Bhoomi Pujan Samagri List(भूमि (नींव) पूजन सामग्री)

Bhoomi Pujan, also known as the foundation stone-laying ceremony, is a sacred ritual performed before beginning any construction work, whether it is for a house, temple, or commercial building.

In Hindu traditions, Bhoomi (Earth) is revered as a motherly figure who provides us with shelter, sustenance, and resources. This puja is an expression of gratitude to Bhoomi Devi (Mother Earth) and a prayer for her blessings and forgiveness for disturbing her natural balance during construction.

The ritual holds immense significance as it marks the beginning of a new project with positive energy and divine blessings.

Bhoomi Pujan is also deeply connected to Vastu Shastra, as it seeks to align the construction with cosmic energies, ensuring harmony, prosperity, and safety for the inhabitants.

A key aspect of performing Bhoomi Pujan is the use of specific puja samagri (ritual items), each of which carries symbolic meaning and spiritual importance.

This blog provides a detailed Bhoomi Pujan Samagri list, along with its significance and guidance to help you prepare for this auspicious ceremony with devotion and precision.

    Bhoomi Pujan Samagri List(भूमि पूजन सामग्री)

    सामग्री मात्रा
    अक्षत (चावल) 1 किलो
    अगर-तगर 100 ग्राम
    अबीर-गुलाल (लाल, पीला, हरा, गुलाबी) अलग-अलग 10-10 ग्राम
    आम की लकड़ी 2 किलो
    इत्र 1 शीशी
    इंद्र जौ 50 ग्राम
    इलायची 10 ग्राम
    कपूर 20 ग्राम
    कमलगट्टा 100 ग्राम
    कलावा 5 पीस
    कस्तूरी 1 डिब्बी
    केसर 1 डिब्बी
    खैर की लकड़ी 4 पीस
    गंगाजल 1 शीशी
    गरी का गोला (सूखा) 2 पीस
    गुग्गुल 100 ग्राम
    गुड़ 500 ग्राम
    गुर्च 50 ग्राम
    गुलाब जल 1 शीशी
    चुनरी (लाल / पीली) 1/1 पीस
    जटादार सूखा नारियल 1 पीस
    जटामांसी 50 ग्राम
    जनेऊ 5 पीस
    जावित्री 25 ग्राम
    जौ 100 ग्राम
    झंडा हनुमान जी का 1 पीस
    तिल 100 ग्राम
    देशी घी 500 ग्राम
    दोना (छोटा – बड़ा) 1-1 पीस
    धूप लकड़ी 100 ग्राम
    धूपबत्ती 1 पैकेट
    नवग्रह चावल 1 पैकेट
    नवग्रह समिधा 1 पैकेट
    नागरमोथा 50 ग्राम
    पंचमेवा 200 ग्राम
    पंचरत्न व पंचधातु 1 डिब्बी
    पीला अष्टगंध चंदन 20 ग्राम
    पीला वस्त्र 1 मीटर
    पीली सरसों 50 ग्राम
    बताशा 500 ग्राम
    बुक्का (अभ्रक) 10 ग्राम
    बेलगुदा 100 ग्राम
    माचिस 1 पीस
    रुई की बत्ती (गोल / लंबी) 1-1 पैकेट
    रोली 20 ग्राम
    लाल चन्दन 20 ग्राम
    लाल वस्त्र 1 मीटर
    लाल सिंदूर 20 ग्राम
    लौंग 10 ग्राम
    वास्तु यंत्र 1 पीस
    शहद 50 ग्राम
    सतावर 50 ग्राम
    सप्तधान्य 100 ग्राम
    सप्तमृत्तिका 1 डिब्बी
    सफ़ेद चन्दन 20 ग्राम
    सर्वोषधि 1 डिब्बी
    सुगंध कोकिला 50 ग्राम
    सुगंध बाला 50 ग्राम
    सुपाड़ी (समूची बड़ी) 20 ग्राम
    हल्दी (पिसी) 20 ग्राम
    हल्दी (समूची) 20 ग्राम
    हवन सामग्री 500 ग्राम

    Order Complete Puja Samagri From Pujahome

    Bhoomi Pujan Samagri from Home

    सामग्री मात्रा
    मिष्ठान 500 ग्राम
    पान के पत्ते (समूचे) 21 पीस
    केले के पत्ते 5 पीस
    आम के पत्ते 2 डंठल
    ऋतु फल 5 प्रकार के
    दूब घास 100 ग्राम
    फूल, हार (गुलाब) की 2 माला
    फूल, हार (गेंदे) की 8 माला
    गुलाब/गेंदा का खुला हुआ फूल 500 ग्राम
    तुलसी की पत्ती 5 पीस
    दूध 1 लीटर
    दही 1 किलो
    आटा 100 ग्राम
    चीनी 500 ग्राम
    अखंड दीपक (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
    तांबे/पीतल का कलश (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
    थाली 2 पीस
    लोटे 2 पीस
    चम्मच 2 पीस
    कटोरी 4 पीस
    परात 2 पीस
    कैंची /चाकू (लड़ी काटने हेतु) 1 पीस
    हनुमंत ध्वजा हेतु बांस (छोटा/ बड़ा) 1 पीस
    जल (पूजन हेतु)
    गाय का गोबर
    बिछाने का आसन
    चुनरी 1 पीस
    अंगोछा 1 पीस
    पूजा में रखने हेतु सिंदौरा 1 पीस
    पंच पात्र
    माला इत्यादि
    लकड़ी की चौकी 1 पीस
    मिट्टी का कलश (बड़ा) 1 पीस
    मिट्टी का प्याला 8 पीस
    मिट्टी की दियाली 8 पीस
    हवन कुण्ड 1 पीस
    सिक्के 5 पीस
    तुलसी की पत्तियां 35 पीस
    पान के पत्ते (समूचे) 11 पीस
    फल 5 प्रकार के
    आटे की पंजीरी 100 ग्राम
    चौकोर पत्थर (काले रंग के) 5 पीस
    लोहे की कीलें 4 पीस
    छोटे आकार के औजार 5 पीस
    नवीन ईंट (बालू, मौरंग, सीमेंट) नींव भराई हेतु 11 पीस
    तांबे का कलश (ढक्कन समेत) 1 पीस
    चांदी के नाग-नागिन का जोड़ा 1 पीस
    चांदी का कछुआ 1 पीस
    चांदी की मछली 1 पीस
    हल्दी की गांठ 5 पीस
    राम-नाम पुस्तिका 1 पीस
    मिट्टी के दीपक 11 पीस

    Why is Bhoomi (Earth) Worshipped Before Laying the Foundation?

    Bhoomi, or Mother Earth, is considered sacred in Hinduism and is revered as a life-giving force. Worshipping her before beginning any construction project is a deeply rooted tradition, symbolizing respect, gratitude, and the seeking of blessings. Here are the key reasons why Bhoomi is worshipped before laying the foundation:

    1. Seeking Permission and Forgiveness

    Permission: Construction activities disrupt the natural state of the land and its ecosystem. Performing Bhoomi Pujan is a way of seeking permission from Bhoomi Devi (Mother Earth) to use her resources for human needs.

    Forgiveness: Digging and laying foundations may harm organisms living in the soil. The puja is a humble prayer asking for forgiveness for this disturbance.

    2. Gratitude for Shelter and Support

    Bhoomi provides shelter, food, and a foundation for life. Worshipping her during Bhoomi Pujan is an expression of gratitude for her unconditional support and nurturing.

    3. Harmonizing with Cosmic Energies

    According to Vastu Shastra, Bhoomi Devi is the carrier of energy fields that influence the balance and prosperity of a structure. Bhoomi Pujan aligns the construction with these energies, ensuring harmony and stability.

    4. Invoking Blessings for Prosperity and Protection

    Bhoomi Pujan invokes the blessings of Bhoomi Devi and other deities to ensure the construction process is smooth and the resulting structure brings prosperity, happiness, and protection to its inhabitants.

    5. Eliminating Negativity

    Worshipping Bhoomi is believed to cleanse the land of negative energies or past karmic imprints, creating a positive foundation for future growth.

    6. Ensuring Stability and Longevity

    Bhoomi Pujan rituals symbolize establishing a strong spiritual and material base. The prayers and offerings aim to strengthen the land's ability to support the structure and protect it from calamities.

    7. Following Traditional Wisdom

    Bhoomi Pujan is a time-honored tradition in Hindu culture, passed down through generations. It is a way to honor ancestral wisdom that emphasizes living in harmony with nature.

    Connection Between Bhoomi Pujan and Vastu Shastra

    Bhoomi Pujan and Vastu Shastra are deeply interconnected, as both emphasize the importance of harmonizing construction with natural energies for a prosperous and balanced life.

    Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural science that provides guidelines for designing spaces in alignment with cosmic forces to ensure harmony, health, and prosperity.

    Performing Bhoomi Pujan before laying the foundation of any building is a vital step in adhering to Vastu principles. Here’s how the two are connected:

    1. Purification of the Land

    Bhoomi Pujan involves purifying the site, both physically and spiritually, before construction begins. This ensures the removal of negative energies or any adverse vibrations that may exist on the land, aligning it with the positive cosmic energies emphasized in Vastu Shastra.

    2. Balancing the Five Elements (Pancha Mahabhutas)

    Vastu Shastra is based on balancing the five natural elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space—within the building structure. Bhoomi Pujan invokes these elements, especially the Earth element, seeking balance and stability for the foundation.

    3. Alignment with Directions and Energies

    Vastu Shastra gives significant importance to cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West) and their energies. Bhoomi Pujan rituals are conducted at specific times and in designated areas of the plot to activate positive energy and ensure that the construction aligns with Vastu principles.

    4. Activating the Guardian Deities of the Land

    Vastu Shastra acknowledges the presence of guardian deities (Dikpalas) associated with the land. Bhoomi Pujan includes prayers and offerings to these deities to seek their blessings for protection and prosperity.

    5. Ensuring Long-Term Stability

    Following Bhoomi Pujan and Vastu guidelines helps ensure the building’s structural stability and longevity. It is believed that the Earth’s energy, when respected and balanced, contributes to the strength of the foundation and the overall well-being of the occupants.

    Seeking Blessings for Harmony, Prosperity, and Safety

    The core purpose of Bhoomi Pujan is to invoke divine blessings for the success of the construction project and the welfare of its future occupants. This is achieved through rituals and prayers that align with Vastu Shastra principles:

    1. Harmony

    Bhoomi Pujan helps create a balance between the natural environment and human activity, fostering peace and harmony within the space.

    It aligns the construction with positive cosmic energies, ensuring that the structure supports emotional and mental well-being.

    2. Prosperity

    By seeking the blessings of Bhoomi Devi and performing the puja in accordance with Vastu, the ritual ensures that the property attracts abundance and success.

    It is believed to remove obstacles that may hinder growth or prosperity for the occupants.

    3. Safety

    Bhoomi Pujan includes prayers for protection against natural calamities, structural issues, and negative influences.

    By respecting the natural elements and following Vastu principles, the puja creates a shield of positive energy that safeguards the construction and its inhabitants.


    Where to Buy Bhoomi Pujan Samagri?

    Acquiring authentic and comprehensive Bhoomi Pujan Samagri is essential for conducting the ritual with devotion and adherence to tradition. While local markets in Jaipur, Rajasthan, offer various puja items, online platforms provide the convenience of procuring complete and curated samagri kits.

    PujaHome is a notable online store specializing in puja materials and kits for various Hindu rituals, including Bhoomi Pujan. They offer a meticulously curated Bhoomi Pujan/Neev Pujan Samagri Kit that includes 35 essential items required for the ceremony.  

    Key Features of PujaHome's Bhoomi Pujan Samagri Kit:

    Comprehensive Collection: The kit comprises all necessary items such as Haldi (turmeric), Kumkum, Roli, Akshat (rice grains), Kalash, coconut, betel leaves, supari (betel nuts), fresh flowers, incense sticks, camphor, and more, ensuring a hassle-free preparation for the puja.

    Quality Assurance: PujaHome emphasizes the authenticity and purity of their products, sourcing materials that align with traditional requirements to maintain the sanctity of the ritual.

    Convenient Online Ordering: Customers can easily browse and purchase the Bhoomi Pujan Samagri Kit through PujaHome's user-friendly website, with delivery services available across India, including Jaipur.


    Additional Resources: PujaHome provides informative articles and guides on various puja rituals, including the significance and procedure of Bhoomi Pujan, aiding devotees in performing the ceremony with proper understanding.


    By choosing PujaHome for your Bhoomi Pujan Samagri, you ensure that all ritual components are authentic, of high quality, and conveniently delivered to your doorstep, facilitating a spiritually fulfilling ceremony.

    Preparing For Bhoomi Pujan

    Selecting an Auspicious Date

    The selection of an auspicious date, or Muhurat, is a cornerstone of performing Bhoomi Pujan. It is believed that aligning the ceremony with a favorable time can appease celestial forces and ensure the success of future endeavors on the land.

    To ensure the most favorable outcome, consulting with a learned astrologer or booking a pandit who specializes in selecting Muhurats is highly recommended. They can help navigate the complex astrological charts and pinpoint the perfect timing for the ceremony.

    Certain months are traditionally avoided for initiating construction due to beliefs about their influence on prosperity and harmony. For instance:

    • Ashwin (October): Avoid certain days for construction to prevent future obstacles.
    • Ashadha (July): Engaging in construction during this month may lead to business losses.
    • Bhadrapad (September): Initiating construction can cause disputes and stress within the family; it is advised to avoid laying the foundation stone during this month, although sometimes favorable dates may be found towards the end of September.

    Precautions During the Ceremony

    When preparing for the Bhoomi Pujan ceremony, it is crucial to take certain precautions to ensure the ritual's sanctity and effectiveness. Ensure that all participants understand the significance and steps of the ceremony to maintain the ritual's integrity. It is recommended to have a knowledgeable Pandit guide the proceedings.

    • Maintain cleanliness and purity in the area where the ceremony is to be conducted.
    • Avoid consuming non-vegetarian food and alcohol before and during the ceremony.
    • Dress in traditional attire, preferably in colors that are considered auspicious.
    • Ensure that all the samagri (items) required for the puja are procured beforehand and are of good quality.
    It is essential to create a serene and respectful atmosphere during the Bhoomi Pujan. Distractions should be minimized, and the focus should be on the prayers and rituals being performed.


      Bhoomi Pujan is a sacred ritual that marks the beginning of any construction project with blessings, positivity, and divine energy. It not only reflects respect for Bhoomi Devi but also aligns the process with ancient Vastu Shastra principles, ensuring harmony, prosperity, and safety.

      Using the right samagri is essential to perform the ritual with authenticity and devotion. Platforms like PujaHome simplify the preparation process by offering curated Bhoomi Pujan Samagri kits, ensuring that every item is authentic and readily available.

      Starting your construction journey with Bhoomi Pujan sets the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful future. With proper preparation, sincerity, and devotion, this ritual becomes a powerful expression of gratitude and a prayer for success.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What is Bhoomi Pujan?

      Bhoomi Pujan is a Hindu ritual performed before beginning construction on a new property, especially homes. Also known as Vastu Puja or Vastu Shanti, it is conducted to appease the deities and seek their blessings before starting construction work.

      Why is Bhoomi Pujan significant?

      The ritual of Bhoomi Pujan is significant as it is believed to bring positive energy and blessings to the site, ensuring a good start and successful completion of the construction project. It follows traditional customs that establish the right energy for the new home from the very beginning.

      What are the Vedic rituals involved in Bhoomi Pujan?

      Vedic rituals for Bhoomi Pujan typically include invoking Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi, performing a groundbreaking ceremony, and making offerings and prayers to the deities to sanctify the ground and seek divine intervention for the success of the construction.

      How do I select an auspicious date for Bhoomi Pujan?

      Selecting an auspicious date for Bhoomi Pujan involves consulting an astrologer who can analyze planetary positions and recommend the most favorable dates and times according to Vedic astrology. It is important to choose a date that aligns with positive astrological influences for the best outcome.

      Are there any precautions to be taken during Bhoomi Pujan?

      During Bhoomi Pujan, it is important to follow the specific rituals and mantras as prescribed in the Vedic texts. Participants should maintain cleanliness, purity of mind and body, and follow the guidance of the pandit conducting the ceremony. It is also advisable to ensure that all necessary samagri (materials) are available for the puja.

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