Celebrate Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival In 2024

The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival is a significant religious event celebrated in Puri, Odisha, India. It is one of the most awaited festivals in the Hindu calendar and attracts millions of devotees and pilgrims from all over the world.

The festival is known for its grand processions, elaborate rituals, and vibrant cultural events. Let's explore the history, preparations, rituals, devotees, and festivities of the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival.

Key Takeaways

  • The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival is a religious event celebrated in Puri, Odisha, India.
  • The festival has a rich history and is believed to have originated thousands of years ago.
  • The chariots used in the festival are constructed with great care and precision.
  • The festival attracts a large number of devotees and pilgrims, contributing to the local economy.
  • The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival showcases the rich cultural heritage of Odisha through music, dance, and traditional food.

History of Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival

Origins of the festival

The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival has its origins in ancient Hindu mythology and is believed to have been celebrated for over a thousand years. According to the legends, Lord Jagannatha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, along with his siblings Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra, would visit their aunt's temple in a grand procession every year.

This tradition of the deities' journey from the Jagannatha Temple to the Gundicha Temple is the foundation of the Rath Yatra Festival.

The festival holds immense religious and cultural significance for the people of Puri and devotees from all over the world. It is considered one of the most important events in the Hindu calendar and attracts millions of pilgrims and tourists every year.

To understand the evolution of the festival over the years, let's explore the various rituals, ceremonies, and preparations associated with the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival.

Significance of the festival

The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival holds immense significance in Hindu mythology and is considered one of the most important festivals in India.

It is believed that participating in the Rath Yatra and pulling the chariots of Lord Jagannatha, Balabhadra, and Subhadra brings immense blessings and spiritual merit to the devotees. The festival is also seen as a way to cleanse one's sins and attain salvation.

The chariot procession symbolizes the journey of the deities from the Jagannatha Temple to the Gundicha Temple, representing the journey of the soul towards liberation.

Evolution of the festival over the years

The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival has evolved significantly over the years, adapting to changing times while preserving its rich traditions. One notable change is the introduction of new technologies in the construction of the chariots, making them more durable and efficient.

Additionally, the festival has witnessed an increase in the number of attendees, with thousands of devotees and pilgrims from all over the world participating in the grand procession. The festival has also become more inclusive, with efforts to promote gender equality and involve people from diverse backgrounds.

These changes have helped the festival to continue thriving and remain a significant cultural event.

Preparations for Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival

Construction of the chariots

The construction of the chariots for the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival is a meticulous process that involves skilled artisans and craftsmen. Each year, three new chariots are built from scratch using traditional methods and materials.

The chariots are made of wood, mainly from the phassi tree, and are intricately carved and decorated with vibrant colors and motifs. The construction process begins several months in advance, with the selection of the wood and the gathering of the necessary materials.

The artisans work tirelessly to ensure that the chariots are structurally sound and visually stunning, paying attention to every detail. The final result is a magnificent display of craftsmanship and devotion.

Decorations and embellishments

The decorations and embellishments of the chariots are an integral part of the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival. Elaborate designs and vibrant colors are used to adorn the chariots, creating a visually stunning spectacle.

The chariots are decorated with flowers, garlands, and intricate patterns made from fabrics and paper. The craftsmen and artisans put in months of hard work to create these beautiful decorations.

In addition to the chariots, the streets and temples along the procession route are also adorned with decorations. Colorful banners, flags, and lights are hung to create a festive atmosphere.

The entire city of Puri comes alive with vibrant colors and intricate designs, adding to the grandeur of the festival.

The decorations and embellishments not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the festival but also hold symbolic significance.

They represent the devotion and reverence of the devotees towards Lord Jagannatha and the divine journey that takes place during the Rath Yatra.

The elaborate decorations serve as a visual representation of the grandeur and magnificence of the festival.

Selection and training of the chariot pullers

The selection and training of the chariot pullers is a crucial aspect of the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival. Only experienced and physically fit individuals are chosen for this important role.

They undergo rigorous training to ensure they have the strength and stamina to pull the heavy chariots. The training includes exercises, weightlifting, and endurance drills.

The chariot pullers are also provided with a nutritious diet to maintain their physical fitness throughout the festival.

During the selection process, the organizers consider various factors such as age, health, and previous experience. The chosen pullers are then divided into teams, each assigned to a specific chariot.

This division ensures a coordinated effort in pulling the chariots during the procession.

To ensure the safety of the pullers, safety measures such as proper footwear and harnesses are provided. The organizers also conduct regular safety drills to familiarize the pullers with emergency procedures.

Overall, the selection and training of the chariot pullers is a meticulous process that ensures the smooth and successful execution of the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival.

Rituals and Ceremonies during Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival

Chhera Pahara

During the Chhera Pahara ritual, the Gajapati King of Puri sweeps the chariot of Lord Jagannatha with a golden broom. This symbolic act represents the king's humility and devotion towards the deity.

The Chhera Pahara is a significant moment during the Rath Yatra, as it highlights the egalitarian nature of the festival, where even the highest authority humbly serves the Lord.

This ritual is a reminder of the spiritual equality that exists among all devotees, regardless of their social status or position.

Snana Purnima

Snana Purnima is a significant ritual during the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival. On this day, the idols of Lord Jagannatha, Balabhadra, and Subhadra are given a ceremonial bath.

The deities are brought to the Snana Bedi, a specially decorated platform, where they are bathed with 108 pitchers of water. The water used for the bath is infused with various herbs and scented oils, believed to have medicinal properties. This ritual is considered highly auspicious and is believed to cleanse the deities of any impurities.

During Snana Purnima, devotees gather in large numbers to witness the bathing ceremony. The atmosphere is filled with devotion and excitement as the deities are bathed amidst chanting of prayers and blowing of conch shells.

After the bath, the idols are dressed in new clothes and adorned with beautiful jewelry. The deities are then taken back to the temple in a grand procession, known as Pahandi, where they rest for a period of 15 days before the Rath Yatra begins.

Table: Snana Purnima Ritual

Ritual Description
Ceremonial Bath The idols of Lord Jagannatha, Balabhadra, and Subhadra are bathed with 108 pitchers of water infused with herbs and scented oils.
Devotee Gathering Large numbers of devotees gather to witness the bathing ceremony and offer their prayers.
Dressing and Adornment After the bath, the idols are dressed in new clothes and adorned with beautiful jewelry.


The Snana Purnima ritual holds immense significance in the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival. It is believed that participating in this ritual and witnessing the bathing ceremony brings blessings and purifies the soul.

Devotees consider it a privilege to be present during this auspicious occasion and offer their prayers to the divine deities.

Gundicha Marjana

Gundicha Marjana is a significant ritual during the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival. It involves the cleaning and purifying of the Gundicha Temple, which is believed to be the temporary abode of Lord Jagannatha, Balabhadra, and Subhadra during the festival.

This ritual holds great importance as it symbolizes the devotees' devotion and dedication to the deities. The cleaning process is carried out by the servitors of the temple and is done meticulously to ensure the temple is in a pristine condition for the deities' arrival.

During Gundicha Marjana, the devotees also clean the surrounding areas and streets leading to the temple. This collective effort of cleaning and purifying the temple and its surroundings creates a sense of unity and purity among the devotees.

It is a time of great enthusiasm and devotion as the devotees prepare for the next phase of the festival, Bahuda Yatra, where the deities will be brought back to the main temple.

Bahuda Yatra

After the grand procession and rituals of the Gundicha Yatra, the deities return to the Jagannatha Temple in a ceremony known as Bahuda Yatra. This is a significant event as it marks the conclusion of the Rath Yatra festival.

The chariots are carefully maneuvered and pulled back to the temple amidst the joyous chants and cheers of the devotees. The return journey is believed to symbolize the deities' homecoming and their reunion with their abode.

It is a moment of great celebration and devotion for the pilgrims and devotees who eagerly await the arrival of the chariots at the temple.


During the Sunabesha ritual, the deities of Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balabhadra, and Devi Subhadra are adorned with gold ornaments. This ritual takes place on the 12th day of the Rath Yatra.

The deities are dressed in their golden attire, symbolizing their divine opulence and majesty. The gold ornaments include crowns, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets, all intricately crafted with exquisite designs.

The Sunabesha ritual is a visual spectacle that mesmerizes the devotees and adds to the grandeur of the festival.

  • The Sunabesha ritual is a significant highlight of the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra.
  • The deities are adorned with gold ornaments, showcasing their divine opulence.
  • The gold ornaments include crowns, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets.
  • The Sunabesha ritual takes place on the 12th day of the Rath Yatra.

Niladri Bije

After the grand procession and the Sunabesha ceremony, the deities return to the Jagannatha temple in a ritual known as Niladri Bije. This is a significant moment as it symbolizes the reunion of Lord Jagannatha with his divine abode.

The deities are welcomed back into the temple with great joy and devotion. The Niladri Bije ceremony marks the end of the Rath Yatra festival and is celebrated with fervor by the devotees.

During Niladri Bije, Lord Jagannatha is offered a special sweet known as 'Poda Pitha'. This delicious cake-like delicacy is made with rice flour, jaggery, and coconut. It is believed to be Lord Jagannatha's favorite food and is offered to him as a token of love and devotion.

Devotees eagerly wait to get a glimpse of the deities as they enter the temple, seeking blessings and divine grace.

To commemorate this auspicious occasion, a special puja is performed by the temple priests.

The deities are bathed and adorned with new clothes and jewelry. The atmosphere is filled with chants, prayers, and the sound of conch shells. It is a moment of spiritual bliss and divine connection for the devotees.

Devotees and Pilgrims at Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival

Number of attendees

The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival attracts a massive number of devotees and pilgrims from all over the world. Each year, the festival sees an estimated one million attendees, making it one of the largest religious gatherings in India.

People from different walks of life come together to witness the grand procession of the chariots and seek blessings from Lord Jagannatha. The festival's popularity has been steadily increasing, with the number of attendees growing significantly over the years.

  • The festival attracts an estimated one million attendees each year.
  • It is one of the largest religious gatherings in India.
  • People from different walks of life come together to seek blessings from Lord Jagannatha.
  • The popularity of the festival has been steadily increasing over the years.

Devotional practices

Devotees engage in various devotional practices during the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival. One of the key devotional practices is the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, which is believed to purify the mind and bring spiritual enlightenment.

The devotees also engage in kirtan, a form of congregational singing and dancing, to express their devotion and love for Lord Jagannatha.

In addition to chanting and singing, devotees also participate in seva, which involves offering service to the deities.

This can include cleaning the temple, preparing food for the deities, and assisting in the rituals and ceremonies. Seva is considered a way to express gratitude and devotion towards Lord Jagannatha.

Another important devotional practice during the festival is the offering of bhoga, which refers to the food offerings made to the deities.

Devotees believe that by offering pure and vegetarian food to the deities, they can receive blessings and spiritual nourishment.

During the festival, devotees also engage in pradakshina, which is the act of circumambulating the chariots. This is done as a form of reverence and to seek the blessings of Lord Jagannatha. Devotees walk around the chariots, chanting prayers and offering their respects.

Overall, the devotional practices during the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival are a way for devotees to connect with Lord Jagannatha and deepen their spiritual journey.

Impact on local economy

The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival has a significant impact on the local economy. The influx of devotees and pilgrims during the festival leads to a boost in tourism, resulting in increased revenue for hotels, restaurants, and transportation services.

Local vendors and artisans also benefit from the festival, as they sell a variety of religious items, souvenirs, and traditional crafts to the visitors.

Additionally, the festival provides employment opportunities for the local community, with many individuals working as guides, performers, and support staff during the event.

The economic impact of the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival is substantial, contributing to the overall growth and development of the region.

Festivities and Cultural Events during Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival

Music and dance performances

The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival is not only a religious event but also a celebration of art and culture.

The festival showcases a vibrant display of music and dance performances that captivate the audience. Renowned musicians and dancers from all over the country come together to perform traditional Odissi, Bharatanatyam, and folk dances.

The rhythmic beats of the mridangam, tabla, and ghungroos create a mesmerizing atmosphere, filling the air with joy and energy.

In addition to the live performances, there are also cultural events that promote local talent. Various music and dance competitions are organized, providing a platform for young artists to showcase their skills.

These events not only entertain the devotees but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of traditional art forms.

The festival truly becomes a melting pot of diverse cultural expressions, where people from different backgrounds come together to celebrate the rich heritage of India.

Traditional food and delicacies

Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival offers a delightful array of traditional food and delicacies that are a treat for the taste buds.

One must-try dish is the famous 'Mahaprasad', which is the sacred food offered to Lord Jagannatha and then distributed among the devotees. It is believed that consuming this prasad brings blessings and spiritual fulfillment.

In addition to Mahaprasad, there are various other mouth-watering dishes available during the festival.

Some popular delicacies include Khaja, a crispy sweet made from flour and sugar syrup, Poda Pitha, a baked cake made from rice flour, jaggery, and coconut, and Dalma, a lentil and vegetable stew.

These dishes showcase the rich culinary heritage of Odisha and are a must-try for food enthusiasts.

During the festival, food stalls and vendors line the streets, offering a wide range of delectable snacks and sweets.

Visitors can indulge in chhena poda, a caramelized cheese dessert, rasgulla, a spongy sweet made from cottage cheese, and pakhala, a refreshing rice dish served with curd and seasonings.

The traditional food and delicacies of Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival are not only a feast for the senses but also a reflection of the cultural significance of the festival. They bring people together, fostering a sense of community and celebration.

Art and craft exhibitions

Art and craft exhibitions are an integral part of the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region.

These exhibitions provide a platform for local artisans and craftsmen to display their exquisite creations. Visitors can admire and purchase a wide range of traditional handicrafts, including intricately carved wooden sculptures, colorful Pattachitra paintings, and beautifully woven textiles.

The art and craft exhibitions add a vibrant and colorful touch to the festival, attracting art enthusiasts and collectors from all over the world.

In addition to the exhibitions, there are also workshops and demonstrations where visitors can learn about the traditional techniques and processes involved in creating these masterpieces.

It is a wonderful opportunity to interact with the artisans and gain insights into their craftsmanship. The art and craft exhibitions not only promote the local talent but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of traditional art forms.

Table: Traditional Handicrafts at Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival

Handicraft Description
Wooden Sculptures Intricately carved sculptures depicting deities and mythological figures.
Pattachitra Paintings Colorful and detailed paintings on cloth, depicting stories from Hindu mythology.
Textiles Handwoven fabrics with intricate designs and motifs.


Note: The table provides a glimpse of the traditional handicrafts available at the festival. The actual range of products may vary.

The art and craft exhibitions at the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival offer a unique opportunity to appreciate the skill and creativity of the local artisans. It is a celebration of the rich cultural heritage of the region and a testament to the enduring legacy of traditional art and craft.


The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra festival is a vibrant and joyous celebration that attracts millions of devotees from all over the world. It is a time to honor Lord Jagannatha and seek his blessings.

The grand procession, the beautifully decorated chariots, and the enthusiastic participation of the devotees create an atmosphere of devotion and spirituality. If you are planning to visit India in 2024, make sure to include the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra festival in your itinerary.

It is an experience that will leave you with cherished memories and a deeper connection to the divine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the history of the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival?

The Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival has a rich history dating back centuries. It is believed to have started in the 12th century and has been celebrated annually ever since.

Why is the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival significant?

The festival holds great religious and cultural significance for Hindus. It is believed to be an opportunity to seek blessings from Lord Jagannatha and experience spiritual upliftment.

How has the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival evolved over the years?

The festival has evolved in terms of scale and popularity. It has become a major tourist attraction, drawing devotees and tourists from all over the world.

What are the preparations involved in the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival?

The preparations include the construction of the chariots, which are beautifully decorated and embellished. The chariot pullers are also selected and trained for the event.

What are some of the rituals and ceremonies during the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival?

Some of the rituals and ceremonies include Chhera Pahara, Snana Purnima, Gundicha Marjana, Bahuda Yatra, Sunabesha, and Niladri Bije. These rituals hold great significance in the festival.

How many attendees does the Jagannatha Puri Rath Yatra Festival attract?

The festival attracts a large number of attendees, with thousands of devotees and pilgrims visiting Puri during the festival. It is one of the most popular festivals in India.

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