Dhanvantri Puja Samagri List and Vidhi(धनतेरस पूजन सामग्री)

Dhanvantri Puja is a sacred ritual in Hindu culture that holds great significance. It is performed to seek the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri, the divine physician, for good health and well-being. This article explores the importance of Dhanvantri Puja, the rituals involved, and the essential samagri required for the puja.

Key Takeaways

  • Dhanvantri Puja is deeply rooted in the history of Hindu culture.
  • Performing Dhanvantri Puja is believed to bring health, healing, and prosperity.
  • The rituals of Dhanvantri Puja involve specific preparations, steps, offerings, and mantras.
  • Essential items for Dhanvantri Puja include special herbs, ingredients, and traditional items.
  • By understanding the significance and rituals of Dhanvantri Puja, one can experience its benefits in their life.

Dhanvantri Puja Samagri List

सामग्री मात्रा
रोली 10 ग्राम
पीला सिंदूर 10 ग्राम
पीला अष्टगंध चंदन 10 ग्राम
लाल सिंदूर 10 ग्राम
हल्दी (पिसी) 50 ग्राम
हल्दी (समूची) 50 ग्राम
सुपाड़ी (समूची बड़ी) 100 ग्राम
लौंग 10 ग्राम
इलायची 10 ग्राम
सर्वौषधि 1 डिब्बी
सप्तमृत्तिका 1 डिब्बी
पीली सरसों 50 ग्राम
जनेऊ 5 पीस
इत्र 1 शीशी
गरी का गोला (सूखा) 2 पीस
पानी वाला नारियल 1 पीस
अक्षत (चावल) 1 किलो
धूपबत्ती 1 पैकेट
रुई की बत्ती (गोल / लंबी) 1-1 पैकेट
देशी घी 500 ग्राम
सरसों का तेल 500 ग्राम
कपूर 20 ग्राम
कलावा 5 पीस
चुनरी (लाल / पीली) 1/1 पीस
बताशा 500 ग्राम
गंगाजल 1 शीशी
नवग्रह चावल 1 पैकेट
लाल वस्त्र 1 मीटर
पीला वस्त्र 1 मीटर
बंदनवार (शुभ, लाभ) 2 पीस
स्वास्तिक (स्टीकर वाला) 5 पीस
कमलगट्टे की माला 1 पीस
दोना (छोटा-बड़ा) 1-1 पीस
माचिस 1 पीस
तिल 100 ग्राम
गुड़ 100 ग्राम
कमलगट्टा 100 ग्राम
शहद 50 ग्राम
पंचमेवा 200 ग्राम
पंचरत्न व पंचधातु 1 डिब्बी
लक्ष्मी यन्त्र 1 पीस
श्री यन्त्र 1 पीस
कुबेर यन्त्र 1 पीस

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Samagri From Home

सामग्री मात्रा
मिष्ठान 500 ग्राम
पान के पत्ते (समूचे) 21 पीस
केले के पत्ते 5 पीस
आम के पत्ते 2 डंठल
ऋतु फल (अनार व शरीफा विशेषकर) 5 प्रकार के
दूब घास 50 ग्राम
फूल, हार (गुलाब) की 2 माला
फूल, हार (गेंदे) की 2 माला
गुलाब/गेंदा का खुला हुआ फूल 500 ग्राम
तुलसी की पत्ती 5 पीस
कमल का फूल 5 पीस
दूध 1 लीटर
दही 1 किलो
गणेश जी की मूर्ति 1 पीस
लक्ष्मी जी की मूर्ति 1 पीस
हनुमान जी की मूर्ति 1 पीस
कुबेर जी की मूर्ति 1 पीस
उल्लू की मूर्ति 1 पीस
आटा 100 ग्राम
चीनी 500 ग्राम
अखंड दीपक (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
तांबे/पीतल का कलश (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
थाली 2 पीस
लोटे 2 पीस
कटोरी 4 पीस
चम्मच 2 पीस
परात 2 पीस
कैंची /चाकू (लड़ी काटने हेतु) 1 पीस
जल (पूजन हेतु)
गाय का गोबर
बिछाने का आसन
धान का चूरा 1 किलो
धान (खील) की लाई 500 ग्राम
भुर्गियां (खिलौना-मिठाई) 500 ग्राम
खुटिया (तिल-गट्टा) 500 ग्राम
नया बर्तन
कुबेर की पोटली के लिए
पोटली (लाल/पीली) 1 पीस
धनिया (साबुत) 50 ग्राम
हल्दी (समूची) 11 पीस
कौड़ी 7 पीस
कमलगट्टा 11 पीस
सुपाड़ी (समूची) 11 पीस
गोमती चक्र 7 पीस
मजीठ 50 ग्राम
घुंघची 25 ग्राम
चाँदी या स्वर्ण सिक्का 1 पीस
लकड़ी की चौकी 1 पीस
मिट्टी का कलश (बड़ा) 1 पीस
मिट्टी का प्याला 11 पीस
मिट्टी की दियाली 21 पीस

Importance of Dhanvantri Puja

History of Dhanvantri Puja

The Dhanvantri Puja has its roots deeply embedded in Hindu mythology. It is believed that Lord Dhanvantri, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, emerged during the churning of the ocean, known as Samudra Manthan, bearing the pot of amrita, the nectar of immortality.

This event is celebrated on Dhanteras, a significant day that marks the beginning of Diwali festivities.

The emergence of Lord Dhanvantri is considered a momentous event that symbolizes the victory of good over evil and the promise of health and healing.

The puja is traditionally performed to honor Lord Dhanvantri, who is regarded as the god of Ayurveda and the physician of the gods. By conducting this puja, devotees seek his blessings for good health and longevity.

The festival of Dhanteras is not only about worship but also involves cultural practices such as shopping for gold and silver items, which are believed to bring prosperity and good fortune.

Significance in Hindu culture

Dhanvantri Puja holds a place of great reverence within Hindu culture. Lord Dhanvantri, an avatar of Lord Vishnu, is worshipped as the god of Ayurveda and is believed to be the originator of all medicinal practices.

The puja is especially significant as it seeks blessings for good health and longevity.

The practice of Dhanvantri Puja is deeply embedded in the Hindu ethos, symbolizing the pursuit of a balanced and healthy life.

The puja is often performed during Dhanteras, which precedes the festival of Diwali. It is a time when families come together to pray for the well-being of all members. The following list highlights key aspects of the puja's significance:

  • It is a time for self-reflection and spiritual cleansing.
  • Devotees pray for the healing of physical and mental ailments.
  • The puja reinforces the importance of health in achieving life's goals.
  • It is a communal event that fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Benefits of performing the puja

Performing the Dhanvantri Puja is believed to bring about a multitude of benefits for the devotees. Holistic wellness is at the core of these benefits, as the puja is dedicated to Lord Dhanvantri, the god of Ayurveda and health. By conducting this sacred ritual, individuals seek to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

  • Spiritual energy: The puja helps in maintaining the sanctity of the home, creating an environment filled with positive energy.
  • Health and healing: Devotees pray for good health and protection from illnesses.
  • Prosperity: It is also said that the puja brings prosperity and happiness to the household.
Embracing the rituals and offerings with sincerity is key to reaping the full benefits of the Dhanvantri Puja. The upcoming Dhanvantri Puja Vidhi in 2024 places a strong emphasis on health and healing through these sacred practices.

Dhanvantri Puja Rituals

Preparation for the puja

Before commencing the Dhanvantri Puja, it is crucial to gather all necessary items and prepare the space where the puja will be conducted. Ensure the area is clean, serene, and conducive to worship and meditation. Mental readiness and purification are as important as the physical preparations.

  • Clean the puja area thoroughly.
  • Arrange the idols or images of Lord Dhanvantri.
  • Prepare the altar with a red or yellow cloth.
  • Place the puja items neatly on the altar.
The essence of preparation lies in creating an environment that resonates with spiritual energy and devotion, setting the stage for a sacred experience.

While the preparation for Dhanvantri Puja is specific to the deity, it shares similarities with other pujas. For instance, the preparation for Shiva Puja also includes gathering essential items like Gangajal, Panchamrit, Bilva leaves, and setting up a clean, serene puja space.

Steps to perform the puja

After the preparation for the Dhanvantri Puja is complete, devotees can begin the actual rituals. The first step is to clean and purify the area where the puja will be conducted. This is followed by setting up the altar with the idol or image of Lord Dhanvantri.

Next, the Kalash Sthapana is performed, which involves placing a sacred pot symbolizing prosperity and life. The Kalash is filled with water and topped with a coconut and mango leaves. Devotees then invoke the presence of Lord Dhanvantri by chanting specific mantras and offering flowers.

The puja continues with the offerings of sweets, fruits, and special herbs. Each offering is accompanied by a mantra, recited with devotion and focus. The ceremony concludes with the Aarti, where a lit lamp is rotated in front of the deity, symbolizing the removal of darkness and ignorance.

It is essential to maintain a serene and respectful atmosphere throughout the puja to invite the divine blessings of health and well-being.

Offerings and mantras

The offerings made during Dhanvantri Puja are a testament to the devotee's reverence and dedication.

Essential offerings include sacred herbs, fruits, flowers, and a lamp lit with ghee, symbolizing the illumination of mind and soul. The act of offering is accompanied by the chanting of mantras, which are believed to have the power to invoke the deity and bring about healing and wellness.

Mantras play a crucial role in the puja, with specific verses recited for different phases of the ritual. The Dhanvantri mantra, for example, is chanted to seek the blessings of the god of Ayurveda for good health and to ward off diseases. It is important to chant the mantras with the correct intonation and devotion to ensure their efficacy.

The success of the puja hinges on the sincerity of the offerings and the precision of the mantras. Devotees must approach the puja with a clear mind and a pure heart to fully receive the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri.


In conclusion, performing the Dhanvantri Puja with the required Samagri is a sacred and auspicious practice that is believed to bring health and well-being.

By following the Vidhi and using the necessary items, devotees can seek the blessings of Lord Dhanvantri for good health and healing. It is important to perform the Puja with devotion and sincerity to experience the positive effects of this ancient ritual.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of Dhanvantri Puja?

Dhanvantri Puja is significant in Hindu culture as it is dedicated to the divine physician Dhanvantri, who is believed to bring health and healing to devotees.

How is Dhanvantri Puja performed?

Dhanvantri Puja is performed by following specific rituals and mantras, offering prayers and offerings to Lord Dhanvantri with devotion.

What are the benefits of performing Dhanvantri Puja?

Performing Dhanvantri Puja is believed to bring health, well-being, and protection from diseases to the devotees. It is also considered auspicious for overall prosperity.

What are the essential items required for Dhanvantri Puja?

Essential items for Dhanvantri Puja include incense sticks, flowers, fruits, sweets, water, turmeric, sandalwood paste, and a picture or idol of Lord Dhanvantri.

Are there any specific herbs and ingredients used in Dhanvantri Puja?

Yes, special herbs like tulsi leaves, neem leaves, and holy basil are often used in Dhanvantri Puja for their medicinal and purifying properties.

What traditional items are commonly used in Dhanvantri Puja?

Traditional items used in Dhanvantri Puja include ghee, camphor, betel leaves, coconut, and sacred thread for offering to Lord Dhanvantri.

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