Ananta Padmanabha Vratha Pooja method and samagri

The Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is a significant observance in the Hindu tradition, dedicated to Lord Vishnu's Ananta Padmanabha form.

This article delves into the comprehensive method and the essential items (samagri) required for performing the Ananta Padmanabha Vratha Pooja.

Understanding the Vratha's significance, preparing for the pooja, executing the step-by-step procedure, and adhering to post-pooja rituals are crucial for the devout.

The article also offers additional tips and guidelines to ensure the pooja is conducted with due reverence and sanctity.

Key Takeaways

  • Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is a revered Hindu ritual that pays homage to Lord Vishnu and requires meticulous preparation and execution.
  • The Vratha's significance is deeply rooted in Hindu mythology, observed on a specific date in the Hindu calendar, marking its spiritual importance.
  • Preparing the pooja space and altar with the necessary samagri is fundamental to honor the deity and perform the rituals correctly.
  • The pooja procedure involves several steps, including invocation, abhishekam, recitation of the Vratha Katha, and offering of Naivedyam and Aarti.
  • Post-pooja rituals such as distributing prasadam, tying the sacred thread, and taking a pledge highlight the communal and personal commitment to the Vratha.

Understanding Ananta Padmanabha Vratha

Significance of the Vratha

The Ananta Padmanabha Vratha holds immense significance in the Hindu tradition, primarily for its association with Lord Vishnu, who is worshipped in the form of Ananta Padmanabha.

It is believed that observing this Vratha brings prosperity, longevity, and the divine blessings of Lord Vishnu.

  • Devotees undertake this Vratha with the intention of atoning for past sins and seeking spiritual liberation.
  • The Vratha is also seen as a means to ensure stability and happiness in one's family life.
  • It is a day dedicated to reaffirming one's faith and devotion to the principles of dharma (righteousness) and bhakti (devotion).
The practice of Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is a testament to the enduring faith in the power of divine intervention in one's life. It is a day of reflection, devotion, and commitment to one's spiritual journey.

Mythological Background

The Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is deeply rooted in Hindu mythology, revolving around Lord Vishnu, who is worshipped in his Ananta Padmanabha form.

This Vratha is a celebration of the eternal and infinite nature of the divine, symbolized by the lord reclining on the serpent Ananta. The narrative of the Vratha is found in the Puranas, which detail the significance of the lord's posture and the serpent that serves as his bed.

According to the legends, the observance of this Vratha brings about divine blessings and is particularly beneficial for those seeking stability in life.

It is said that performing the Vratha with devotion leads to the removal of obstacles and the attainment of peace and prosperity. The Vratha involves a series of rituals that are designed to honor the deity and reaffirm the devotee's faith in the divine.

The essence of the Vratha lies in the understanding that the divine presence is both immanent and transcendent, offering solace and protection to devotees.

Date and Observance in the Hindu Calendar

Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is observed on the fourteenth day, known as Chaturdashi, of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada according to the Hindu lunar calendar. This day is typically reserved for the worship of Lord Vishnu in his Ananta Padmanabha form.

The vratha involves a series of preparations, fasting, and prayers, culminating in a ritual that honors the deity's eternal and infinite nature.

The exact date of the vratha can vary each year, as it is based on the lunar cycle. Devotees are encouraged to consult the panchangam, or Hindu almanac, to determine the precise day for observance. The vratha is marked by a strict fast from sunrise to sunset, followed by the pooja and other rituals.

  • Historical significance of dates
  • Preparations for the pooja
  • Fasting from sunrise to sunset
  • Prayers and rituals

Preparations for the Pooja

Cleansing and Sanctifying the Pooja Space

Before commencing the Ananta Padmanabha Vratha Pooja, it is crucial to cleanse and sanctify the space where the pooja will be conducted. This process sets a pure and serene atmosphere, conducive to spiritual activities.

  • Begin by thoroughly cleaning the area, removing any clutter and dust.
  • Wash the floor with water mixed with turmeric and sandalwood paste, which are known for their purifying properties.
  • Light incense sticks to purify the air and create a fragrant environment.
Ensure that the space is quiet and undisturbed, allowing for complete focus during the pooja.

After the physical cleaning, it is important to create a mental space of reverence and devotion. Spend a few moments in meditation, inviting positive energy and setting the intention for the pooja.

Setting the Altar

Once the puja space has been cleansed and sanctified, setting up the altar is the next critical step. The altar serves as the sacred platform where the deity will be invoked and worshipped. It is important to maintain the purity and serenity of this space throughout the puja.

  • Begin by laying a clean cloth over the altar table. Choose a color that is auspicious, such as yellow or red.
  • Place the idol or picture of Lord Ananta Padmanabha at the center of the altar.
  • Arrange the lamps, incense sticks, and other puja items neatly around the deity.
  • Ensure that the offerings like flowers, fruits, and sweets are fresh and placed in clean vessels.
The attention to detail and sacredness in setting up the altar is a reflection of the devotee's devotion and sincerity towards the divine.

Remember to include all the necessary items for the Dhanvantri puja, which is often performed before the main Ananta Padmanabha Vratha to seek health and healing. Offerings to Lord Dhanvantri should also be prepared with care.

List of Essential Samagri (Items)

The sanctity and success of Ananta Padmanabha Vratha largely depend on the meticulous preparation of the Pooja Samagri. Ensure that each item is procured well in advance to avoid any disruptions during the pooja.

Kumkum Bell Panchamitra (made from ghee, honey, sugar, yoghurt, and milk)
Anantha Padmanabha swami photo or idol
Counch Shell
Oil for a lamp, diya, and wicks Floral garlands Betel nuts
Tulsi dal Patram- 14 types of leaves Turmeric Dry dates
Red thread reel
Kalash Incense sticks Coconut
Sandal paste
Camphor Flowers
Betel Leaves
It is crucial to arrange the items in a clean and orderly manner, dedicating a separate space for each, to facilitate a smooth flow during the pooja.

Step-by-Step Pooja Procedure

Invocation of Lord Ananta Padmanabha

The invocation of Lord Ananta Padmanabha marks the beginning of the Vratha Pooja. Devotees start by lighting a lamp and offering flowers to the deity, symbolizing the light of devotion and the blossoming of consciousness.

Chanting mantras is an integral part of the invocation, as it is believed to purify the atmosphere and summon the presence of the Lord.

Following the initial offerings, devotees perform a 'Sankalpa' - a solemn vow or intention to observe the Vratha with utmost sincerity and devotion. This is a crucial step as it signifies the commitment of the worshipper to the rituals that follow.

The Sankalpa is followed by the 'Aavahanam' or the welcoming of the deity. Here, worshippers symbolically invite Lord Ananta Padmanabha to accept their offerings and bless them during the Pooja.

It is important to maintain a serene and focused mind throughout the invocation, as it sets the tone for the rest of the Pooja.

Performing the Panchamrita Abhishekam

The Panchamrita Abhishekam is a sacred bath for the deity, symbolizing purification and divine blessings. Prepare the Panchamrita, a mixture of five ingredients: milk, curd, ghee, honey, and sugar. Each element has a spiritual significance and is offered with devotion.

  • Begin by gently pouring the Panchamrita over the idol of Lord Ananta Padmanabha.
  • Chant the appropriate mantras while performing the Abhishekam, focusing on the deity's form.
  • After the bath, cleanse the idol with pure water and wipe it dry with a clean cloth.
Ensure that the offerings are fresh and the ritual is performed with a serene mind and heart.

Conclude the Abhishekam by draping the deity in new clothes and adorning with flowers. This ritual is a way to express gratitude and seek blessings for prosperity and happiness.

Recitation of Ananta Vratha Katha

Following the Panchamrita Abhishekam, devotees engage in the recitation of the Ananta Vratha Katha. This narrative is central to the Vratha and highlights the glories of Lord Ananta Padmanabha.

It is essential to recite the Katha with devotion and concentration, as it is believed to bestow blessings and fulfill the wishes of the devotees.

The Katha recitation is a meditative experience that connects the devotees with the divine essence of Lord Ananta Padmanabha.

The Katha should be read from an authentic source, such as a puja book, which often contains the correct verses and sequence for the recitation.

Similar to the Shree Satya Narayan Puja, the Ananta Vratha Katha requires a serene environment to maintain the sanctity of the recitation. Family members usually gather around the altar, listening to or joining in the recitation of the sacred text.

Offering Naivedyam and Aarti

After the recitation of the Ananta Vratha Katha, devotees proceed to offer Naivedyam, which is the food offering made to Lord Ananta Padmanabha. This is a gesture of gratitude and devotion, symbolizing the offering of one's soul to the deity.

The Naivedyam should include a variety of pure vegetarian dishes, which are first offered to the deity and then distributed among the devotees as Prasadam.

The Aarti ceremony follows the Naivedyam offering, marking the culmination of the worship. It involves the waving of a lamp in front of the deity, typically accompanied by the singing of Aarti hymns. The light from the lamp symbolizes the removal of ignorance and the revelation of the ultimate truth.

It is essential to perform the Aarti with a deep sense of reverence and concentration, as it is believed to invoke the deity's blessings and purify the surroundings.

The following items are commonly used during the Aarti ceremony:

  • Aarti lamp
  • Camphor
  • Incense sticks
  • Flowers
  • Bell

Each item holds a specific significance and contributes to the sanctity of the ritual. The Aarti should be performed in a clockwise direction, with the flame first directed towards the deity and then towards the assembled devotees, to share the divine blessings.

Post-Pooja Rituals

Distributing Prasadam

After the completion of the Aarti, the next crucial step is the distribution of Prasadam. Prasadam is a sacred offering that has been blessed during the pooja and is meant to be shared among all participants as a form of divine grace.

  • Ensure that the Prasadam is distributed evenly and respectfully to everyone present.
  • It is customary to begin with the eldest or the most senior member of the gathering.
  • If the pooja is conducted in a larger community setting, volunteers may be organized to assist in the distribution process.
Prasadam should be accepted with both hands and consumed with reverence, as it is considered a gift from the deity.

The act of sharing Prasadam is not only a gesture of goodwill but also symbolizes the spreading of blessings received from the deity. It is an integral part of the pooja that fosters a sense of unity and spiritual harmony among the devotees.

Tying the Sacred Thread

After distributing the prasadam, the next crucial step in the Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is tying the sacred thread.

This thread, also known as 'Ananta Dhara', is usually made of silk with 14 knots, symbolizing the 14 Lokas (worlds) protected by Lord Ananta.

The thread is first sanctified by the chanting of mantras and then tied on the right wrist of men and the left wrist of women by the priest or the eldest member of the family.

The act of tying the sacred thread signifies the devotee's commitment to maintaining the virtues and responsibilities upheld by Lord Ananta.

The process of tying the thread should be done with utmost reverence and focus, as it is believed to bring blessings and protection from Lord Ananta.

Devotees often make a personal vow or sankalpa for self-improvement or to undertake good deeds while the thread is being tied.

Vratha Conclusion and Pledge

The Vratha Conclusion marks the culmination of the Ananta Padmanabha Vratha with a series of solemn rituals. It is a time to reflect on the spiritual journey and the commitments made during the day. Participants seek blessings from the deity and the elders, symbolizing the respect for tradition and the divine grace bestowed upon them.

The pledge taken at the end of the Vratha is a personal promise to uphold the values and teachings imbibed during the pooja. It serves as a spiritual anchor, guiding individuals in their daily lives.

The final rituals resonate with the traditional Homam practices, including the Poornahuti, Aarti, and Upachara. The sacred flame of the Deeparadhana illuminates the path of devotion, while the distribution of Prasadam and the Visarjan ceremony signify the sharing of divine blessings and the release of the deity's presence back into the cosmos.

Additional Tips and Guidelines

Dos and Don'ts During the Vratha

Observing the Ananta Padmanabha Vratha requires adherence to certain practices to maintain the sanctity of the rituals.

Ensure that the fasting is done with a clear intention and devotion, as it is a significant aspect of the Vratha. Avoid consuming non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and refrain from negative activities such as lying or engaging in anger.

  • Do wake up early and take a bath before beginning the pooja.
  • Don't eat or touch non-sacred items before completing the pooja.
  • Do recite the mantras and shlokas with concentration and sincerity.
  • Don't rush through the rituals; give each step its due time and respect.
It is crucial to maintain a calm and positive atmosphere throughout the day of the Vratha. The purity of mind and body contributes significantly to the efficacy of the pooja and the blessings received.

Managing Time and Sequence

Efficiently managing time and sequence during Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is crucial to maintain the sanctity and flow of the rituals. Begin by allocating specific durations for each part of the pooja to ensure a smooth progression from one ritual to the next without haste or delay.

  • Start with cleansing and preparing the pooja space.
  • Proceed to setting the altar with the idol and all necessary samagri.
  • Follow the sequence of rituals starting from the invocation to the final aarti.
It is essential to perform each step with focus and without rushing, to honor the spiritual significance of the Vratha.

Remember to keep some flexibility in the schedule to accommodate any unforeseen delays or extensions in the rituals. This will help maintain a serene atmosphere throughout the pooja.

Involving Family Members

Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is a communal event that strengthens family bonds. Encourage all family members to participate in the preparations and rituals. This can include assigning specific roles such as preparing offerings, arranging the pooja space, or leading the recitation of mantras.

Participation in the Vratha can be a profound experience for all ages, fostering a sense of unity and spiritual growth within the family.

Here is a simple way to involve family members:

  • Elders can oversee the preparations and guide the younger members.
  • Adults may take responsibility for gathering all necessary items and leading the pooja.
  • Children can be encouraged to learn and chant key mantras, contributing to the serene environment required for the pooja.

By involving everyone, the Vratha becomes a collective endeavor, imbuing the home with positive energy and reverence for the divine.


The Ananta Padmanabha Vratha Pooja is a deeply spiritual and significant ritual in Hindu tradition, offering devotees a chance to honor Lord Vishnu in his infinite form.

By meticulously following the pooja method and gathering the required samagri, worshippers can perform this sacred ceremony with reverence and devotion. This article has aimed to provide a comprehensive guide to assist in preparing and conducting the pooja with the utmost respect for the traditions.

May the blessings of Lord Ananta Padmanabha be upon all who observe this vratha with faith and sincerity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ananta Padmanabha Vratha and why is it observed?

Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is a Hindu religious observance dedicated to Lord Vishnu in his form as Ananta Padmanabha. It is observed for seeking blessings of prosperity, happiness, and salvation. The vratha signifies the eternal and infinite nature of Lord Vishnu.

When is Ananta Padmanabha Vratha typically celebrated?

Ananta Padmanabha Vratha is celebrated on the fourteenth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada in the Hindu calendar, which usually falls in September.

What are the key items required for Ananta Padmanabha Pooja?

The key items for the pooja include an image or idol of Lord Ananta Padmanabha, Panchamrita, flowers, fruits, incense sticks, lamp, naivedyam (food offering), and a sacred thread.

Can you describe the basic steps involved in the Ananta Padmanabha Pooja?

The basic steps include cleansing the pooja space, setting up the altar, invoking Lord Ananta Padmanabha, performing Panchamrita Abhishekam, reciting the Ananta Vratha Katha, offering naivedyam, and conducting the aarti.

What is the significance of tying the sacred thread during Ananta Padmanabha Vratha?

Tying the sacred thread, known as Ananta Dara, is an integral part of the vratha. It symbolizes protection and the blessings of Lord Ananta Padmanabha. It is usually tied around the wrist by participants as a reminder of their devotion and the vratha's virtues.

Are there any specific dos and don'ts to be followed during the vratha?

Yes, devotees should maintain a pure and pious mindset, observe fasting, avoid non-vegetarian food and alcohol, and perform the pooja with devotion. It is also recommended to involve family members and pass on the traditions to younger generations.

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