिव शंकर भगवान की प्रतिमा 1 पीस
    आटा 100 ग्राम
    चीनी 500 ग्राम
    अखंड दीपक (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
    तांबे/पीतल का कलश (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
    थाली 7 पीस
    लोटे 2 पीस
    गिलास 9 पीस
    कटोरी 9 पीस
    चम्मच 2 पीस
    परात 4 पीस
    कैंची /चाकू (लड़ी काटने हेतु) 1 पीस
    हनुमंत ध्वजा हेतु बांस (छोटा/ बड़ा) 1 पीस
    जल (पूजन हेतु)
    गाय का गोबर
    बिछाने का आसन
    मिट्टी का कलश (बड़ा) 11 पीस
    मिट्टी का प्याला 21 पीस
    मिट्टी की दियाली 21 पीस
    ब्रह्मपूर्ण पात्र (अनाज से भरा पात्र आचार्य को देने हेतु) 1 पीस
    हवन कुण्ड 1 पीस

    Understanding Mangal Graha Shanti Puja

    Significance of Mangal Graha in Astrology

    In Vedic astrology, Mangal Graha, or Mars, is considered a significant celestial body influencing courage, confidence, and energy. Its position in one's horoscope can have profound effects on an individual's life, particularly in areas related to marriage and career.

    A well-placed Mars can bestow strength and success, while an unfavorably positioned Mars is believed to cause challenges and disruptions.

    The Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is a remedial ritual aimed at pacifying any negative influences of Mars and enhancing its positive effects. This puja involves specific mantras and offerings to appease the planet, aligning cosmic vibrations favorably with the individual's energy.

    The timing of the puja is crucial and is often determined by the Hindu lunar calendar. It is meticulously planned to coincide with certain astrological configurations that are most conducive for invoking Mars' blessings.

    The ritual underscores the importance of spiritual cleansing and devotion, reflecting the broader cultural emphasis on aligning one's life with celestial rhythms.

    Benefits of Performing Mangal Graha Shanti Puja

    The Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is a powerful ritual that brings multiple benefits to the devotees. It is believed to mitigate the negative influences of Mars in one's horoscope, which can manifest as obstacles in various aspects of life. By appeasing the planet Mars, individuals can experience a harmonious balance in their personal and professional spheres.

    • Enhances personal relationships: Mars is often associated with passion and energy, and its favorable position can lead to a more fulfilling personal life.
    • Boosts career and business: The positive influence of Mars can remove hurdles in one's career path, leading to professional growth and success.
    • Improves financial stability: The puja can attract wealth and prosperity, reducing financial stress.
    • Promotes health and vitality: Mars is linked to vitality and strength, and its blessings can lead to improved health.
    The ritual is not only a spiritual undertaking but also a means to invite peace and well-being into one's life. It is a comprehensive approach to aligning cosmic energies with one's personal endeavors.

    When to Perform Mangal Graha Shanti Puja

    The timing of the Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is crucial for its effectiveness and to harness the positive energies of Mars. Astrologers often recommend performing this puja on Tuesdays, as it is the day associated with Mars, or during the Mangal Hora. Additionally, it is advisable to conduct the puja when Mars is in an unfavorable position in one's horoscope, particularly during the Mangal Dasha or Mangalik Dosha periods.

    • Tuesdays
    • Mangal Hora
    • During Mangal Dasha
    • When affected by Mangalik Dosha
    The alignment of celestial bodies plays a significant role in determining the most auspicious time for the puja. It is essential to consult with a knowledgeable astrologer to select the most beneficial time for conducting the Mangal Graha Shanti Puja.

    Preparation of the Puja Platform

    The preparation of the Puja platform is a critical step in ensuring the sanctity and effectiveness of the Mangal Graha Shanti Puja. This platform, also known as the 'Vedi', should be cleaned thoroughly and then covered with a freshly washed cloth. It is important to choose a quiet and clean area of the house for setting up the platform.

    The platform should be at a comfortable height for the participants to sit and perform the rituals without any discomfort.

    Below is a checklist to ensure the Puja platform is ready for the ceremony:

    • Clean the area where the platform will be set up
    • Cover the platform with a red cloth, symbolizing Mangal Graha
    • Place the Mangal Yantra in the center of the platform
    • Arrange the other puja items around the Yantra in an orderly fashion
    • Ensure that the platform is stable and not wobbly to avoid any disturbances during the Puja

    Concluding the Puja: Final Steps and Offerings

    Recitation of Mangal Graha Mantras

    The recitation of Mangal Graha mantras is a pivotal part of the Mangal Graha Shanti Puja. These sacred chants are believed to appease the planet Mars and mitigate its malefic effects. Devotees should recite the mantras with utmost devotion and concentration to invoke the blessings of Mangal Graha.

    The correct pronunciation and rhythmic intonation of the mantras are crucial for the desired outcomes. It is recommended to chant the mantras 108 times, which is considered a complete cycle according to Vedic traditions.

    Following the recitation, participants should sit in silent meditation to absorb the vibrations and energy generated by the chanting. This practice helps in aligning the individual's energy with the benevolent frequencies of Mangal Graha.

    Performing the Aarti and Homam

    The Aarti is a devotional song sung in praise of the deity, accompanied by the waving of lamps.

    This act symbolizes the removal of darkness and ignorance. The Homam, a sacred fire ritual, is performed to invoke the blessings of Mangal Graha. It is a powerful culmination of the Puja, where offerings are made into the fire while chanting specific mantras.

    The Homam is a critical component of the Puja, representing purification and transformation. It is believed that the fire carries the offerings directly to the deities.

    Following the Aarti, the Homam begins with the preparation of the fire pit. Certain materials are used for the fire, each with its own significance. The main rituals involve the offering of ghee, grains, and other sacred items to the fire while reciting mantras. The process requires meticulous attention to detail and adherence to the prescribed steps.

    Distributing Prasad and Seeking Blessings

    The conclusion of the Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is marked by the distribution of Prasad to all participants as a symbol of divine blessings. This act signifies the sharing of the grace and energy received during the puja.

    • Prasad typically includes sacred food that has been offered to the deity during the puja.
    • Participants receive Prasad as a token of goodwill and as a means to carry the puja's sanctity with them.
    • It is also a time for seeking blessings from elders and the priest, acknowledging their guidance and support.
    The final moments of the puja are filled with a sense of peace and fulfillment, as devotees reflect on the spiritual journey they have undertaken. The atmosphere is one of communal harmony and spiritual upliftment.

    The closing rituals are essential for sealing the puja's intent and ensuring that the benefits are firmly rooted in the lives of the attendees.

    Mangal Graha Shanti Puja involves meditation, Prasad distribution, gratitude, and closing rituals with emphasis on devotion and connection with the divine. Specific items are required for the rituals.


    In conclusion, the Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is a significant ritual for those seeking to appease the planet Mars and bring harmony into their lives.

    The comprehensive samagri list provided in this article is designed to ensure that all the necessary items are gathered to perform the puja with utmost devotion and precision.

    By meticulously preparing and using these items during the ceremony, devotees can hope to receive the blessings of Mangal Graha, fostering peace, courage, and positivity.

    It is important to remember that the sincerity of one's intentions and adherence to the rituals play a crucial role in the puja's effectiveness. May this guide assist you in conducting a successful Mangal Graha Shanti Puja and may you find the tranquility and strength you seek through this sacred practice.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the significance of Mangal Graha in astrology?

    Mangal Graha, also known as Mars, is considered a significant planet in astrology. It represents energy, courage, and assertiveness. Its position in a person's horoscope can influence their temperament, physical strength, and determination. Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is performed to appease the planet and mitigate any negative effects it may have on an individual's life.

    What are the benefits of performing Mangal Graha Shanti Puja?

    Performing Mangal Graha Shanti Puja can bring several benefits, such as reducing the malefic effects of Mars in the horoscope, improving relationships, enhancing one's career prospects, and promoting overall well-being. It is also believed to provide the strength to overcome obstacles and to foster harmony in marital life.

    When is the best time to perform Mangal Graha Shanti Puja?

    The best time to perform Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is on Tuesdays, as it is the day associated with Mars. Additionally, it can be performed during the Mangal Hora or on dates that are auspicious according to one's horoscope. Consulting an astrologer can provide specific guidance on the most auspicious timing for the puja.

    What items are essential for Mangal Graha Shanti Puja?

    Essential items for Mangal Graha Shanti Puja include the Mangal Yantra, red cloth, red flowers, fruits, sweets, incense sticks, lamps, kumkum, akshat (unbroken rice grains), betel leaves, and nuts. Each item has a specific purpose and significance in the ritual.

    How do you set up the Puja platform for Mangal Graha Shanti Puja?

    To set up the Puja platform, place a red cloth on a flat surface and arrange the Mangal Yantra in the center. Copper vessels filled with water, a lamp, and incense sticks should be placed nearby. Offerings of flowers, fruits, and sweets are also arranged on the platform. The setup should be done with reverence and as per the prescribed rituals.

    What are the final steps in concluding Mangal Graha Shanti Puja?

    The final steps in concluding Mangal Graha Shanti Puja include the recitation of Mangal Graha mantras, performing the Aarti, and conducting the Homam (fire ritual). After these rituals, Prasad (sacred food offerings) is distributed among the participants, and blessings are sought from the deity to mark the completion of the Puja.

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