When Is Akshaya Tritiya? Date, Time And Tithi

Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akha Teej, is a highly revered festival in the Hindu and Jain communities, celebrated with great fervor across India. It is considered one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar, believed to bring good luck and success.

In this article, we delve into the date, time, and tithi of Akshaya Tritiya for the year 2024, as well as the significance and observances that make this festival so special.

Key Takeaways

  • Akshaya Tritiya falls on May 10, 2024, which is a Friday, aligning with the Vaisakha month in the Hindu calendar.
  • The festival is celebrated on the third lunar day (tithi) of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the Vaisakha month, which is known for its significance in Hindu mythology and astrology.
  • Cultural practices and traditions include buying gold, starting new ventures, and charitable acts, as it is believed that the rewards of such activities are everlasting on this day.
  • The exact timing of Akshaya Tritiya is determined by the Hindu calendar system, which may lead to regional variations in the observance of the festival.
  • Preparations for Akshaya Tritiya involve not only material purchases like gold but also spiritual activities such as pujas and community events that underscore the festival's emphasis on prosperity and goodwill.

Understanding Akshaya Tritiya

Understanding Akshaya Tritiya

Significance of the Festival

Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akha Teej, is a highly revered festival in the Hindu and Jain communities. It symbolizes unending prosperity and success, marking a day when the Sun and Moon are simultaneously at their peak of brightness, which happens only once a year.

The festival is associated with many auspicious beginnings, including the commencement of new ventures and investment in valuable assets like gold. It is believed that any venture initiated or valuables bought on this day will continue to grow and bring prosperity to the owner.

  • Purnima, the full moon day, is associated with deities and festivals like Guru Purnima, Sharad Purnima, Buddha Purnima, Kartik Purnima, and Holi Purnima. It holds cultural, religious, and astrological significance.
On Akshaya Tritiya, the act of giving takes on a special importance. It is considered that charitable acts and generosity performed on this day will be rewarded manifold.

Mythological Origins

The mythological origins of Akshaya Tritiya are deeply rooted in Hindu scriptures and epic tales. It is believed that on this day, the Ganges, the most sacred river in India, descended to Earth from the heavens.

The festival is also associated with the legend of the Akshaya Patra, a magical pot given to the Pandavas during their exile in the Mahabharata, which had an unending supply of food.

Akshaya Tritiya is also linked to the tale of Lord Krishna and Sudama, his poor Brahmin friend. Their story highlights the themes of friendship, generosity, and the spiritual rewards of charity.

Another significant event is the commencement of the Treta Yuga, one of the four great epochs in Hindu cosmology, which is said to have begun on Akshaya Tritiya. This day is also marked by the birth of Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, known for his warrior skills and the axe that he wielded.

Cultural Practices and Traditions

Akshaya Tritiya is steeped in a variety of cultural practices and traditions that reflect the diversity of India's spiritual landscape. The festival is marked by a surge in artistic expression, with many local artisans showcasing their skills in crafts such as beadwork, block printing, and wood carving.

These art forms not only adorn homes but also play a significant role in the festive decor and activities.

  • Art & Craft Exhibitions
  • Spiritual Decorations
  • Traditional Attire
  • Community Gatherings

The day is also characterized by the preparation of special feasts, with each region offering its unique culinary delights.

The emphasis on charity is another hallmark of the festival, with many participating in acts of generosity and community service. The cultural practices surrounding Akshaya Tritiya are not just about celebration but also about reinforcing social bonds and spiritual values.

The essence of Akshaya Tritiya lies in the communal spirit it fosters, bringing together people from all walks of life in a shared observance that transcends mere ritual.

Determining the Date and Time for Akshaya Tritiya 2024

Calculating the Tithi

The date of Akshaya Tritiya is determined by the lunar calendar, specifically the third day (tithi) of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the Hindu month of Vaisakha.

Calculating the exact date requires understanding the complex interplay of the lunar cycle and solar movements.

To accurately determine the tithi for Akshaya Tritiya 2024, one must consult the Hindu calendar or Panchangam, which provides detailed information on the phases of the moon and the auspicious times. The following table outlines the key dates in May 2024 related to Hindu festivals:

Date Day Festival
May 10, 2024 Friday Akshaya Tritiya
May 12, 2024 Sunday Shree Shankaracharya Jayanti
May 23, 2024 Thursday Budha Purnima
It is essential to note that the tithi can vary by region and tradition, which may affect the observance of Akshaya Tritiya. For instance, the 2024 Mangala Gauri Vrat dates are significant as they are connected with the divine blessings of Goddess Gauri and can vary based on the lunar calendar and local traditions.

The Hindu Calendar System

The Hindu calendar, also known as Panchangam, is a complex system that has been traditionally used to determine the dates of festivals and auspicious times. It is lunisolar, meaning it considers both the moon phase (Tithi) and the position of the sun.

Months in the Hindu calendar begin with the new moon and are divided into two phases: the waxing phase (Shukla Paksha) and the waning phase (Krishna Paksha). Each month is associated with a specific zodiac sign, which shifts as the sun moves through the celestial path.

The Hindu calendar is essential for calculating the precise date and time for festivals like Akshaya Tritiya. For instance, Akshaya Tritiya is observed on the third day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the Hindu month of Vaishakha.

To ensure accuracy, regional calendars may adjust the start and end times of Tithis based on local astronomical observations.

The synchronization of lunar and solar cycles in the Hindu calendar ensures that the dates of festivals align with the natural seasons and celestial events, maintaining the traditional significance of these occasions.

Below is a list of key months and their corresponding festivals in 2024:

  • January (Pausa-Magha): Chaitra Navratri, marking the Hindu New Year
  • July (Ashadha-Sravana): Guru Purnima, a day honoring spiritual teachers
  • August (Sravana-Bhadrapada): Hartalika Teej and Ganesh Chaturthi, celebrating marital bliss and the birth of Lord Ganesha respectively
  • September (Bhadrapada-Ashwin): Onam, a harvest festival in Kerala

Regional Variations in Observance

Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated with great fervor across India, but the ways in which it is observed can vary significantly from region to region.

In some areas, the festival is marked by grand temple ceremonies and community feasts, while in others, it may be a more intimate affair with family pujas and personal acts of charity.

  • In the northern regions, Akshaya Tritiya often coincides with the beginning of the agricultural season, and farmers perform rituals for a bountiful harvest.
  • Southern states may emphasize the purchase of gold, considering it an auspicious investment on this day.
  • Eastern parts of India, particularly West Bengal, associate the festival with the worship of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi for prosperity and well-being.
  • In the western states, such as Gujarat and Maharashtra, the day is also linked to the start of new business ventures and is considered lucky for weddings.
The diversity in celebration underscores the rich tapestry of Indian culture and the unique ways in which different communities honor the same festival.
It is a reflection of the country's unity in diversity, where a calendar of Hindu festivals from February to October, including Holi, Diwali, and Navratri, celebrates various deities and auspicious occasions.

Akshaya Tritiya and Astrology

Auspicious Activities on Akshaya Tritiya

Akshaya Tritiya is considered one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar for beginning new ventures, making significant purchases, and investing in precious metals like gold and silver. The day is believed to bring good luck and success to any endeavor started or investment made.

  • Starting new businesses or ventures
  • Purchasing gold or other precious metals
  • Investing in property or new assets
  • Conducting special pujas for prosperity and success

A structured approach to selecting auspicious dates and times for activities such as Shanti Puja is often based on planetary positions, lunar phases, and planetary transits. Astrological considerations and alignment with one's personal horoscope are crucial for success.

On this day, it is also common for individuals to engage in charity work and give donations, as acts of generosity are said to multiply and return manifold blessings to the giver.

Astrological Significance

Akshaya Tritiya holds a special place in Vedic astrology, often regarded as one of the most auspicious days for beginning new ventures and making significant investments. The alignment of planets on this day is believed to bring forth prosperity and success.

  • Sun is exalted in Aries.
  • Moon is in Rohini Nakshatra, considered to be auspicious.
  • The combination of these celestial positions is said to negate any malefic effects.
On Akshaya Tritiya, the planetary positions are such that they create a rare and powerful astrological phenomenon. This day is free from all malefic effects, making any venture started or investment made potentially successful and enduring.

Astrologers often recommend observing this day for initiating new business projects, purchasing assets, and conducting important ceremonies.

The belief is that actions taken on Akshaya Tritiya will continue to grow and prosper, much like the never-diminishing ('Akshaya') nature of the day itself.

Planetary Positions and Their Impact

In Vedic astrology, planetary positions are believed to have a profound influence on our lives. The alignment of planets during Akshaya Tritiya is considered particularly significant for undertaking new ventures and investments.

This period is often associated with increased spiritual and material prosperity.

The planetary transitions during Akshaya Tritiya are thought to affect personal growth and success. It is a time when the cosmic energies are aligned in a way that can amplify the outcomes of our actions.

According to the principles of Vedic astrology, certain planetary positions can be more auspicious than others. For instance, the presence of Mercury in Pisces suggests a period of reflection and careful consideration before making decisions. On the other hand, the influence of Saturn in a birth chart can indicate the need for discipline and perseverance.

  • Mercury in Pisces: Reflection and decision-making
  • Saturn's influence: Discipline and perseverance
  • Shukra Aditya Sandhi Shanti: Aligning with cosmic energies

Preparations for Akshaya Tritiya

Shopping and Gold Purchases

Akshaya Tritiya is synonymous with shopping, especially for gold and jewelry, as it is believed to bring lasting prosperity. Retailers often offer special discounts and promotions to attract customers on this auspicious day. Here are some tips for making the most of your shopping experience:

  • Plan your purchases in advance to avoid the rush and make thoughtful decisions.
  • Compare prices and offers from different retailers to get the best deal.
  • Consider the purity and certification of gold before buying.
  • Look for unique designs or traditional pieces that hold cultural significance.
While shopping is a significant aspect of Akshaya Tritiya, it's also a time for spiritual reflection and charitable acts. The festival's ethos encourages not just material accumulation but also sharing with those in need.

Remember, the festival is not only about material gains but also about spiritual enrichment. Community meals, charitable activities, and cultural programs lead to spiritual growth during Akshaya Tritiya.

Preparation involves cleaning, purifying the house, and gathering puja items for blessings and prosperity in 2024.

Spiritual Preparations and Pujas

Akshaya Tritiya is a time when spiritual preparations take center stage in the lives of devotees. Engaging in pujas and recitations of sacred texts is considered highly auspicious on this day. Many devotees perform rituals to honor deities such as Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi, who are believed to bestow wealth and prosperity.

  • Devotees may chant the Hanuman Chalisa to seek blessings from Lord Hanuman.
  • Acts of charity, like feeding the poor, are encouraged as a form of devotion.
  • Satsangs or spiritual gatherings offer a space for communal worship and reflection on the virtues of deities.
The Hanuman Sahasranamam is often recited for its benefits in providing direction, combating negative influences, and enhancing positivity. This powerful hymn is associated with increased well-being and is a popular choice for Akshaya Tritiya.

Community and Charity Events

Akshaya Tritiya is not only a time for personal prosperity but also for fostering community welfare and generosity. Community celebrations of Shree Satya Narayan Puja involve rituals, prasad distribution, and bonding.

These events are pivotal in reinforcing social ties and promoting a spirit of unity among participants. Dates for the 2024 puja are eagerly anticipated by devotees who seek blessings and unity through devotion and festivities.

In the spirit of Akshaya Tritiya, charity events take center stage, reflecting the festival's ethos of perpetual generosity. These events range from feeding the underprivileged to organizing donation drives for various causes. The act of giving is believed to bring about infinite blessings and is a key aspect of the day's observances.

Local communities often come together to support one another, whether it's through participating in mass prayers or contributing to charity initiatives.

The collective effort not only provides immediate relief to those in need but also strengthens the bonds within the community, creating a ripple effect of goodwill and kindness.

Akshaya Tritiya Across India

Regional Celebrations and Customs

Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated with diverse customs and traditions across India, each region adding its unique flavor to the festivities.

In Tamil Nadu, the kummi dance is a traditional folk dance performed with folksy exuberance, reflecting the joyous spirit of the festival. The dance is characterized by its simplicity and communal participation, often seen during celebrations on railway platforms and other public spaces.

In Northern India, Hanuman Jayanti coincides with Akshaya Tritiya, leading to a blend of celebrations. Devotees visit temples, offer prayers, and participate in special pujas.

Fasting and reciting hymns like the Hanuman Chalisa are common practices. The day is marked by a deep spiritual reverence and is seen as an opportunity for spiritual growth through fasting, rituals, and meditation.

The essence of Akshaya Tritiya lies in the unity and diversity of its celebrations, where each custom and tradition contributes to the festival's collective sanctity and vibrancy.

Famous Temples and Pilgrimages

Akshaya Tritiya is a time when the devout embark on pilgrimages to some of India's most revered temples.

The Dwarkadhish Temple in Dwarka stands out as a significant destination, with its intricate architecture and historical significance. Pilgrims often have to rely on boat transport to reach this sacred site, adding to the spiritual journey.

Another key pilgrimage site is the city of Varanasi, known for its countless temples and deep-rooted connection to Hindu identity. It is a city that resonates with the echoes of ancient traditions and spiritual practices.

The newly opened temple in Ayodhya, claimed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama, has become a focal point for devotees from across the nation. The temple not only holds religious importance but also symbolizes the cultural heritage of India.

Each of these destinations offers a unique experience, steeped in devotion and cultural richness, making them must-visit locations during Akshaya Tritiya.

Local Delicacies and Feasts

Akshaya Tritiya is not just a day for spiritual enrichment but also a time for culinary indulgence.

Across India, the festival sees a delightful array of local delicacies being prepared and shared among communities. Each region boasts its own unique flavors and recipes that are integral to the celebration.

  • In the North, Puri-Halwa and Kheer are common, symbolizing a sweet start to the new beginnings.
  • The South often enjoys Payasam, a rich and creamy dessert made with milk, sugar, and rice or vermicelli.
  • Eastern states serve a variety of sweets like Rasgulla and Sandesh, made from chenna or cottage cheese.
  • The West prepares festive meals that include Shrikhand and Puran Poli, a sweet flatbread filled with lentil and jaggery mixture.
The joy of Akshaya Tritiya extends beyond the spiritual realm into the kitchens of India, where the preparation of festive foods becomes an act of devotion itself. The festival is a testament to the country's rich culinary heritage, with each bite encapsulating the essence of prosperity and joy that Akshaya Tritiya represents.


Akshaya Tritiya, a day marked with great reverence in the Hindu calendar, falls on May 10, 2024. This auspicious occasion, also known as Akha Teej, is celebrated with much enthusiasm across India.

It is believed to bring good luck and success, making it an ideal time for new beginnings and investment in precious metals. As we have navigated through the various aspects of Akshaya Tritiya, including its date, time, and tithi, we hope this article has provided you with valuable insights to plan your activities and celebrate this festival with fervor.

Whether you are participating in charitable deeds, commencing new ventures, or simply enjoying the holiday, Akshaya Tritiya 2024 is a time to embrace prosperity and hope for a bright future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Akshaya Tritiya?

Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akha Teej, is a highly auspicious Hindu festival that celebrates unending prosperity, success, and good fortune. It falls on the third lunar day of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the Indian month of Vaisakha.

When is Akshaya Tritiya in 2024?

In 2024, Akshaya Tritiya will be observed on Friday, May 10th.

How is the date of Akshaya Tritiya determined?

The date of Akshaya Tritiya is determined according to the Hindu lunar calendar. It is celebrated on the third day (Tithi) of the bright half (Shukla Paksha) of the Vaisakha month.

Are there any specific activities recommended on Akshaya Tritiya?

Yes, Akshaya Tritiya is considered highly auspicious for starting new ventures, buying gold, and making significant investments. It is also a popular day for weddings and for performing charitable acts.

Does Akshaya Tritiya have the same date across all regions in India?

While Akshaya Tritiya is generally celebrated on the same date across India, there can be regional variations depending on the sighting of the moon and local calendar interpretations.

Is Akshaya Tritiya a public holiday?

Akshaya Tritiya is not a nationwide public holiday in India, but it is widely observed across the country with varying degrees of significance. Some regions may observe a local holiday.

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