Dashratha Shani Sotra(दशरथकृत शनि स्तोत्र) in Hindi and English

In the vast tapestry of Hindu mythology, numerous texts and hymns are dedicated to various deities, each offering unique insights and benefits to the devotees.

Among these sacred compositions, the Dashratha Shani Stotra holds a special place. This powerful hymn, attributed to King Dashratha, the illustrious father of Lord Rama, is dedicated to Shani Dev, the personification of the planet Saturn.

Shani Dev is often regarded with a blend of reverence and apprehension due to his role in delivering justice and his influence on astrological charts.

The origin of the Dashratha Shani Stotra is rooted in a legend where King Dashratha, facing the dire consequences of Saturn’s unfavorable position, undertakes an arduous journey to appease Shani Dev.

Through intense penance and heartfelt devotion, Dashratha succeeds in earning Shani Dev’s favor, who then bestows this stotra as a blessing. The hymn is a testament to the king’s unwavering faith and the divine compassion of Shani Dev.

Reciting the Dashratha Shani Stotra is believed to mitigate the adverse effects of Saturn, bringing relief from suffering and obstacles.

It is especially recommended during periods of Sade Sati, the seven-and-a-half-year phase when Saturn transits through one’s zodiac. The stotra’s verses, imbued with spiritual energy and devotion, resonate deeply with those seeking solace and protection from Saturn’s challenging aspects.

दशरथकृत शनि स्तोत्र हिंदी में

दशरथ उवाच:
प्रसन्नो यदि मे सौरे ! एकश्चास्तु वरः परः ॥

रोहिणीं भेदयित्वा तु न गन्तव्यं कदाचन् ।
सरितः सागरा यावद्यावच्चन्द्रार्कमेदिनी ॥

याचितं तु महासौरे ! नऽन्यमिच्छाम्यहं ।
एवमस्तुशनिप्रोक्तं वरलब्ध्वा तु शाश्वतम् ॥

प्राप्यैवं तु वरं राजा कृतकृत्योऽभवत्तदा ।
पुनरेवाऽब्रवीत्तुष्टो वरं वरम् सुव्रत ॥

दशरथकृत शनि स्तोत्र:
नम: कृष्णाय नीलाय शितिकण्ठ निभाय च ।
नम: कालाग्निरूपाय कृतान्ताय च वै नम: ॥1॥

नमो निर्मांस देहाय दीर्घश्मश्रुजटाय च ।
नमो विशालनेत्राय शुष्कोदर भयाकृते ॥2॥

नम: पुष्कलगात्राय स्थूलरोम्णेऽथ वै नम: ।
नमो दीर्घाय शुष्काय कालदंष्ट्र नमोऽस्तु ते ॥3॥

नमस्ते कोटराक्षाय दुर्नरीक्ष्याय वै नम: ।
नमो घोराय रौद्राय भीषणाय कपालिने ॥4॥

नमस्ते सर्वभक्षाय बलीमुख नमोऽस्तु ते ।
सूर्यपुत्र नमस्तेऽस्तु भास्करेऽभयदाय च ॥5॥

अधोदृष्टे: नमस्तेऽस्तु संवर्तक नमोऽस्तु ते ।
नमो मन्दगते तुभ्यं निस्त्रिंशाय नमोऽस्तुते ॥6॥

तपसा दग्ध-देहाय नित्यं योगरताय च ।
नमो नित्यं क्षुधार्ताय अतृप्ताय च वै नम: ॥7॥

ज्ञानचक्षुर्नमस्तेऽस्तु कश्यपात्मज-सूनवे ।
तुष्टो ददासि वै राज्यं रुष्टो हरसि तत्क्षणात् ॥8॥

देवासुरमनुष्याश्च सिद्ध-विद्याधरोरगा: ।
त्वया विलोकिता: सर्वे नाशं यान्ति समूलत: ॥9॥

प्रसाद कुरु मे सौरे ! वारदो भव भास्करे ।
एवं स्तुतस्तदा सौरिर्ग्रहराजो महाबल: ॥10॥

दशरथ उवाच:
प्रसन्नो यदि मे सौरे ! वरं देहि ममेप्सितम् ।
अद्य प्रभृति-पिंगाक्ष ! पीडा देया न कस्यचित् ॥

Dashratha Shani Sotra in English

Dashrath Uvach:
Prasanno Yadi Me Saure ! Ekashchastu Varah Parah ॥

Rohini Bhedayitva Tu Na Gantvayam Kadachan ।
Saritha: Sagara Yavadivachandrarakmedini ॥

Yachint Tu Mahasoure! Nanyamichamyam ।
Evamastushaniproktam Varalbdhva Tu Shashwatam ॥

Prapyon Tu Varan Raaja Krtakrtyobhavattada ।
Punarevabravittushto Varan Varam Suvrat! ॥

Dashrathakrt Shani Stotr:
Namah Krshnay Neelay Shitikanth Nibhay Ch ।
Namah Kalagniroopaay Krtantay Ch Vai Namah ॥ 1 ॥

Namo Nirmans Dehay Deerghashmashrujataay Ch ।
Namo Vishalanetraay Shushkodar Bhayakrte ॥ 2 ॥

Namah Pushkalagatraay Sthoolaromneth Vai Namah ।
Namo Deerghay Shushkaay Kaladanshtr Namostu Te ॥ 3 ॥

Namaste Kotarakshaya Durnarixyaya Vai Namah ।
Namo Ghorai Raudraya Bhishnaya Kapaline ॥ 4 ॥

Namaste Sarvabhakshaya Balimukh Namoastu Te ।
Suryaputra Namastu Bhaskarayabhayada Cha ॥ 5 ॥

Adhodeshte: Namasteastu Vyakta Namoastu Te ।
Namo Mandagate Tubhyam Nistrinshai Namoastustate ॥ 6 ॥

Tapasa Dagdha-dehaya Nityam Yogratayya Ch ।
Namo Nityam Aradhartaaya Atrupatya Ch Vai Namah ॥ 7 ॥

Gyanachakshurnamasteऽastu Kashyapatmaj-sunbay ।
Tushto Dadasi Vai Rajyam Rishto Harsi Tatkhyanat ॥ 8 ॥

Devasuramanushyashch Siddh-vidyadharoragah ।
Tvaya Vilokita: Sarve Naashan Yanti Samoolatah ॥ 9 ॥

Prasad Kuru Me Saure ! Varado Bhav Bhaskare ।
Evam Stutastada Saurirgraharajo Mahabalah ॥ 10 ॥

Dashrath Uvach:
Prasanno Yadi Me Saure ! Varan Dehi Mamepsitam ।
Ady Prabhrti-pingaaksh ! Peeda Deya Na Kasyachit ॥


The Dashratha Shani Stotra stands as a beacon of hope and divine intervention in the face of astrological adversities. Its enduring legacy is a reminder of the profound impact that faith and devotion can have in overcoming the trials imposed by celestial forces.

For believers, this hymn is not just a means to appease Shani Dev but also a pathway to inner peace and resilience.

In our modern world, where uncertainty and challenges abound, the Dashratha Shani Stotra offers a spiritual anchor, grounding individuals in their faith and empowering them with divine protection.

Whether chanted during specific astrological phases or as a regular part of one’s spiritual practice, this stotra continues to inspire and uplift countless devotees, reaffirming the timeless connection between humanity and the divine.

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