Kamika Ekadashi 2024: Kamika Ekadashi Fasting Date

Kamika Ekadashi, observed by devotees within the Hindu tradition, is a day dedicated to Lord Vishnu, marked by fasting and spiritual introspection.

Falling in the auspicious month of Shravana, Kamika Ekadashi is one of the many Ekadashis celebrated throughout the year, each with its unique significance and rituals.

The article delves into the importance of this day, the fasting practices, and the specific date and timings for Kamika Ekadashi in 2024, providing a comprehensive understanding of the festival and its observance.

Key Takeaways

  • Kamika Ekadashi is a significant fasting day in Hinduism dedicated to Lord Vishnu, observed on the 11th day of the waxing moon in the month of Shravana.
  • The fast holds immense spiritual importance, with devotees believing it brings purification and the blessings of Lord Vishnu, as narrated in various myths and stories.
  • Devotees prepare for the fast by choosing a fasting method suitable to their physical capacity, ranging from complete abstinence to consuming only certain foods.
  • Kamika Ekadashi in 2024 falls on 31st July, with specific auspicious timings and parana guidelines varying regionally.
  • Comparing Kamika Ekadashi to other Ekadashis in 2024, each has its unique practices and sequence, with Kamika Ekadashi being particularly revered for its potential to wash away sins.

Significance of Kamika Ekadashi

Understanding Kamika Ekadashi

Kamika Ekadashi is one of the 24 Ekadashi observances in the Hindu calendar, each with its unique significance and rituals. It is a day dedicated to worshipping Lord Vishnu, with devotees seeking his blessings for spiritual growth and redemption from sins.

The observance falls on the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight, occurring twice a month in the bright half (Shukla Paksha) and the dark half (Krishna Paksha).

The fast on Kamika Ekadashi is believed to bring the same benefits as visiting and bathing in holy rivers.

Devotees engage in various practices such as chanting mantras, reading holy scriptures, and offering prayers to Lord Vishnu. This Ekadashi is particularly revered for its potential to wash away the sins of both, the present and past lives.

On Kamika Ekadashi, the act of offering Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu is considered especially meritorious, symbolizing the devotee's devotion and purity of heart.

Spiritual Importance in Hinduism

Kamika Ekadashi is deeply rooted in the spiritual ethos of Hinduism, offering a profound opportunity for devotees to enhance their devotion and purify their souls.

Fasting on this day is believed to bring the same merits as performing an Ashwamedha Yajna, one of the most sacred Vedic rituals.

  • Devotion: A day to intensify one's love for the divine.
  • Purification: A chance for spiritual cleansing and renewal.
  • Merit: Acquiring immense spiritual benefits and virtues.
  • Liberation: Aiding in the journey towards Moksha, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
On Kamika Ekadashi, the act of fasting is more than a physical abstention; it is a spiritual discipline aimed at bringing the mind, body, and soul into harmony.

The observance of Kamika Ekadashi is marked by reciting mantras, such as 'Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya', and engaging in meditation and prayer.

These practices are designed to invoke the presence of the divine and foster a deeper connection with the supreme consciousness.

Myths and Stories Associated with Kamika Ekadashi

Kamika Ekadashi is surrounded by various myths and stories that highlight its significance in Hindu tradition.

One such tale narrates the power of Kamika Ekadashi in granting salvation and forgiveness for sins. This day is considered particularly auspicious for worshiping Lord Vishnu, who is believed to bestow his blessings more generously on those who fast with devotion.

  • The story of King Ambarisha, a devout follower of Lord Vishnu, is often associated with Ekadashi. His unwavering dedication during the fast saved him from the wrath of Sage Durvasa.
  • Another narrative involves a sinful man who was absolved of his wrongdoings after observing Kamika Ekadashi, demonstrating the Ekadashi's ability to purify one's soul.
The observance of Kamika Ekadashi is a journey towards spiritual enlightenment, where each story and myth adds a layer of understanding to the devotee's faith.

The fasting and rituals performed on this day are not just acts of piety but are deeply rooted in the belief that they can alter one's destiny, leading to a path of righteousness and divine grace.

Observing Kamika Ekadashi Fast

Preparation for the Fast

The preparation for observing the Kamika Ekadashi fast is a thoughtful process that devotees undertake with devotion and discipline.

Before commencing the fast, it is crucial for the devotee to decide the type of fast they will observe. This decision is based on personal will and the strength of one's body. The options range from a strict fast without water to a more lenient practice with fruits or one-time latex food.

Ekadashi fasting is a three-day observance. On the day preceding the fast, devotees consume a single meal in the afternoon to ensure an empty stomach on the day of Ekadashi.

This meal is crucial as it prepares the body for the upcoming fast and helps in maintaining the sanctity of the ritual. The consumption of grains and cereals is strictly prohibited during the fast, aligning with the traditional practices that symbolize purification and spiritual growth.

The Ekadashi fast is not just a physical abstention but a spiritual journey that enhances one's devotion and brings blessings.

Types of Fasting Practices

Devotees embarking on the Kamika Ekadashi fast have several options to choose from, each varying in strictness and intention. The type of fast is often selected based on personal will and physical capability.

For instance, some may opt for a Nirjala fast, abstaining from both food and water, which is considered the most austere. Others may choose a Phalahar fast, consuming only fruits and water, or a Saatvik fast, which includes foods that are pure, essential, and vegetarian.

Ekadashi fasting typically spans three days, with devotees consuming a single meal the afternoon before the fast to ensure an empty stomach on the fasting day.

The strictness of the fast can also mean abstaining from certain types of food, particularly grains and cereals, which are avoided to cleanse the body and spirit.

Fasting during the sacred month of Shravan, which includes Kamika Ekadashi, is believed to purify the mind, body, and soul, leading to spiritual growth and health benefits.

Breaking the Fast: Rituals and Timing

The process of breaking the Ekadashi fast, known as Parana, is as critical as the fast itself. It involves specific rituals and precise timing to ensure the spiritual benefits are fully realized.

Devotees often follow a three-day fasting protocol, beginning with a light meal the day before Ekadashi to avoid any residual food in the stomach during the fasting period.

On the day following Ekadashi, the fast is broken only after sunrise, adhering to the principle that the fast should last through the night. It is important to note that the consumption of grains is strictly prohibited during the fast. The table below outlines the general timing for breaking the fast:

Day Activity Timing
Day 1 Pre-fast meal Afternoon before Ekadashi
Day 2 Fasting Full day (Ekadashi)
Day 3 Parana (Breaking the fast) After sunrise
The decision on the type of fast—whether it is without water, with only water, with only fruits, or with one-time latex food—should be made prior to commencing the fast, based on individual capacity and health.

Kamika Ekadashi in the Context of Other Ekadashis

Comparison with Other Ekadashis in 2024

Kamika Ekadashi, observed on 31 July 2024, is one of the many auspicious Ekadashis celebrated throughout the year.

Each Ekadashi has its unique significance and rituals, but Kamika Ekadashi is particularly revered for its association with Lord Shiva and the promise of liberation from sins.

In 2024, the sequence of Ekadashis presents a spiritual journey that begins with Saphala Ekadashi in January and culminates with Saphala Ekadashi in December. The table below provides a comparison of select Ekadashis leading up to Kamika Ekadashi:

Ekadashi Name Date Significance
Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi 18 June 2024 Most austere, complete fast
Yogini Ekadasi 2 July 2024 Benefits of fasting and meditation
Devsayani Ekadashi 17 July 2024 Marks the start of Chaturmas
Kamika Ekadashi 31 July 2024 Liberation from sins
Kamika Ekadashi stands out as a day for deep spiritual introspection and devotion, offering a chance for devotees to cleanse their past misdeeds and seek blessings for a virtuous life ahead.

The observance of Kamika Ekadashi is not just about fasting; it is a comprehensive spiritual practice that includes charity, prayer, and recitation of sacred texts. Devotees believe that the merits gained on this day are equivalent to those obtained by visiting sacred places or performing elaborate rituals.

Sequence of Ekadashis Leading to Kamika Ekadashi

The sequence of Ekadashis preceding Kamika Ekadashi in 2024 forms an integral part of the devotional calendar, each with its own significance and observances.

Kamika Ekadashi falls on the 31st of July, 2024, marking its place after a series of sacred fasting days that devotees observe with great reverence.

  • Devsayani Ekadashi: 17 July 2024
  • Yogini Ekadasi: 2 July 2024
  • Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi: 18 June 2024
The period leading up to Kamika Ekadashi is seen as a time of heightened spiritual activity, with each Ekadashi offering a unique opportunity for devotees to progress on their spiritual journey.

Following Kamika Ekadashi, the cycle continues with subsequent Ekadashis such as Putrada Ekadashi on the 16th of August and Aja Ekadashi on the 29th of August, each carrying forward the spiritual momentum.

Unique Practices on Kamika Ekadashi

Kamika Ekadashi is distinguished by its unique set of practices that devotees undertake to honor Lord Vishnu. Unlike other Ekadashis, Kamika Ekadashi emphasizes the worship of the divine in the form of the Tulsi plant.

Devotees often perform a special Puja, where they offer water, sandalwood paste, and flowers to the Tulsi plant, believing it to be a direct representation of the Lord.

Another distinctive practice is the reading or listening to the Kamika Ekadashi Vrat Katha, a narrative that highlights the glories of observing this sacred day.

This story is recited during the Puja and serves as a reminder of the spiritual benefits and virtues gained from the fast.

On Kamika Ekadashi, it is also customary for devotees to engage in additional charitable acts and community service. These actions are seen as an extension of their devotion and a means to accrue spiritual merit.

The following list outlines the sequence of Ekadashis leading up to Kamika Ekadashi in 2024, showcasing its place in the yearly cycle:

  • Pandava Nirjala Ekadashi: 18 June 2024
  • Yogini Ekadasi: 2 July 2024
  • Devsayani Ekadashi: 17 July 2024
  • Kamika Ekadashi: 31 July 2024

These practices not only honor the deity but also foster a sense of community and shared spiritual experience among the participants.

Kamika Ekadashi 2024 Date and Timings

Exact Date and Auspicious Timings

In 2024, Kamika Ekadashi falls on Wednesday, 31st July. Devotees observe this auspicious day with great reverence, as it is believed to bring immense benefits, including the washing away of sins and the granting of desires.

The Ekadashi Tithi begins at 05:32 PM on 18th April and ends at 08:05 PM on 19th April. The most favorable time for breaking the fast, known as Parana, is between 05:50 AM and 10:10 AM on the following day.

It is essential to adhere to the specific timings for the Parana to ensure the fast's efficacy and to honor the sacred tradition.

For those who meticulously follow the Vedic calendar, these timings are crucial for planning their fasting and rituals. Observing the fast during these precise hours is believed to maximize the spiritual benefits.

Regional Variations in Observance

The observance of Kamika Ekadashi can vary significantly across different regions, reflecting local traditions and cultural nuances.

In India, the timing for beginning and breaking the fast may differ based on regional interpretations of the Hindu calendar and astronomical calculations.

  • In North India, the fast is typically observed from sunrise on the day of Ekadashi until sunrise the following day.
  • Southern states may follow a different protocol, with some communities beginning the fast at dawn and concluding at the first sighting of the moon.
  • Eastern and Western regions often have their own unique customs, which can include special pujas and offerings specific to local deities.
It is essential for devotees to consult local panchangams or spiritual authorities to ensure the correct timings and practices are followed for Kamika Ekadashi observance.

Parana Time and Guidelines

The Parana time marks the end of the Kamika Ekadashi fast and is a crucial aspect of the observance. It is the period during which devotees break their fast, and it must be done at an auspicious time to gain the full benefits of the Ekadashi. For Kamika Ekadashi in 2024, the Parana time is as follows:

  • Parana Time: 05:37 AM to 09:56 AM
  • Begins: 04:14 PM, Apr 04
  • Ends: 01:28 PM, Apr 05

Adhering to these timings is essential for the completion of the fast. Devotees should ensure that they do not consume any grains before the Parana time as it is believed to nullify the spiritual benefits of the fast.

It is also important to engage in prayers and meditation during the Parana time, as it is considered a period of heightened spiritual activity.

Please note that these timings are based on local time for Lucknow, India, and may vary depending on your geographical location. Always consult your local panchang or spiritual advisor for the exact timings in your region.


As we look forward to Kamika Ekadashi in 2024, it's important to remember the spiritual significance and the personal discipline involved in observing this sacred day.

Scheduled for July 31, 2024, it offers a time for introspection, devotion, and adherence to the fasting rituals that are central to this observance. Whether you choose to fast without water, with only fruits, or with specially prepared fasting foods, the essence lies in your intention and dedication.

Following the Ekadashi fast can be a transformative experience, aligning you with the cycle of auspicious dates throughout the year and connecting you with the broader spiritual community.

As we mark our calendars for Kamika Ekadashi, let us embrace the opportunity for spiritual renewal and the pursuit of dharma.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the date of Kamika Ekadashi in 2024?

Kamika Ekadashi falls on 31st July 2024.

What are the auspicious timings for observing Kamika Ekadashi fast in 2024?

The auspicious timings for observing the Kamika Ekadashi fast would typically be determined based on the lunar calendar and can vary by region. Devotees should consult a local calendar or a priest for the exact timing.

How is Kamika Ekadashi different from other Ekadashis?

Kamika Ekadashi is unique in its significance and the rewards it offers for spiritual practices. Each Ekadashi has its own story and benefits, and Kamika Ekadashi is particularly revered for its association with freeing oneself from the sins and the cycle of birth and death.

Can I drink water while fasting on Kamika Ekadashi?

Yes, you can choose to drink water while fasting on Kamika Ekadashi. The type of fast you observe can be without water, with water, with fruits, or with food made from fasting ingredients, depending on your body's strength and capability.

What is the significance of the Parana time during Kamika Ekadashi?

Parana is the time when the fast is broken the next day after sunrise. It is a crucial aspect of the Ekadashi fast as it must be done at the right time to gain the full benefits of the fast. The exact Parana time can vary by location and should be checked accordingly.

Are there any regional variations in observing Kamika Ekadashi?

Yes, there can be regional variations in the observance of Kamika Ekadashi, including differences in timing, rituals, and traditions. Devotees often follow the practices prevalent in their region or as advised by their community's spiritual leaders.

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