Avoid These 4 Mistakes at All Costs on Nirjala Ekadashi

Nirjala Ekadashi is a significant day in the Hindu calendar, known for its strict fasting rituals. It is a day dedicated to prayer, meditation, and spiritual rejuvenation.

Unlike other Ekadashis, Nirjala Ekadashi involves a complete fast, abstaining from food and water, which is observed to seek blessings and cleanse the soul.

In this article, we will discuss the four crucial things that one must avoid doing on this sacred day, ensuring the fast's sanctity and effectiveness is maintained.

Key Takeaways

  • Do not consume any food, including fruits or light snacks, as Nirjala Ekadashi requires a complete fast.
  • Avoid drinking water or any other liquids to observe the fast in its truest form, which is unique to this Ekadashi.
  • Refrain from eating grains and beans, which is a common practice for all Ekadashis, to honor the spiritual purpose of the day.
  • Do not neglect the practice of Japa meditation, which is essential for mind training and spiritual growth on this occasion.
  • Engage in additional spiritual activities such as reading scriptures and chanting mantras to enhance the fast's benefits.

1. Eating

On Nirjala Ekadashi, devotees undertake a strict fast, abstaining from all forms of food. This day is considered one of the most austere and sacred, and eating is strictly prohibited, even by mistake. The fast is observed from sunrise on the day of Ekadashi to sunrise the following day.

  • Refrain from consuming any solid food
  • Avoid tasting or chewing any form of edible
  • Do not ingest any kind of food, even if offered as prasad
The discipline of fasting purifies the body and mind, leading to spiritual upliftment and divine blessings.

It is essential to prepare mentally and physically for this fast to ensure that the body does not suffer from the sudden withdrawal of nourishment. Devotees are encouraged to engage in spiritual activities to keep the mind focused and away from the temptation of food.

2. Drinking

On Nirjala Ekadashi, adherents undertake a strict fast that includes abstaining from all forms of liquid intake. This means no drinking of any kind, not even water, is permitted during the fast. The practice of complete abstinence is believed to enhance spiritual focus and discipline.

  • Water
  • Juices
  • Milk
  • Tea or Coffee
The significance of this day is not only in physical detoxification but also in the purification of the mind and soul. By refraining from drinking, devotees aim to overcome physical dependencies and cultivate inner strength.

It is essential to prepare for this rigorous fast in advance, ensuring that one is physically and mentally ready to observe the Ekadashi without any intake of liquids. Devotees are encouraged to increase their spiritual activities, such as reading scriptures and engaging in japa meditation, to maintain their resolve and keep the mind occupied.

3. Grains and Beans Consumption

On Nirjala Ekadashi, it is crucial to abstain from consuming grains and beans. This practice is part of the traditional fast that helps devotees focus on their spiritual activities with greater intensity. Avoiding these foods is believed to purify the body and mind, preparing them for deeper meditation and prayer.

  • Wheat
  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas

These are just a few examples of the grains and beans that should not be consumed on this sacred day. Instead, devotees can opt for fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to sustain themselves.

By adhering to the strictures of Nirjala Ekadashi, one can experience a heightened sense of spiritual clarity and devotion. The discipline of fasting from grains and beans is a testament to the commitment to one's spiritual growth.

4. Neglecting Japa Meditation

On Nirjala Ekadashi, it is crucial to engage in Japa meditation, a practice that involves the repetitive chanting of holy mantras. Neglecting this spiritual exercise can hinder one's progress in self-realization and inner peace. Japa serves as a means to calm the mind and senses, which are often overstimulated by the external world.

Japa meditation is not just a ritual; it is a transformative process that helps in subduing the agitating effects of the mind and senses. By dedicating time to this practice on Nirjala Ekadashi, one can push the threshold of contentment and experience a deeper connection with the divine.

For those new to this practice, Nirjala Ekadashi is an excellent opportunity to start. Here are some simple steps to begin your journey in Japa meditation:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit.
  • Hold your Japa beads gently and start with the first bead next to the summit bead.
  • Chant the Hare Krishna mantra clearly and attentively while holding each bead.
  • Move to the next bead after completing the mantra.
  • Continue this process until you have gone all the way around the bead string.

Remember, the essence of Japa meditation on Nirjala Ekadashi is to focus on the sound vibration of the mantra, allowing it to penetrate the heart and mind, bringing about spiritual clarity and tranquility.


In conclusion, Nirjala Ekadashi is a significant day for spiritual growth and discipline. It is a day when devotees engage in a complete fast, abstaining from both food and water, to honor the practice of Ekadasi and deepen their meditation and prayer.

While observing this austere day, it is crucial to avoid certain activities that could hinder the spiritual benefits and the sanctity of the fast.

By adhering to the guidelines and dedicating the day to reading scriptures, chanting mantras, and reflecting on spiritual teachings, one can experience a profound sense of contentment and spiritual fulfillment.

Remember, the key is to train the mind and senses through regular practice, and Nirjala Ekadashi offers a perfect opportunity to exercise this discipline. May your observance be fruitful and your spiritual journey be enriched by the grace of this auspicious day.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Nirjala Ekadashi and why is it significant?

Nirjala Ekadashi is a Hindu fasting day observed once a year, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It is significant because it is considered one of the most austere and sacred Ekadashis. On this day, devotees undertake a strict fast without water (nirjala means 'without water') to seek blessings and spiritual merit.

Can I eat fruits or have milk on Nirjala Ekadashi?

No, on Nirjala Ekadashi, the fast is meant to be complete, which means abstaining from all forms of food and drink, including fruits and milk. It is a day of total fasting.

Is it necessary to stay completely without water on Nirjala Ekadashi?

Yes, the traditional observance of Nirjala Ekadashi involves a complete fast without water. However, if one's health does not permit such a strict fast, they should consult with a spiritual guide or healthcare provider.

Can I consume grains and beans on Nirjala Ekadashi?

No, grains and beans are strictly prohibited on Nirjala Ekadashi as on all Ekadashi days. The fast excludes all grains, beans, and certain other foods.

What activities should I engage in on Nirjala Ekadashi?

On Nirjala Ekadashi, devotees should engage in prayer, meditation, reading scriptures, and chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. It is a day for spiritual activities and reflection.

What if I accidentally eat or drink something on Nirjala Ekadashi?

If you accidentally consume something on Nirjala Ekadashi, seek forgiveness and continue your fast. It is important to maintain the spirit of the fast and continue your devotional practices.

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