Everything About Varalakshmi Vratam

Varalakshmi Vratam is a significant Hindu festival celebrated to honor and seek the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. This auspicious day is observed by married women who fast and perform rituals to invite the divine presence of Goddess Varalakshmi into their homes.

The festival holds great cultural and religious significance, and is celebrated with devotion and enthusiasm across different regions of India. Let's explore the key takeaways of Varalakshmi Vratam.

Key Takeaways

  • Varalakshmi Vratam is a Hindu festival dedicated to Goddess Varalakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.
  • The festival is observed by married women who fast and perform rituals to seek the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi.
  • The preparations for Varalakshmi Vratam include cleaning and decorating the house, shopping for puja items, and preparing the sacred thread.
  • The rituals and procedures of Varalakshmi Vratam involve setting up the altar, invoking the blessings of the Goddess, performing puja rituals, and offering prayers.
  • During Varalakshmi Vratam, fasting is observed according to the rules and guidelines, and traditional dishes are prepared to break the fast.

What is Varalakshmi Vratam?

Origin and significance of Varalakshmi Vratam

Varalakshmi Vratam is an auspicious Hindu festival celebrated by married women in South India. It is believed to have originated during the Vedic period and holds great significance in Hindu mythology.

The festival is dedicated to Goddess Varalakshmi, who is considered the embodiment of wealth, prosperity, and happiness. The word 'Varalakshmi' means 'the one who grants boons', and it is believed that observing this vratam can bring blessings and fulfillment of wishes.

The vratam is usually performed on the second Friday of the month of Shravana, which falls between July and August.

Mythological stories associated with Varalakshmi Vratam

Varalakshmi Vratam is associated with several mythological stories that highlight the significance of this auspicious day.

One popular story is the tale of Charumati, a devoted wife who performed the Vratam and was blessed with wealth and prosperity. Another story revolves around the great sage Narada, who advised Goddess Varalakshmi to observe the Vratam to fulfill her desire of granting boons to her devotees.

These stories serve as a reminder of the power and benevolence of Goddess Varalakshmi and inspire devotees to observe the Vratam with utmost devotion and faith.

Preparations for Varalakshmi Vratam

Cleaning and decorating the house

Cleaning and decorating the house is an important part of preparing for Varalakshmi Vratam. It is believed that a clean and well-decorated house attracts the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi. A sparkling clean house creates a positive and auspicious environment for the puja.

To decorate the house, people often use fresh flowers, mango leaves, and rangoli designs. These decorations not only add beauty to the surroundings but also symbolize prosperity and good fortune.

In addition to cleaning and decorating the house, devotees also make sure to arrange the puja items and set up the altar in a dedicated space. This creates a sacred atmosphere for the worship of Goddess Varalakshmi.

Here is a list of common puja items used for Varalakshmi Vratam:

Puja Items
Turmeric powder
Sandalwood paste
Incense sticks

Preparing the house and the puja items with utmost care and devotion sets the tone for a meaningful and fulfilling Varalakshmi Vratam.

Shopping for puja items

Shopping for puja items is an essential part of the preparations for Varalakshmi Vratam. It is important to gather all the necessary items to perform the puja with devotion and reverence.

Some of the common puja items include sacred thread, flowers, incense sticks, camphor, ghee, coconut, fruits, sweets, and coins. These items symbolize purity, auspiciousness, and prosperity.

It is believed that offering these items to Goddess Varalakshmi during the puja brings blessings and fulfillment of wishes. To ensure a smooth and organized puja, it is advisable to make a list of the required puja items and purchase them in advance.

Here is a table summarizing the puja items needed for Varalakshmi Vratam:

Puja Item Symbolism
Sacred thread Protection
Flowers Beauty and purity
Incense sticks Divine fragrance
Camphor Illumination
Ghee Nourishment
Coconut Divine consciousness
Fruits Abundance
Sweets Sweetness
Coins Wealth and prosperity


It is important to ensure that the puja items are of good quality and are handled with respect and care. By shopping for puja items and preparing them for the puja, devotees show their devotion and commitment to the worship of Goddess Varalakshmi.

Preparing the sacred thread

Preparing the sacred thread is an important step in the preparations for Varalakshmi Vratam. The sacred thread, also known as 'mangalyam' or 'mangalsutra', is a symbol of marital bliss and is worn by married women.

It is believed to bring good fortune and protect the husband's well-being. The sacred thread is typically made of gold or yellow thread and is adorned with black beads. The thread is prepared by tying multiple knots, each representing a specific blessing or prayer.

These knots are tied with utmost care and devotion, infusing positive energy into the thread. Once the sacred thread is prepared, it is kept in a clean and sacred place until the day of the Vratam.

Rituals and procedures of Varalakshmi Vratam

Setting up the altar

Setting up the altar is an important step in the Varalakshmi Vratam. It is believed that the Goddess resides in the altar during the puja. The altar is usually decorated with flowers, fruits, and traditional items like coconut and betel leaves.

The main deity, Goddess Varalakshmi, is placed at the center of the altar. Other deities and idols can also be placed around her. A sacred thread, known as the 'mangalyam', is tied around the altar to symbolize the presence of the Goddess.

This thread is considered auspicious and is believed to bring blessings and prosperity to the household. Here is a table summarizing the items used in setting up the altar:

Item Description
Flowers Used for decoration
Fruits Offered as prasadam
Coconut Symbolizes purity
Betel leaves Considered sacred


It is important to ensure that the altar is clean and well-prepared before starting the puja. The arrangement of the items should be done with utmost care and devotion. Once the altar is set up, the devotees can proceed with the rituals and prayers.

Invoking the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi

Invoking the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi is the most important part of the Varalakshmi Vratam. Devotees believe that by performing the rituals with utmost devotion, they can receive the divine blessings of the goddess.

The puja begins with the chanting of sacred mantras and the offering of flowers, fruits, and incense to the deity. Goddess Varalakshmi is believed to be the bestower of wealth, prosperity, and happiness.

It is said that by invoking her blessings, one can attain success in all aspects of life.

During the puja, devotees also perform the kumkum archana, where they apply kumkum (vermilion) on the forehead of the goddess as a symbol of devotion and respect.

This ritual is followed by the offering of akshata (unbroken rice) and prasad (sacred food) to the goddess. Devotees pray to Goddess Varalakshmi for the well-being of their families, the fulfillment of their wishes, and the removal of obstacles from their lives.

To seek the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi, devotees observe the Varalakshmi Vratam with great devotion and perform the rituals with sincerity and purity of heart.

It is believed that by following the prescribed procedures and offering prayers with devotion, one can receive the grace and blessings of the goddess.

Performing the puja rituals

Performing the puja rituals is the most important part of Varalakshmi Vratam. It involves a series of steps and offerings to seek the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi.

The devotee must first take a bath and wear clean clothes. Then, the altar is set up with a picture or idol of Goddess Varalakshmi, along with other sacred items like flowers, fruits, and incense sticks. The puja rituals begin with the chanting of mantras and the lighting of the lamp.

The devotee then offers prayers and performs various rituals, such as the offering of water, rice, and sweets to the goddess. Finally, the devotee seeks the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi for health, wealth, and prosperity.

  • The puja rituals involve the recitation of specific mantras and prayers.
  • The devotee offers various items like flowers, fruits, and sweets to the goddess.
  • The puja concludes with seeking the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi for a prosperous life.
Performing the puja rituals with devotion and sincerity is believed to bring immense blessings and fulfillment of wishes.

Offerings and prayers

During the Varalakshmi Vratam, devotees make various offerings and perform prayers to seek the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi.

These offerings can include fruits, flowers, coconut, betel leaves, turmeric, kumkum, and incense sticks. Devotees also offer sweets and savories as a symbol of gratitude and devotion.

The prayers during the Vratam are recited with utmost devotion and sincerity, seeking the fulfillment of wishes and the overall well-being of the family.

  • Table: Here is a table showcasing the different offerings made during Varalakshmi Vratam:
Offering Symbolism
Fruits Abundance and prosperity
Flowers Beauty and purity
Coconut Divine consciousness
Betel leaves Good luck and fortune
Turmeric Auspiciousness
Kumkum Protection and blessings
Incense sticks Spiritual upliftment
  • List: Apart from these offerings, devotees also perform the following prayers:
  1. Ganapathi Puja
  2. Varalakshmi Ashtottara Shatanamavali (recitation of 108 names of Goddess Varalakshmi)
  3. Lakshmi Sahasranamam (recitation of 1000 names of Goddess Lakshmi)
  4. Varalakshmi Vratam Katha (narration of the story of Varalakshmi Vratam)
Important: It is believed that by offering these prayers and making these offerings with devotion, one can receive the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi and experience prosperity and fulfillment in life.

Fasting and food during Varalakshmi Vratam

Rules and guidelines for fasting

During Varalakshmi Vratam, fasting plays a significant role. Fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset, and devotees abstain from consuming any food or water during this period.

The fast is broken after performing the evening puja and offering prayers to Goddess Varalakshmi. Devotees can consume fruits, milk, and other light foods during the fasting period.

Here are some important guidelines to follow during the fasting:

  • No consumption of non-vegetarian food is allowed on the day of Varalakshmi Vratam.
  • Avoid consuming onion and garlic as they are considered tamasic and are believed to interfere with the spiritual energy.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol and tobacco as they are considered impure and are not suitable for the sacred occasion.

It is important to note that fasting during Varalakshmi Vratam is a personal choice, and individuals with health conditions or other reasons may choose to modify the fasting rules accordingly.

Remember, the fasting period is a time for self-discipline and devotion to the goddess.

Traditional dishes prepared during the vratam

During Varalakshmi Vratam, a variety of delicious and traditional dishes are prepared to offer to the goddess. These dishes are believed to be the favorites of Goddess Varalakshmi and are considered auspicious. Some of the popular dishes prepared during the vratam include:

  • Puliyodarai: A tangy and flavorful rice dish made with tamarind and spices.
  • Payasam: A sweet dish made with rice, milk, and jaggery.
  • Kozhukattai: Steamed dumplings made with rice flour and filled with coconut and jaggery.
  • Sundal: A savory dish made with boiled chickpeas or lentils, tempered with spices.

These dishes are prepared with great care and devotion and are offered to the goddess as a symbol of gratitude and reverence. They are then distributed as prasadam to the devotees, who consider it a blessing to partake in the sacred food.

Significance of Varalakshmi Vratam

Blessings and benefits of observing Varalakshmi Vratam

Observing Varalakshmi Vratam is believed to bring abundance and prosperity to the devotees. It is said that by performing the rituals and prayers with devotion, one can seek the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi, who is considered to be the embodiment of wealth and prosperity.

The vratam is believed to remove obstacles and bring success in all endeavors. Additionally, it is said to bestow blessings for a happy and harmonious family life.

During Varalakshmi Vratam, devotees offer various items to the goddess as a symbol of their devotion and gratitude. Some of the common offerings include rice, fruits, flowers, and sacred threads.

These offerings are made with the belief that they will please the goddess and bring her blessings. Devotees also perform special prayers and chant mantras to seek the divine blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi.

Overall, observing Varalakshmi Vratam is considered highly auspicious and is believed to bring prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment of wishes to the devotees.

Fulfillment of wishes and prosperity

Observing Varalakshmi Vratam is believed to bring fulfillment of wishes and prosperity. Devotees believe that by performing the rituals and offering prayers to Goddess Varalakshmi, their desires will be fulfilled and they will be blessed with prosperity.

It is said that the vratam brings positive energy and removes obstacles from one's life, leading to success and abundance.

In addition to the spiritual benefits, Varalakshmi Vratam also holds cultural significance. It is a time for families to come together and celebrate the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi.

The vratam is often observed with great devotion and enthusiasm, with families gathering to perform the puja rituals and share a festive meal.

Table: Traditional Dishes Prepared During Varalakshmi Vratam

Dish Description
Puliyodarai Tamarind rice seasoned with spices
Payasam Sweet rice pudding made with jaggery and milk
Sundal Steamed lentils or legumes tempered with spices

Note: These are just a few examples of the dishes prepared during Varalakshmi Vratam.

The blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi are believed to bring abundance and prosperity to the lives of her devotees. By observing Varalakshmi Vratam with devotion and following the rituals, devotees seek her blessings for a prosperous and fulfilling life.

Celebrations and traditions associated with Varalakshmi Vratam

Varalakshmi Vratam in different regions of India

Varalakshmi Vratam is celebrated with great enthusiasm in various regions of India. In South India, especially in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka, this festival holds immense significance.

People decorate their homes with flowers and mango leaves, and set up a beautiful altar for the puja. In North India, particularly in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Varalakshmi Vratam is observed with devotion and devotion.

The rituals and traditions may vary slightly, but the essence of seeking the blessings of Goddess Varalakshmi remains the same.

  • In South India, women wear traditional silk sarees and adorn themselves with gold jewelry for the occasion.
  • In North India, women wear vibrant and colorful attire, such as lehengas or salwar suits, and accessorize with traditional jewelry.

Varalakshmi Vratam is a festival that unites people across different regions of India in their devotion and celebration of Goddess Varalakshmi.

Traditional attire and jewelry for the occasion

When it comes to dressing up for Varalakshmi Vratam, women usually opt for traditional attire such as sarees or lehengas. These outfits are often adorned with intricate embroidery and embellishments, adding to the festive spirit.

To complement their attire, women also wear traditional jewelry, including necklaces, bangles, earrings, and anklets. The jewelry is usually made of gold or silver and is intricately designed to enhance the overall look.

It is believed that wearing traditional attire and jewelry not only adds to the beauty of the women but also brings good luck and prosperity during the Vratam.

In addition to the traditional attire and jewelry, women also apply mehndi or henna on their hands and feet as part of the celebrations.

Mehndi designs range from intricate patterns to simple motifs, and it is considered auspicious to have mehndi applied during Varalakshmi Vratam. The application of mehndi is seen as a form of artistic expression and is believed to bring blessings and good fortune to the wearer.

To summarize, dressing up in traditional attire and adorning oneself with jewelry is an important aspect of Varalakshmi Vratam. It not only adds to the festive atmosphere but also symbolizes the reverence and devotion towards Goddess Varalakshmi.

Exchange of gifts and sweets

During the celebration of Varalakshmi Vratam, it is customary to exchange gifts and sweets with family, friends, and neighbors. This tradition symbolizes the sharing of joy and blessings with loved ones.

The gifts can range from traditional items such as clothes, jewelry, and home decor to modern gifts like gadgets and accessories. It is a way to express gratitude and strengthen relationships.

Additionally, people also distribute sweets like laddoos, kheer, and pedas as a gesture of goodwill and to spread happiness. This exchange of gifts and sweets adds to the festive spirit of Varalakshmi Vratam.


In conclusion, Varalakshmi Vratam is a significant Hindu festival celebrated to honor the goddess Varalakshmi. It is observed by married women who pray for the well-being and prosperity of their families.

The festival involves various rituals and traditions, including fasting, offering prayers, and performing puja. By participating in Varalakshmi Vratam, devotees seek the blessings of the goddess and hope for a prosperous and harmonious life.

This festival not only strengthens the bond between family members but also promotes devotion and spirituality. Overall, Varalakshmi Vratam is a beautiful celebration that holds deep cultural and religious significance in Hinduism.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of Varalakshmi Vratam?

Varalakshmi Vratam is considered highly auspicious and is believed to bring blessings, prosperity, and fulfillment of wishes.

How is Varalakshmi Vratam celebrated in different regions of India?

Varalakshmi Vratam is celebrated with great enthusiasm in various regions of India, with slight variations in rituals and traditions. For example, in South India, it is a popular festival where women dress up in traditional attire, visit temples, and perform puja rituals. In North India, it is observed as a fasting day with devotees offering prayers and performing special rituals.

What are the traditional dishes prepared during Varalakshmi Vratam?

Some of the traditional dishes prepared during Varalakshmi Vratam include puliyodarai (tamarind rice), coconut rice, sweet pongal, payasam (kheer), and various types of fruits and sweets.

Are there any rules and guidelines for fasting during Varalakshmi Vratam?

Yes, there are certain rules and guidelines for fasting during Varalakshmi Vratam. Devotees usually observe a strict fast from sunrise to sunset and consume only sattvic food. They abstain from consuming onion, garlic, non-vegetarian food, and alcohol.

What is the origin and significance of Varalakshmi Vratam?

Varalakshmi Vratam is believed to have originated during the Vedic period and holds great significance in Hindu mythology. It is dedicated to Goddess Varalakshmi, who is considered the embodiment of wealth, prosperity, and auspiciousness.

What are the blessings and benefits of observing Varalakshmi Vratam?

Observing Varalakshmi Vratam is believed to bestow blessings such as financial stability, good health, harmony in relationships, and overall prosperity. It is also said to fulfill the wishes of the devotees and remove obstacles from their lives.

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