About Pitru Paksha (Shradh) 2024

Pitru Paksha, also known as Shradh, is a period of 16 days in the Hindu lunar month of Bhadrapada dedicated to honoring and paying respects to one's ancestors.

It is believed that during this time, the souls of the departed ancestors visit their descendants on Earth. Pitru Paksha holds great significance in Hindu culture and is observed with various rituals and customs. Let's explore more about Pitru Paksha and its traditions. In the year 2024, Pitru Paksha will commence from Tuesday, 17 Sept, 2024 – Wednesday, 2 Oct, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Pitru Paksha is a 16-day period dedicated to honoring ancestors.
  • The duration of Pitru Paksha falls in the Hindu lunar month of Bhadrapada.
  • Rituals and customs during Pitru Paksha include offering food, water, and prayers to the ancestors.
  • Beliefs about the ancestors' souls during Pitru Paksha vary, with some believing they visit their descendants on Earth.
  • Taboos and restrictions during Pitru Paksha include avoiding new clothes, haircuts, and starting new ventures.

What is Pitru Paksha?

Significance of Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha, also known as the fortnight of ancestors, holds great importance in Hindu culture. It is a time when people pay homage to their departed ancestors and seek their blessings.

During this period, it is believed that the souls of the ancestors visit the Earth and it is our duty to honor and remember them. Pitru Paksha acts as a bridge between the living and the dead, allowing for a connection to be established and for ancestral blessings to be received.

Duration of Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha, also known as the fortnight of ancestors, lasts for a period of 16 days. It falls in the Hindu lunar month of Bhadrapada, starting on the full moon day (Purnima) and ending on the new moon day (Amavasya). During this time, Hindus perform various rituals and ceremonies to honor and pay respects to their ancestors.

Rituals and Customs during Pitru Paksha

During Pitru Paksha, several rituals and customs are followed to honor and pay homage to the ancestors. One of the most important rituals is the Tarpan, where offerings of water and food are made to the ancestors.

This ritual is believed to provide nourishment to the souls of the departed and bring them peace. Another common custom is the Shradh Ceremony, where prayers and offerings are made to the ancestors to seek their blessings and forgiveness.

Additionally, feeding the Brahmins is considered a significant act of charity during Pitru Paksha, as it is believed to bring blessings and merit to the person performing the act.

Here is a table summarizing some of the key rituals and customs during Pitru Paksha:

Ritual/Custom Description
Tarpan Offering of water and food to ancestors
Shradh Ceremony Prayers and offerings to ancestors
Feeding the Brahmins Act of charity to seek blessings


It is important to note that during Pitru Paksha, certain taboos and restrictions are observed. These include avoiding non-vegetarian food, refraining from cutting hair or nails, and abstaining from any auspicious ceremonies or celebrations.

These customs are followed to show respect and reverence to the ancestors and ensure their peaceful journey in the afterlife.

Performing the rituals and customs during Pitru Paksha is believed to bring peace to the souls of the departed and strengthen the bond between the living and the ancestors.

History and Origin of Pitru Paksha

Mythological Stories related to Pitru Paksha

One of the mythological stories related to Pitru Paksha is the story of Karna and his generosity. According to the Mahabharata, Karna was known for his charitable nature and would never refuse anyone who asked for help.

During Pitru Paksha, it is believed that Karna's soul visits the Earth to receive offerings from his descendants. This story highlights the importance of performing rituals and offering prayers to ancestors during this period.

Another story associated with Pitru Paksha is the story of King Harishchandra. It is said that King Harishchandra sacrificed everything, including his kingdom and family, to fulfill his promise to a sage.

His devotion and sacrifice during Pitru Paksha are considered exemplary and serve as a reminder of the importance of honoring ancestors.

During Pitru Paksha, people perform various rituals and customs to pay homage to their ancestors.

These rituals include offering food, water, and prayers to the departed souls. It is believed that by performing these rituals, the souls of ancestors are appeased and blessed.

Additionally, people also donate food, clothes, and other essentials to the needy as a way of seeking blessings from their ancestors.

In some regions, a special ritual called 'Tarpan' is performed during Pitru Paksha. Tarpan involves offering water and sesame seeds to the ancestors while reciting sacred mantras. This ritual is believed to provide spiritual upliftment to the departed souls and help them attain salvation.

Table: Significance of Pitru Paksha

Significance Description
Ancestral Blessings Pitru Paksha is a time to seek blessings from ancestors and receive their guidance and protection.
Spiritual Cleansing Performing rituals during Pitru Paksha is believed to cleanse the soul and remove negative karma.
Family Unity Pitru Paksha brings families together as they come together to honor their ancestors and perform rituals collectively.

List: Rituals and Customs during Pitru Paksha

  • Offering food and water to the ancestors
  • Performing prayers and reciting mantras
  • Donating to the needy
  • Observing fasts and abstaining from certain activities
Pitru Paksha is a sacred period that allows individuals to connect with their ancestors and seek their blessings. It is a time of reflection, gratitude, and remembrance.

Evolution of Pitru Paksha over the years

Pitru Paksha has evolved significantly over the years, adapting to the changing times and beliefs. One notable change is the inclusion of new rituals and customs to honor the ancestors.

For example, the practice of performing online Shradh ceremonies has gained popularity in recent years, allowing people to pay their respects to their ancestors even if they are unable to visit their ancestral homes.

This technological advancement has made Pitru Paksha more accessible and inclusive for people living far away from their ancestral lands.

In addition to the traditional rituals, there has also been a shift towards more eco-friendly practices during Pitru Paksha. Many people now opt for biodegradable materials for the offerings and decorations, reducing the environmental impact of the ceremonies.

This change reflects the growing awareness and concern for the environment among the younger generation.

Overall, the evolution of Pitru Paksha showcases the dynamic nature of traditions and the ability to adapt to the changing needs and values of society.

Beliefs and Traditions of Pitru Paksha

Beliefs about the Ancestors' Souls during Pitru Paksha

During Pitru Paksha, it is believed that the souls of our ancestors visit the Earth to bless their descendants. This period is considered sacred and is dedicated to honoring and remembering our departed loved ones.

People perform various rituals and offer prayers to ensure the well-being and peace of their ancestors' souls. It is believed that by performing these rituals, the ancestors' souls are appeased and their blessings are received.

Pinda daan, the offering of food to the ancestors, is an important ritual during this time. It is believed that by offering food, the souls of the ancestors are nourished and their journey in the afterlife is made easier.

Offerings and Prayers for the Ancestors

During Pitru Paksha, it is believed that offering food and water to the ancestors helps in their spiritual journey. This act of offering is considered sacred and is believed to bring blessings and peace to the departed souls.

The offerings are made on a daily basis, usually in the form of cooked rice, lentils, vegetables, fruits, and sweets. It is also common to offer water, milk, and honey. These offerings are placed on a banana leaf or a clean plate and are offered with devotion and respect.

In addition to food and water, prayers and mantras are recited to honor the ancestors. The chanting of sacred verses and hymns is believed to purify the environment and create a positive energy.

It is believed that the prayers reach the ancestors and help them in their journey towards liberation. The prayers are usually performed by the eldest son or a priest, and the entire family participates in the ritual.

Here is a table summarizing the common offerings made during Pitru Paksha:

Offering Significance
Cooked rice Symbolizes nourishment and sustenance
Lentils Represents fertility and abundance
Vegetables Symbolizes growth and prosperity
Fruits Represents sweetness and good health
Sweets Symbolizes happiness and joy


It is important to note that the offerings should be made with pure intentions and a sincere heart. The act of offering is not just a ritual but a way to express gratitude and love towards our ancestors.

Offering food and prayers to our ancestors during Pitru Paksha is a way to honor their memory and seek their blessings. It is a time to reflect on our roots and the values passed down to us by our ancestors. Let us remember and pay homage to those who came before us, for they are an integral part of our journey.

Taboos and Restrictions during Pitru Paksha

During Pitru Paksha, there are certain taboos and restrictions that are followed by the people. These restrictions are believed to be important for showing respect to the ancestors and ensuring their peace and well-being.

Some of the common taboos and restrictions during Pitru Paksha include:

  • Avoiding non-vegetarian food: It is believed that consuming non-vegetarian food during Pitru Paksha can disturb the souls of the ancestors. Therefore, people abstain from eating meat and stick to vegetarian meals.
  • Avoiding new clothes and accessories: It is considered inauspicious to wear new clothes or buy new accessories during Pitru Paksha. This is done as a mark of respect for the departed souls.
  • Avoiding auspicious ceremonies: During Pitru Paksha, people avoid conducting any auspicious ceremonies like weddings or housewarming. This is done to ensure that the focus remains on the ancestors and their rituals.

It is important to follow these taboos and restrictions during Pitru Paksha to honor the ancestors and seek their blessings.

Celebrations and Observances of Pitru Paksha

Pitru Tarpan

Pitru Tarpan is a significant ritual performed during Pitru Paksha to honor and pay homage to our ancestors. It is believed that by offering water and prayers to the departed souls, their spirits are appeased and they attain peace.

The ritual involves reciting sacred mantras and pouring water into a vessel while remembering and expressing gratitude to our ancestors.

This ritual holds great importance as it is believed to bring blessings and protection from the ancestors.

  • The Pitru Tarpan ritual is performed by the eldest son or the male head of the family.
  • It is usually conducted on the banks of a holy river or at a sacred place.
  • The water used for the ritual is considered sacred and is believed to have the power to cleanse and purify the souls of the ancestors.
Performing the Pitru Tarpan ritual with devotion and sincerity is believed to bring peace and harmony to the family and ensure the well-being of future generations.

Shradh Ceremony

The Shradh Ceremony is a significant ritual during Pitru Paksha. It is a way to pay homage to our ancestors and seek their blessings. This ceremony involves offering food and water to the departed souls.

It is believed that by performing this ritual, the souls of our ancestors are appeased and their blessings are received. The Shradh Ceremony is usually performed by the eldest son of the family, who acts as the main priest. The ceremony is conducted with utmost devotion and respect, following the prescribed rituals and customs.

During the Shradh Ceremony, a special puja is performed, and the Brahmins are invited to partake in the meal. The food offered during the ceremony is considered sacred and is believed to satisfy the hunger of the departed souls.

It is a way to express gratitude and seek forgiveness for any past mistakes. The Shradh Ceremony is an important part of Pitru Paksha and is observed with great reverence and devotion.

Feeding the Brahmins

Feeding the Brahmins is an important ritual during Pitru Paksha. It is believed that by offering food to the Brahmins, one can seek blessings for the ancestors and ensure their well-being in the afterlife.

Brahmins are considered to be the highest caste in Hindu society and are believed to have a direct connection with the divine. During Pitru Paksha, families prepare a variety of delicious dishes and offer them to the Brahmins as a form of gratitude and respect.

This act of feeding the Brahmins is considered to be a way of honoring the ancestors and seeking their blessings.

Table: Types of Food Offered to Brahmins during Pitru Paksha

Food Item Significance
Rice Symbolizes nourishment and prosperity
Dal Represents purity and spiritual growth
Vegetables Represents abundance and fertility
Sweets Signifies happiness and sweetness in life


Feeding the Brahmins is not only a religious ritual but also a way of giving back to the community. It is believed that by feeding the Brahmins, one can accumulate good karma and ensure the well-being of their ancestors in the afterlife.

This act of selfless service is considered to be highly virtuous and is encouraged during Pitru Paksha.

Feeding the Brahmins during Pitru Paksha is a way of expressing gratitude and seeking blessings for the ancestors. It is a sacred act that symbolizes the importance of honoring and remembering our forefathers.

Pitru Paksha in Different Regions of India

Regional Variations in Pitru Paksha Rituals

Pitru Paksha rituals vary across different regions of India, reflecting the diverse cultural practices and beliefs. While the core essence of honoring ancestors remains the same, there are unique customs followed in each region.

In some parts of India, the rituals are performed daily during the entire Pitru Paksha period, while in others, they are observed on specific days. For example, in North India, the Tarpan ritual is considered significant, where water is offered to the ancestors.

On the other hand, in South India, the Pinda Daan ceremony holds great importance, where rice balls are offered to the departed souls. These regional variations add richness and diversity to the observance of Pitru Paksha.

Famous Pitru Paksha Destinations in India

While Pitru Paksha is observed throughout India, there are certain destinations that hold special significance during this period.

These places are believed to have a strong connection with the ancestors' souls and are considered ideal for performing the rituals and ceremonies. Some of the famous Pitru Paksha destinations in India include:

  • Gaya, Bihar: Gaya is one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Pitru Paksha. It is believed that performing the rituals here can bring salvation to the ancestors' souls.
  • Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh: Varanasi, also known as Kashi, is another significant destination for Pitru Paksha. It is believed that offering prayers and performing rituals in Varanasi can help in attaining moksha.
  • Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh: Prayagraj, formerly known as Allahabad, is considered a sacred place for performing Pitru Paksha rituals. The confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers in Prayagraj is believed to be a powerful spiritual site.

These destinations attract a large number of devotees during Pitru Paksha, who come to pay homage to their ancestors and seek their blessings.


In conclusion, Pitru Paksha, also known as Shradh, is a period of remembrance and honoring of ancestors in Hindu culture. It is a time when people perform rituals and offer prayers to their deceased ancestors.

The significance of Pitru Paksha lies in the belief that by performing these rituals, one can seek blessings and guidance from their ancestors. It is a time of reflection, gratitude, and connecting with one's roots.

The observance of Pitru Paksha in 2024 provides an opportunity for individuals to pay homage to their ancestors and strengthen their spiritual connection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of Pitru Paksha?

Pitru Paksha is considered a sacred period dedicated to honoring and appeasing the souls of ancestors. It is believed that by performing rituals and offering prayers during this time, one can seek blessings and forgiveness from their departed loved ones.

How long does Pitru Paksha last?

Pitru Paksha lasts for a period of 16 days, starting from the full moon day (Purnima) of the Hindu month Bhadrapada and ending on the new moon day (Amavasya). It usually falls in the month of September or October.

What are the rituals and customs observed during Pitru Paksha?

During Pitru Paksha, people perform various rituals such as Tarpan (offering water), Pinda Daan (offering food), and Shradh ceremony (ritualistic offerings to the ancestors). They also visit temples, offer prayers, and engage in acts of charity to honor their ancestors.

Are there any beliefs associated with the souls of ancestors during Pitru Paksha?

It is believed that the souls of ancestors visit their descendants during Pitru Paksha. People believe that by performing the prescribed rituals and offerings, they can provide nourishment and liberation to the souls of their ancestors.

What are the offerings and prayers made for the ancestors during Pitru Paksha?

The offerings made for the ancestors during Pitru Paksha include food items such as rice, lentils, fruits, sweets, and water. Prayers and mantras are recited to seek blessings for the departed souls and to express gratitude for their guidance and protection.

Are there any taboos or restrictions during Pitru Paksha?

During Pitru Paksha, certain taboos and restrictions are observed. These may include avoiding non-vegetarian food, refraining from cutting nails or hair, and abstaining from any auspicious ceremonies or celebrations. It is believed that breaking these restrictions may bring inauspiciousness.

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