108 Different Names Of Lord Hanuman

Lord Hanuman is one of the most revered deities in Hindu mythology. Known for his unwavering loyalty, superhuman strength, and divine attributes, Lord Hanuman holds a significant place in Hindu worship and rituals.

This article explores various aspects of Lord Hanuman, including his origin, physical appearance, devotion to Lord Rama, powers and abilities, and his role in Hindu worship. Here are the key takeaways from this article:

Key Takeaways

  • Lord Hanuman's birth is a mythological story that holds great significance in Hindu mythology.
  • Lord Hanuman's monkey form symbolizes devotion, strength, and agility.
  • Lord Hanuman's physical features, such as his long tail and muscular body, represent his divine attributes.
  • Lord Hanuman's unwavering loyalty to Lord Rama is a testament to his devotion and dedication.
  • Lord Hanuman played a crucial role in Lord Rama's journey and helped him in various ways.

The Origin of Lord Hanuman

The Mythological Story of Lord Hanuman's Birth

Lord Hanuman, also known as Anjaneya, was born to Anjana and Kesari, who were both monkeys. According to Hindu mythology, Anjana was an apsara (celestial nymph) who was cursed to be born as a monkey due to a mistake she made.

She prayed to Lord Shiva for redemption and was granted the boon of giving birth to a divine child. Lord Hanuman's birth was a result of this boon.

Lord Hanuman is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva himself. He is considered to be the eleventh Rudra avatar and is worshipped for his strength, devotion, and loyalty.

Lord Hanuman's birth is a significant event in Hindu mythology as it marks the beginning of his divine journey and his role in Lord Rama's life.

The Significance of Lord Hanuman in Hindu Mythology

Lord Hanuman holds immense significance in Hindu mythology. He is revered as the epitome of devotion, strength, and loyalty. His unwavering dedication to Lord Rama is a symbol of the ideal disciple.

Lord Hanuman's devotion is considered a source of inspiration for devotees seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment.

In Hindu worship, Lord Hanuman is believed to possess divine powers and is often invoked for protection and blessings. Many people recite the Hanuman Chalisa prayer to seek his guidance and blessings. The prayer is a powerful tool for overcoming obstacles and finding strength in challenging times.

Lord Hanuman's significance extends beyond religious rituals. He is also considered a symbol of courage, determination, and selflessness. His stories and teachings inspire individuals to face adversity with bravery and unwavering faith. Lord Hanuman's character serves as a reminder of the power of devotion and the importance of remaining steadfast in one's beliefs.

108 Names of Lord Hanuman

1 Om Anjaneyaya Namaha Son of Anjana
2 Om Mahaviraya Namaha Most Valiant
3 Om Hanumate Namaha One With Puffy Cheeks
4 Om Marutatmajaya Namaha Most Beloved Like Gems
5 Om Tatvagyanapradaya Namaha Granter of Wisdom
6 Om Sitadevimudrapradayakaya Namaha Deliverer of the Ring of Sita
7 Om Ashokavanakachchhetre Namaha Destroyer of Ashoka Orchard
8 Om Sarvamayavibhananaya Namaha Destroyer of All Illusions
9 Om Sarvabandhavimoktre Namaha Detacher of All Relationship
10 Om RakshovidhvaNsakarakaya Namaha Slayer of Demons
11 Om Paravidya Pariharaya Namaha Destroyer of Enemies Wisdom
12 Om Para Shaurya Vinashakaya Namaha Destroyer of Enemy’s Valour
13 Om Paramantra Nirakartre Namaha Acceptor of Rama’s Mantra Only
14 Om Parayantra Prabhedakaya Namaha Destroyer of Enemies Missions
15 Om Sarvagraha Vinashine Namaha Killer of Evil Effects of Planets
16 Om Bhimasena SahayakrIthe Namaha Helper of Bheema
17 Om Sarvadukhah Haraya Namaha Reliever of All Agonies
18 Om Sarvalokacharine Namaha Wanderer of All Places
19 Om Manojavaya Namaha Speed Like Wind
20 Om Parijata Drumulasthaya Namaha Resider Under the Parijata Tree
21 Om Sarva Mantra Svarupaya Namaha Possessor of All Hymns
22 Om Sarva Tantra Svarupine Namaha Shape of All Hymns
23 Om Sarvayantratmakaya Namaha Dweller in All Yantras
24 Om Kapishvaraya Namaha Lord of Monkeys
25 Om Mahakayaya Namaha Gigantic
26 Om Sarvarogaharaya Namaha Reliever of All Ailments
27 Om Prabhave Namaha Popular Lord
28 Om Bala Siddhikaraya Namaha -
29 Om Sarvavidya Sampattipradayakaya Namaha Granter of Knowledge and Wisdom
30 Om Kapisenanayakaya Namaha Chief of the Monkey Army
31 Om Bhavishhyathchaturananaya Namaha Aware of Future Happenings
32 Om Kumara Brahmacharine Namaha Youthful Bachelor
33 Om Ratnakundalaya Namaha Wearing Gem-Studded Earrings
34 Om Chanchaladvalasanadhaya Namaha Glittering Tail Suspended Above The Head
35 Om Gandharva Vidyaya Namaha One Who Frees from Imprisonment
36 Om Mahabala Parakramaya Namaha Of Great Strength
37 Om Karagraha Vimoktre Namaha One Who Frees from Imprisonment
38 Om Shrinkhala Bandhamochakaya Namaha Reliever from a Chain of Distresses
39 Om Sagarottarakaya Namaha Leapt Across the Ocean
40 Om Pragyaya Namaha Scholar
41 Om Ramadutaya Namaha Ambassador of Lord Rama
42 Om Pratapavate Namaha Known for Valour
43 Om Vanaraya Namaha Monkey
44 Om Kesarisutaya Namaha Son of Kesari
45 Om Sitashoka Nivarakaya Namaha Destroyer of Sita’s Sorrow
46 Om Anjanagarbha Sambhutaya Namaha Born of Anjani
47 Om Balarkasadrashananaya Namaha Like the Rising Sun
48 Om Vibhishhana Priyakaraya Namaha Beloved of Vibheeshana
49 Om Dashagriva Kulantakaya Namaha Slayer of the Ten-Headed Ravana Dynasty
50 Om Laxmanapranadatre Namaha Reviver of Lakshmana’s Life
51 Om Vajra Kayaya Namaha Sturdy Like Metal
52 Om Mahadyuthaye Namaha Most Radiant
53 Om Chiranjivine Namaha Eternal Being
54 Om Rama Bhaktaya Namaha Most Radiant
55 Om Daitya Karya Vighatakaya Namaha Destroyer of All Demons’ Activities
56 Om Akshahantre Namaha Slayer of Aksha
57 Om Kajnchanabhaya Namaha Golden-Hued Body
58 Om Pajnchavaktraya Namaha Five-Faced
59 Om Maha Tapase Namaha Great Meditator
60 Om Lankini Bhajnjanaya Namaha Slayer of Lankini
61 Om Shrimate Namaha Revered
62 Om Simhika Prana Bhanjanaya Namaha Slayer of Simhika
63 Om Gandhamadana Shailasthaya Namaha Dweller of Gandhamadana
64 Om Lankapura Vidayakaya Namaha The One Who Burnt Lanka
65 Om Sugriva Sachivaya Namaha Minister of Sugreeva
66 Om Dhiraya Namaha Valiant
67 Om Shuraya Namaha Bold
68 Om Daityakulantakaya Namaha Destroyer of Demons
69 Om Suvarchalarchitaya Namaha Worshipped by Celestials
70 Om Tejase Namaha Most Radiant
71 Om Ramachudamanipradayakaya Namaha Deliverer of Rama’s Ring
72 Om Kamarupine Namaha Changing Form at Will
73 Om Pingalakshaya Namaha Pink-Eyed
74 Om Vardhi Mainaka Pujitaya Namaha Worshipped by Mynaka Hill
75 Om Kabalikrita Martanda Mandalaya Namaha Swallower of the Sun
76 Om Vijitendriyaya Namaha Controller of the Senses
77 Om Ramasugriva Sandhatre Namaha Mediator between Rama and Sugreeva
78 Om Mahiravana Mardhanaya Namaha Slayer of the Famous Ravana
79 Om Sphatikabhaya Namaha Crystal-Clear
80 Om Vagadhishaya Namaha Lord of Spokesmen
81 Om Navavyakritapanditaya Namaha Skillful Scholar
82 Om Chaturbahave Namaha Four-Armed
83 Om Dinabandhuraya Namaha Protector of the Downtrodden
84 Om Mayatmane Namaha Supreme Being
85 Om Bhaktavatsalaya Namaha Protector of Devotees
86 Om Sanjivananagayartha Namaha Bearer of Sanjeevi Mount
87 Om Suchaye Namaha Chaste
88 Om Vagmine Namaha Spolesman
89 Om Dridhavrataya Namaha
90 Om Kalanemi Pramathanaya Namaha Strong-Willed Meditator
91 Om Harimarkata Markataya Namaha Lord of Monkeys
92 Om Dantaya Namaha Calm
93 Om Shantaya Namaha Very Composed
94 Om Prasanatmane Namaha Cheerful
95 Om Shatakantamudapahartre Namaha Destroyer Of shatakantta’s Arrogance
96 Om Yogine Namaha Saint
97 Om Ramakatha Lolaya Namaha Crazy of listening Rama’s Story
98 Om Sitanveshana Pathitaya Namaha Skillful in Finding Sita’s Whereabouts
99 Om Vajradranushhtaya Namaha -
100 Om Vajranakhaya Namaha Strong-Nailed
101 Om Rudra Virya Samudbhavaya Namaha Born of Shiva
102 Om Indrajitprahitamoghabrahmastra Vinivarakaya Namaha Remover of Effect of Indrajita’s Brahmastra
103 Om Partha Dhvajagrasamvasine Namaha Having Foremost Place on Arjuna’s Flag
104 Om Sharapamjarabhedhakaya Namaha Destroyer of the Nest made of Arrows
105 Om Dashabahave Namaha Ten-Armed
106 Om Lokapujyaya Namaha Worshipped by the Universe
107 Om Jambavatpritivardhanaya Namaha Winning Jambavan’s Love
108 Om Sitasameta Shriramapada Sevadurandharaya Namaha Always Engrossed in Rama’s Service

Lord Hanuman's Physical Appearance

The Symbolic Meaning Behind Lord Hanuman's Monkey Form

Lord Hanuman's monkey form holds deep symbolic meaning in Hindu mythology. The monkey is often associated with playfulness, agility, and mischief. In the context of Lord Hanuman, his monkey form represents his ability to navigate through obstacles and challenges with ease.

It symbolizes his agility in serving Lord Rama and his unwavering devotion. The monkey form also signifies the idea that the divine can manifest in any form, regardless of societal norms or expectations.

In Hinduism, monkeys are considered sacred animals and are believed to possess supernatural powers. They are revered for their intelligence and resourcefulness.

Lord Hanuman's monkey form embodies these qualities and serves as a reminder of the limitless potential within each individual. It teaches us to embrace our unique characteristics and use them for the greater good.

Table: Symbolic Meanings of Lord Hanuman's Monkey Form

Symbol Meaning
Monkey Playfulness, agility, mischief
Devotion Unwavering loyalty, dedication
Divine Manifestation Ability to transcend societal norms
Intelligence Resourcefulness, problem-solving
Lord Hanuman's monkey form is a powerful symbol that teaches us important lessons about devotion, agility, and embracing our unique qualities.

The Divine Attributes of Lord Hanuman's Physical Features

Lord Hanuman's physical features are not just symbolic, but also possess divine attributes that reflect his extraordinary nature.

One of the most prominent divine attributes of Lord Hanuman is his immense strength. He is known for his ability to lift mountains and perform incredible feats of power. This strength is not just physical, but also represents his unwavering devotion and dedication.

Another divine attribute of Lord Hanuman is his ability to change size. He can shrink himself to the size of a tiny insect or expand to a gigantic form, depending on the situation. This ability showcases his versatility and adaptability.

In addition to these divine attributes, Lord Hanuman is also believed to possess other extraordinary qualities such as immortality and invincibility. These attributes make him a revered figure in Hindu mythology and a symbol of courage and protection.

Lord Hanuman's physical features are a testament to his divine nature and serve as a reminder of his extraordinary powers and abilities.

Lord Hanuman's Devotion to Lord Rama

The Unwavering Loyalty of Lord Hanuman

Lord Hanuman's unwavering loyalty to Lord Rama is one of his most notable qualities. He is considered to be the epitome of devotion and servitude. Lord Hanuman's devotion to Lord Rama was so strong that he would do anything to fulfill his master's wishes.

He never questioned or hesitated in carrying out any task assigned to him by Lord Rama. Lord Hanuman's loyalty was unwavering even in the face of adversity and challenges. He remained steadfast in his commitment to serve and protect Lord Rama throughout their journey.

The Role of Lord Hanuman in Lord Rama's Journey

Lord Hanuman played a crucial role in Lord Rama's journey to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana. His unwavering loyalty and devotion to Lord Rama were instrumental in the success of their mission.

One of the significant contributions of Lord Hanuman was his ability to fly. He used his extraordinary powers to search for Sita and eventually found her in Lanka. This act of bravery and determination showcases the divine attributes of Lord Hanuman's physical features.

In addition to his physical prowess, Lord Hanuman also possessed immense knowledge and wisdom. He guided Lord Rama and his army with his strategic insights, helping them overcome various obstacles on their path.

Lord Hanuman's role in Lord Rama's journey exemplifies the importance of loyalty, devotion, and selflessness in achieving success in life. His unwavering dedication to Lord Rama serves as an inspiration for devotees to remain steadfast in their own spiritual journeys.

Lord Hanuman's Powers and Abilities

Lord Hanuman's Superhuman Strength

Lord Hanuman is known for his superhuman strength, which is unparalleled in the Hindu mythology. His strength is often depicted in various stories and scriptures, where he effortlessly lifts mountains, uproots trees, and defeats powerful demons.

One of the most famous instances of his strength is when he carried an entire mountain on his shoulder in order to bring the life-saving herb for Lord Rama's brother, Lakshmana.

In Hindu mythology, Lord Hanuman's strength symbolizes his unwavering devotion and dedication to Lord Rama. It represents his ability to overcome any obstacle and protect his devotees. His strength is not just physical, but also spiritual and emotional, making him a symbol of courage and resilience.

Table: Instances of Lord Hanuman's Superhuman Strength

Instance Description
Carrying the mountain Lord Hanuman carried the entire mountain to obtain the life-saving herb for Lakshmana.
Defeating demons Lord Hanuman defeated powerful demons like Mahiravana and Surasa with his strength.
Uprooting trees Lord Hanuman uprooted trees effortlessly during his adventures.
Lord Hanuman's superhuman strength serves as an inspiration for his devotees to face challenges with determination and faith. It reminds us that with devotion and belief, we can overcome any obstacle in our path.

Lord Hanuman's Ability to Change Size

Lord Hanuman possesses the extraordinary ability to change his size at will. This power allows him to either shrink himself to the size of an ant or grow to a gigantic form that can touch the skies.

The ability to change size is a testament to Lord Hanuman's divine nature and his mastery over his physical form.

This power is not only a physical attribute but also holds symbolic significance. It represents Lord Hanuman's adaptability and versatility in overcoming obstacles. Just as he can change his size to fit any situation, he can also adapt his approach and strategy to overcome challenges in his path.

Size-changing is one of the many remarkable powers that Lord Hanuman possesses, making him an awe-inspiring figure in Hindu mythology.

Lord Hanuman's Role in Hindu Worship

The Importance of Lord Hanuman in Hindu Rituals

Lord Hanuman holds great significance in Hindu rituals and is worshipped by millions of devotees. His presence is believed to bring protection, strength, and courage to those who seek his blessings.

Devotees often perform special prayers and rituals dedicated to Lord Hanuman to seek his divine intervention in their lives. His name is chanted during important ceremonies and festivals, and his image is prominently displayed in temples and homes.

Lord Hanuman's devotion and loyalty to Lord Rama make him a revered figure in Hindu mythology, and his worship is an integral part of the Hindu religious tradition.

  • Lord Hanuman is considered the epitome of devotion and is believed to grant the wishes of his devotees.
  • His worship is believed to remove obstacles and bring success and prosperity.
  • Lord Hanuman is also worshipped for his protective powers and is believed to ward off evil spirits and negative energies.

In Hindu rituals, Lord Hanuman is often invoked before the commencement of any important task or journey. His blessings are sought for strength, courage, and success. Devotees offer prayers, flowers, and sweets to Lord Hanuman, expressing their gratitude and seeking his divine grace.

The Hanuman Chalisa, a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, is recited by millions of devotees daily as a way to seek his blessings and protection. Lord Hanuman's presence in Hindu rituals is a testament to his revered status and the belief in his divine powers.

The Popular Hanuman Chalisa Prayer

The Hanuman Chalisa is a popular devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman. It consists of forty verses that describe the qualities, exploits, and miracles of Lord Hanuman.

The Chalisa is widely recited by devotees as a way to seek blessings, protection, and strength from Lord Hanuman.

The Hanuman Chalisa is believed to have been composed by the saint Tulsidas in the 16th century. It is written in Awadhi language, a dialect of Hindi, and is considered one of the most powerful prayers in Hinduism.

The Chalisa is chanted or sung by devotees in temples, homes, and during religious ceremonies. It is believed that reciting the Hanuman Chalisa with devotion and sincerity can bring about positive changes in one's life and help overcome obstacles and challenges.

The Hanuman Chalisa is a revered prayer that holds deep significance in the hearts of millions of devotees around the world.


In this article, we have explored 108 different names of Lord Hanuman. Each name carries a unique significance and represents a different aspect of Lord Hanuman's personality and divine qualities.

These names are widely revered and chanted by devotees to seek blessings and protection. By understanding and reciting these names, we can deepen our connection with Lord Hanuman and experience his divine presence in our lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Lord Hanuman?

Lord Hanuman is a Hindu deity known for his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama.

What is the significance of Lord Hanuman in Hindu mythology?

Lord Hanuman is considered to be a symbol of strength, devotion, and loyalty in Hindu mythology.

Why is Lord Hanuman depicted as a monkey?

The monkey form of Lord Hanuman symbolizes humility, agility, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

What are some of Lord Hanuman's divine attributes?

Lord Hanuman is believed to possess superhuman strength, the ability to change his size, and other extraordinary powers.

What is the role of Lord Hanuman in Lord Rama's journey?

Lord Hanuman played a crucial role in Lord Rama's journey by assisting him in his quest to rescue his wife, Sita.

What is the Hanuman Chalisa prayer?

The Hanuman Chalisa is a popular devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, praising his virtues and seeking his blessings.

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